
The God in the night

The heart is surging, the imagination is infinite, the waves are swaying against the wind, the youth is undefeated and passionate! Wealth, beauty, reputation, status, people who pursue all these are short-sighted. Back on earth, there was no choice, as everyone was going to die eventually, thus they can only pursue these or life would be meaningless. But in this world, where primeval essence is rich, why would we not pursue immortality given the possibility? For the sake of immortality, wealth, beauty, reputation, status, I can make use of all of them, and I can also discard them as easily! for immortality, fear cannot stop me, I will charge forward relentlessly! for immortality, laziness will not stop me, I will never slack even for a moment! for immortality, pain cannot stop me, gods and demons cannot stop me, even heaven and earth cannot stop me!

Smirked_0411 · Fantasy
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75 Chs

Chapter 41: Girl Killer, Friend of Women

Yang Haoran hadn't contacted Guan Hai for a while. During this time, he was busy dealing with Jiang Zhenzhen's affairs and then his own affairs. He was so busy that he didn't have time to contact Guan Hai. t contacted him during this time either.

  Looking at the caller ID, Yang Haoran felt a little strange.

  Guan Hai would call him at night, he wasn't surprised at all, because Guan Hai would do the same thing at ordinary times, the reason why he felt strange was because why didn't Guan Hai contact him during this time?

  The two have never been in touch for such a long time since they got to know each other. Yang Haoran didn't contact Guan Hai because of important matters.

  With doubts in his heart, Yang Haoran connected the phone.

  "Hey, your kid has been..."

  When the phone was connected, Yang Haoran immediately opened his mouth to prepare to scold Guan Hai. The two of them have always been like this. If you are wrong, you will usually let the other party vent your anger.

  This time, Yang Haoran naturally felt that he had a good reason, so he didn't care whether Guan Hai had a good reason or not, and let's talk about it first, after eating his mouth, neither of them would care about this point anyway.

  However, before he finished speaking, he was directly interrupted by the other party. Listening to the voice, the other party's tone was full of anxiety, which made him shut up.

  "Brother Yang, come to the hospital quickly, Brother Guan Hai suddenly fainted, we are already on our way to send him to the hospital!"

  The voice that rang on the other end of the phone was not Guan Hai himself, but a woman's voice. The voice was nice but extremely anxious.

  Although I didn't see him in person, Yang Haoran was quite familiar with this sweet voice. It was the manager of Guan Hai Bar. Because Yang Haoran and Guan Hai had a very good relationship, the two often drank together in the bar. As time passed, they naturally got along with this The store manager is also familiar with it.

  "Xiaomo is you! What happened to Guan Hai?" Yang Haoran asked quickly.

  At this moment, he didn't have the heart to scold Guan Hai, and even if he scolded Guan Hai, Guan Hai couldn't hear him, Xiao Mo on the phone had already made it very clear, and Guan Hai fainted.

  "I couldn't tell for a while on the phone, Brother Yang, are you free now, can you come to the hospital?" The anxious voice on the other end of the phone came again.

  "I'll be right over, which hospital is it?" Yang Haoran asked quickly.

  Xiaomo hurriedly told Yang Haoran about the hospital they were going to. The latter hung up the phone without the slightest hesitation, and was about to rush out of the grocery store with his yellow satchel. Also put it in the satchel.

  After leaving the grocery store, Yang Haoran was waiting for a taxi on the street. Although he was anxious, he couldn't help it. This is the tragedy of not having a private car.

  After a while, he managed to hail a taxi. After telling the driver which hospital to go to, the driver stepped on the accelerator, and the taxi drove quickly towards the destination under the moonlight.

  Anyone who rushes to the hospital at night can see that there must be something urgent, otherwise, the driver knows whoever rushes to the hospital at night, so without Yang Haoran's urging, he kindly speeds up on the basis of safe driving up some speed.

  The ambulance had already arrived at the hospital, Yang Haoran made a call to Guan Hai, Xiao Mo answered the call, and after learning their exact location, he hurried over immediately.

  After seeing Xiao Mo, Yang Haoran also saw Guan Hai who was in a coma. Guan Hai's complexion was very bad, and the doctor was examining him. Yang Haoran wanted to ask Xiao Mo what was going on, but because he had to run away With all kinds of troublesome procedures, he had to temporarily put down his doubts.

  Xiaomo was in charge of looking after Guan Hai, while Yang Haoran was in charge of running various procedures. Fortunately, he came out with a wallet this time, otherwise, it's hard to say what the outcome would be.

  I have to say that the hospital has nothing to do with business. It's past twelve o'clock at night. The hospital is not overcrowded, but you can still see sparse family members of patients running around in a hurry.

  After tossing and tossing for an hour, Yang Haoran finally completed all the formalities, and at this time Guan Hai had already been sent to the ward.

  Fortunately, it was late at night. If it was during the day, it would be a dream for Yang Haoran to complete these procedures in an hour.

  Back in the ward where Guan Hai was, Yang Haoran was shocked by the scene in the ward.

  The ward was full of people, and all of them were women, and they were all beautiful women. The eyes of the other two patients in the ward were wide-eyed, and one young man even stared straight at his eyes.

