
The God in the night

The heart is surging, the imagination is infinite, the waves are swaying against the wind, the youth is undefeated and passionate! Wealth, beauty, reputation, status, people who pursue all these are short-sighted. Back on earth, there was no choice, as everyone was going to die eventually, thus they can only pursue these or life would be meaningless. But in this world, where primeval essence is rich, why would we not pursue immortality given the possibility? For the sake of immortality, wealth, beauty, reputation, status, I can make use of all of them, and I can also discard them as easily! for immortality, fear cannot stop me, I will charge forward relentlessly! for immortality, laziness will not stop me, I will never slack even for a moment! for immortality, pain cannot stop me, gods and demons cannot stop me, even heaven and earth cannot stop me!

Smirked_0411 · Fantasi
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75 Chs

Chapter 42

Yang Haoran's voice was not loud, but it was clearly heard by everyone present, as if it had some kind of magical power, it sounded in their minds.

  It stands to reason that these women are chattering and arguing here non-stop, and when he speaks with such a calm face and a smile on his face, his voice is not only not loud, but rather low, it is absolutely impossible to clearly send every word to everyone's ears , especially the women at the rear, they are even less likely to hear it.

  However, the facts are before our eyes, Yang Haoran really sent every word to everyone's ears clearly.

  The reason why Yang Haoran was able to do this was not a coincidence, but because he secretly used a little Yin Lingli when he was speaking, and it was precisely because of this that he could clearly convey every word to everyone present. in the ears.

  This method was taught by Master Jiang. Although it was the first time he used it, he was very satisfied with the effect.

  This is definitely an incredible thing in the eyes of ordinary people, but now, none of the women present noticed this problem, and they were all shocked by the meaning of Yang Haoran's words.

  Indeed, Guan Hai was on an IV at this time, his complexion was very bad, and he seemed to have lost half of his life. If he continued to make noise here, it would only be harmful to Guan Hai's condition, and it would not be beneficial at all.

  Among the women present, some were smart, but there were also guys with big breasts and no brains. The smart people understood the meaning of Yang Haoran's words, and the guys with big breasts and no brains thought that Yang Haoran was threatening them.

  "What are you talking about?"

  "Yes! What do you want to do to Guan Hai?"

  "Call the police! Believe it or not, I will call the police immediately!"

  There was a short period of silence, followed by more serious noise than before, some even wanted to rush over to beat Yang Haoran in a bad temper.

  "What's the noise! ​​This is a hospital, not Di! Get out of here!"

  At this time, a female nurse appeared at the door of the ward. She was tall and thick, and she had a fierce face. She stopped at the door of the ward and blocked the door of the entire ward. The relatively spacious door was filled to the brim with her burly figure.

  The female nurse was holding a syringe in her hand. Seeing that everyone was stunned, she roared again: "Didn't you hear that? Believe it or not, I'll give you a needle!"

  As she said that, the female nurse raised the syringe in her hand, as if she was about to stab them.

  The women suddenly came back to their senses, looked at Guan Hai lying on the bed, and then walked towards the door of the ward one after another.

  Seeing this, the female nurse made an opening and let these women leave, but her eyes, the size of copper bells, stared at every woman who walked out of the room, her eyes were full of murderous intent, which frightened these women .

  What kind of female nurse is this, this sister is simply a female butcher, not to mention the women who left, even a big man like Yang Haoran was startled by the female nurse's ferocious appearance.

  Many people are like this, bullying the weak and fearing the strong, the woman who yelled at Yang Haoran harder before, now runs the fastest.

  The reason why they dared to yell at Yang Haoran was because they saw that Yang Haoran was bullying, so they dared to show their irritable side in front of Yang Haoran.

  However, the appearance of this female nurse gave them a new understanding of what it means to be irritable. Not only are they irritable, but they also look so irritable.

  "Why don't you two come out! Do you want me to invite you!" The female nurse looked at Yang Haoran and Xiaomo and roared angrily.

  "The two of us are family members of the patient, so..." Yang Haoran responded with a smile.

  "Really?" The female nurse yelled again.

  "Really! Of course it's true! She's been with the patient all the time! I've been running the formalities!" Yang Haoran pointed to Xiaomo first, and then pointed to himself, explaining to the female nurse.

  The female nurse frowned, and her eyes were full of doubts, but she seemed to be busy sleeping, so she yawned, then glared at Yang Haoran, and warned: "You better be honest, or the two of you You have to get out of here too!"

