
The God in the night

The heart is surging, the imagination is infinite, the waves are swaying against the wind, the youth is undefeated and passionate! Wealth, beauty, reputation, status, people who pursue all these are short-sighted. Back on earth, there was no choice, as everyone was going to die eventually, thus they can only pursue these or life would be meaningless. But in this world, where primeval essence is rich, why would we not pursue immortality given the possibility? For the sake of immortality, wealth, beauty, reputation, status, I can make use of all of them, and I can also discard them as easily! for immortality, fear cannot stop me, I will charge forward relentlessly! for immortality, laziness will not stop me, I will never slack even for a moment! for immortality, pain cannot stop me, gods and demons cannot stop me, even heaven and earth cannot stop me!

Smirked_0411 · Fantasy
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75 Chs

Chapter 43 Self-blame, Disappointment

Today's Yang Haoran is no longer the Xiaobai of the past. Although he has only become a night watchman for a short time, he has successfully stepped into another world and learned something.

  Seeing that Guan Hai was haunted by sinister energy, he first frowned with a serious expression, as if he was thinking about something, but then he relaxed his brows, as if he understood something.

  "With such a heavy yin qi, it's no wonder I fainted, but there is nothing serious about it, it's just yin qi entanglement, and I can recover after a period of cultivation."

  Through ghost eyes, Yang Haoran carefully observed Guan Hai's situation. Apart from seeing a layer of Yin Qi covering Guan Hai's body, he did not find any other abnormalities in Guan Hai's body, so he concluded that the reason why Guan Hai suddenly The reason why he fainted was because of the yin energy that enveloped his body.

  As for whether Guan Hai's fainting was caused by other diseases, Yang Haoran had thought about it, but he thought it was unlikely. If he hadn't seen the yin energy covering Guan Hai's body, he might have guessed like this, But after seeing This layer of Yin Qi, he still believed that Guan Hai's fainting was related to Yin Qi.

  However, at this moment, he was still a little strange, how could Guan Hai be infected with such yin energy?

  As soon as he thought of this in his heart, Xiao Mo came back. Hearing Xiao Mo's doubtful voice, Yang Haoran quickly turned away his ghost eyes, and his eyes returned to normal.

  "Huh? Why is the curtain closed?" Xiao Mo asked in confusion, while looking at Yang Haoran who was beside the bed.

  Yang Haoran had his back to her just now, so she didn't notice the weirdness in Yang Haoran's eyes. If she saw it, she would definitely scream in fright, and the reaction might be even stronger.

  Hearing this, Yang Haoran turned around, said with a smile on his face, "This will help him rest, you look after him, I'll be back after I go out to buy some things."

  After the words fell, Yang Haoran left the ward. If he wanted to buy something at this time, he could only go to a 24-hour convenience store. Although it was a bit troublesome, he still had to do it even if it was troublesome.

  When Yang Haoran returned to the hospital, he was carrying a lot of things in large and small bags, all of which were simple daily necessities, which Guan Hai could use during his recuperation in the hospital. Waited until dawn to buy.

  Handing over the things to Xiaomo, Yang Haoran went to the smoking area. He had been busy all night and forgot to take a bite. Now that he was free, he suddenly felt that something was missing. After thinking about it, he remembered that he hadn't come for several hours. There is one.

  In the smoking area, Yang Haoran was meditating on things while swallowing his clouds.

  In his opinion, Guan Hai itself is not a big problem. He just needs to rest for a while, and the Yin Qi on his body will dissipate. When the Yin Qi completely dissipates, he should be able to return to normal. What he cared about was where Guan Hai got his dark energy from.

  Yang Haoran actually had some guesses in his heart, but he was still not sure, so he didn't dare to draw conclusions.

  If he wants to know the reason, he will have to wait until Guan Hai wakes up to find out, and then he will know what happened to him during this period of time.

  "I don't know if the yin energy in my body can dispel the yin energy in him, but Xiaomo has been guarding him every step of the way, and I don't even have a chance to try."

  Yang Haoran thought of this in his heart, and then flicked the cigarette ash. He wanted to ask Master Jiang, but it was too late now, and he didn't intend to disturb Master Jiang's rest at this time. Finally, he decided to wait for the sky to brighten before giving Jiang The master made a phone call.

  After making a decision in his heart, Yang Haoran temporarily put aside the matter of Guan Hai and remembered another matter.