  Standing at the door of the ward, Yang Haoran was also taken aback by the scene in front of him. Before he stepped into the ward, all kinds of perfume smelled his nose. So many perfume smells mixed together, giving people a strange feeling. a feeling of.

  Yang Haoran originally thought that he had gone to the wrong ward, but when he found a few familiar faces among these women, he was sure that he was not in the wrong ward.

  These familiar faces are either Guan Hai's former girlfriend, or Guan Hai's so-called girlfriends. These women will suddenly appear here, and it's still at this time. Don't even think about it. from Guanhai.

  "Let's go, please let me go." Yang Haoran squeezed into the ward, and said while gently pushing the beautiful woman in front of him away with his hands.

  Someone wanted to squeeze in by force, which immediately made these beauties in the back unhappy. They were already squeezed in and felt very upset, but now there are still people who want to squeeze in through them. Of course they are not happy. He even got angry and reprimanded to vent the anger in his heart.

  "Why do stinky men squeeze, don't take advantage of my mother!"

  "Oh! Don't squeeze me! Who! It's so annoying!"

  "Whoever steps on the horse will squeeze again! Don't blame me for being rude!"

  Some of these women are arrogant, some are timid, and some are grumpy. Although their personalities are different, they all target Yang Haoran who wants to squeeze in.

  Yang Haoran didn't pay any attention to the angry reprimands of these women, and he quickly squeezed in under their fire-breathing eyes.

  "Brother Yang, you're here."

  "Brother Yang, what happened to Brother Guan Hai?"

  Some of the women surrounded by Yang Haoran showed disdain when they saw Yang Haoran squeezed in. They knew Yang Haoran, but they seemed to look down on Yang Haoran at all. However, there were still two beauties who greeted Yang Haoran with a more polite attitude.

  Yang Haoran naturally didn't bother to care about the people he disdained. For those two people who called him Brother Yang, he shook his head at them with a serious face, expressing that he didn't know the situation for the time being.

  Xiao Mo was squeezed into a corner of the bed by these women, facing so many women, she couldn't stand alone, seeing Yang Haoran appearing, she immediately showed a look of asking for help.

  Yang Haoran saw it, nodded slightly to Xiaomo, and then glanced at the beauties present, good guy, there are at least a dozen of them.

  One must know that it is almost two o'clock in the morning, and these women would appear here, which made him sigh that Guan Hai really didn't have a womanhood.

  "Everyone, it's almost two o'clock now, you should go back to rest first, if you gather here, it will affect other patients." Yang Haoran smiled and said to the anxious beauties in front of him.

  "Who are you! Why do you let us go!"

  "That's right! Why do you let us go! Besides, who will we be arguing with if we stay here!"

  "Hmph! It's his honor to be quarreled with by me, but not everyone is so lucky. If it wasn't for Brother Guan Hai's accident, who would want to come to this place!"

  The women were chattering, and some were agitated, as if they were extremely dissatisfied with Yang Haoran's statement.

  "Brother, don't think about my feelings. These young ladies are not noisy at all. Their voices are very pleasant, which actually helps me sleep."

  In the hospital bed next door, a young man hurriedly spoke to Yang Haoran, for fear that Yang Haoran would drive these beauties away. Yang Haoran found that when this person looked at these beauties present, his eyes were shining, as if a dog saw Xiang It's the same, I can't wait to rush to gobble it up immediately.

  "That's right, young man, don't worry about it. Not only do the voices of these ladies help us sleep, but they also smell very good. I think this fragrance should help my condition."

  Lying on the other hospital bed was an old man in his sixties. His complexion was sallow and his speech was weak. Looking at the beauties in the ward on the hospital bed, his face was full of excitement, talking nonsense, his eyes were burning like two little suns.

  The old man's reaction, if the hardware couldn't keep up, Yang Haoran had no doubt that he would turn into a wild beast at this moment, and then rush into the beauty's nest in front of him.

  Seeing the reaction of these two patients, the smile on Yang Haoran's face froze, and the women present became even more excited, chattering non-stop.

  "None of them have any objections. What are you doing here? Get out of the way quickly. I want to see what's wrong with Brother Guan Hai!"

  "Let me come. Hearing my voice, Brother Guan Hai will definitely wake up, because my voice is full of the power of love."

  "Fuck you, you little bastard, go as far as you can, don't come here to harm my brother Guan Hai, if this vixen plays too much, he will turn into a beast himself, I don't want our brother Guan Hai to leave Wherever you go, you will be full of coquettish smell!"

  "Damn motherfucker! Who are you scolding!"

  The scene was a little out of control for a while, Yang Haoran saw it and sighed in his heart, he really didn't understand what these women were thinking all day long, he didn't know if it was because they watched too many TV dramas or what happened, anyway, it gave him the feeling It's just abnormal, or a little brain-dead.

  "If you want him to die, keep arguing here."

  Yang Haoran still had a smile on his face, but when his voice reached the ears of everyone present, it made them feel a chill.

  This inexplicable chill seemed to come from the depths of the soul.