  Yang Haoran smiled and nodded, expressing his understanding, the female nurse snorted, then left with her bucket waist twisted.

  The women were kicked out of the ward, Yang Haoran and Xiao Mo were naturally happy in their hearts, but the other two patients in the ward were not so comfortable, looking at the door of the ward, they were full of regret.

  "How did they know that Guan Hai fainted and came here?" Yang Haoran asked Xiaomo.

  "Brother Guan Hai fainted in the bar. There were quite a few people in the bar at the time, so it must have been passed on from their mouths." Xiao Mo said, with a helpless look on his face.

  "Their news is really well-informed." Yang Haoran was speechless, then his eyes fell on Guan Hai, and said: "I know this kid is very powerful, but I didn't expect him to be so powerful."

  "What you see is just the tip of the iceberg. I guess this ward will be more lively during the day tomorrow." Xiaomo shook her head and said.

  Hearing this, Yang Haoran shook his head helplessly, and then asked Xiaomo: "By the way, what happened to him, why did he suddenly faint in the bar."

  "I'm not too sure. Anyway, Guan Hai's condition has not been very good recently. He is listless all day long, and he looks like he hasn't woken up. Look at the dark circles under his eyes, as if he hasn't slept for many days." Xiaomo pointed to Guan Hai on the hospital bed, and said.

  In fact, Xiao Mo didn't say anything, Yang Haoran also discovered this point, it was really like what Xiao Mo said, it seemed like he hadn't slept well for many days.

  "The doctor said that he must be overworked, and he drank too much alcohol, which made him very weak. Since there are still many test results yet to come out, it is difficult to draw a conclusion." Xiaomo continued.

  Hearing this, Yang Haoran nodded, then shifted his gaze from Guan Hai to Xiao Mo, and said, "It's already very late, you go back to rest first, and leave this place to me."

  Regarding Yang Haoran's proposal, Xiao Mo shook his head and said no, he tried a few more words of persuasion, but it still had no effect, Xiao Mo still insisted on staying here, in the end he had no choice but to let Xiao Mo stay , but he has no intention of leaving.

  "Brother Yang, look at Brother Guan Hai first, I'm going to buy some daily necessities and come back, do you want to eat something, I'll bring it back for you." Xiaomo asked.

  "It's too dangerous to be a girl like you at night, let me go, you stay here and take care of Guan Hai."

  As Yang Haoran said, he was about to turn around and leave. Xiao Mo wanted to say something, but he stopped him with a wave of his hand. He was really worried about making Xiao Mo a girl to do these things at night.

  Before leaving, Yang Haoran glanced at Guan Hai on the bed again, this glance suddenly made him feel familiar.

  This familiar feeling does not refer to Guan Hai, but refers to Guan Hai's current state.

  Guan Hai's current appearance gave him a feeling of deja vu. He frowned and thought for a while, and suddenly remembered where this familiar feeling came from!

  He thought of someone, Jiang Zhenzhen!

  When Jiang Zhenzhen found him, Guan Hai was in this state.

  "What's the matter, Brother Yang?" Seeing that Yang Haoran's expression was a little off, Xiao Mo hurriedly asked.

  Yang Haoran came back to his senses, and said to Xiaomo: "It's okay, oh yes, you go get a pot of boiling water first, Guan Hai may need it when he wakes up."

  "That's right, I should have prepared it a long time ago. I was disturbed by those women just now, but I forgot about it. Brother Yang, wait for me first. I'll be back when I go." After finishing speaking , Xiao Mo left the ward.

  Seeing Xiao Mo leave, Yang Haoran's expression became serious again, he closed the curtain of Guan Hai's bed, and then locked his eyes on Guan Hai again.

  "This kid, he must be haunted by ghosts!"

  Thinking of this in his heart, Yang Haoran activated the yin energy in his body, and then gathered towards his eyes.

  "Ghost eyes, open!"

  With a low shout in his heart, Yang Haoran's eyes suddenly became as black as black gemstones, and black smoke rose up, it was very strange and terrifying!

  After opening the ghost eyes, Guan Hai was still Guan Hai in Yang Haoran's sight, but there was a faint layer of black air permeating Guan Hai's body, and his whole body seemed to be shrouded in a layer of black smoke.

  "I'm going, I'm full of yin, it seems that my business is really going to be done by my brother!"