  The hospital that Guan Hai is currently seeing is exactly the hospital where Jiang Zhenzhen is being treated, but when he just came out, he secretly went to see Jiang Zhenzhen's ward, and found that Jiang Zhenzhen's bed had already been replaced.

  Jiang Zhenzhen was discharged from the hospital. I don't know when she was discharged from the hospital.

  For this, Yang Haoran blamed himself a little, but was also a little disappointed.

  He blamed himself because he was busy with his own affairs during this time, except for visiting her once in the hospital that day, he never came to the hospital to see Jiang Zhenzhen again, and he didn't even make a phone call.

  He was disappointed because Jiang Zhenzhen didn't take the initiative to contact him during this period of time, not even a phone call.

  To be honest, Yang Haoran still has some thoughts about Jiang Zhenzhen in his heart. Jiang Zhenzhen has a very good personality and is very suitable for his mate selection criteria. If possible, he is naturally very happy to walk with Jiang Zhenzhen.

  As he has experienced many things, Yang Haoran's criteria for choosing a mate are no longer the same as when he was young, he only looked at the appearance and not the inside. Now he first looks at the other party's quality and personality, to see if it is suitable for him, whether it is the kind People who live a life, as for appearance, they are ranked last.

  Jiang Zhenzhen has not been in contact with him for a long time, but he feels very good to him. She is very gentle, not overbearing, thrifty, and filial. He likes this character very much. As for whether this character is her real character, or for Once the two of them become lovers, they will naturally discover the personality decorated by integrating into this society.

  If Jiang Zhenzhen is not pretending, then in Yang Haoran's view, this girl is the other half he is looking for, and he believes that they will be happy together.

  Of course, this is just his wishful thinking. Even if he thinks that the other party is very suitable for him, it is only his one-sided idea. It is hard to say whether people have such thoughts about him.

  Originally, in his opinion, he should still have some chances. After all, he didn't say that he saved Jiang Zhenzhen's life, but at least he helped her. As long as Jiang Zhenzhen doesn't have a boyfriend, it's not impossible to fall in love with him. He just needs to run hard Some, especially if he stays by the other side during the hospitalization, then he will have more hope if he is close to the water.

  However, it is a pity that when he finished his work and got out, he realized that it was too late, and the other party had already been discharged from the hospital.

  The age of 30 is still very young in the eyes of many people, but in Yang Haoran's view, he is already old, perhaps because he has experienced too much, so his mentality has already exceeded the range that he should have at this age.

  In fact, no matter whether a man or a woman, there will be times when the heart is tired. When the woman is tired, she wants to find a man to rely on. It's better than a woman's ability to bear it.

  "Hey!" Yang Haoran sighed, took out a cigarette from his satchel, lit another one, under the curling green smoke, he looked a little lonely and melancholy.

  "Two opportunities, I seized one and missed the other. I became a night watchman and possessed abilities that ordinary people don't have, but I also passed a relationship because of this. Perhaps, it really makes sense for me to be single ."

  Although he hasn't confessed yet, judging from the current situation, he has no hope for the time being. The fact that Jiang Zhenzhen hasn't contacted him for so many days is a good proof.

  However, Yang Haoran showed indifference to some things, but he was very stubborn about some things, so he didn't want to give up because of this. On the contrary, he was still going to give it a try, and took the initiative to call Jiang Zhenzhen after dawn.

  Thinking this way in his heart, a cigarette had burned to the end again, Yang Haoran put out the cigarette butt, turned around and prepared to go back to check on Guan Hai's situation, but just after taking two steps, his body paused, and then his eyes turned in one direction looked over.

  From the moment he stepped into this hospital, Yang Haoran felt the presence of yin energy. At first he didn't care. It's normal for the hospital to have yin energy. Life ends here.

  Here, people die every day, some die, some die unwillingly, and some die full of resentment. These negative emotions will make the hospital even more negative, so the hospital This kind of place is shrouded in a layer of yin all year round, which is why many people feel uncomfortable when they enter the hospital, even if they enter the hospital on a hot day, they will feel cold.

  Originally, there was nothing strange about this, and Yang Haoran would not have cared about it, but at this moment, he felt an extremely strong yin energy in one place, far exceeding other areas of the hospital.

  "Such a heavy Yin Qi, could it be the hospital's morgue?" Yang Haoran had such a guess in his heart.

  Thinking of this, he hesitated for a moment, gave up going back to the ward immediately, but walked towards this place full of yin.