
The God in the night

The heart is surging, the imagination is infinite, the waves are swaying against the wind, the youth is undefeated and passionate! Wealth, beauty, reputation, status, people who pursue all these are short-sighted. Back on earth, there was no choice, as everyone was going to die eventually, thus they can only pursue these or life would be meaningless. But in this world, where primeval essence is rich, why would we not pursue immortality given the possibility? For the sake of immortality, wealth, beauty, reputation, status, I can make use of all of them, and I can also discard them as easily! for immortality, fear cannot stop me, I will charge forward relentlessly! for immortality, laziness will not stop me, I will never slack even for a moment! for immortality, pain cannot stop me, gods and demons cannot stop me, even heaven and earth cannot stop me!

Smirked_0411 · Fantasi
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75 Chs

Chapter 31 Stubbornness

Master Jiang is a capable person. Yang Haoran was not sure about this before, but after seeing the death pendant he opened, he thought that Master Jiang should really be a master, which is fundamentally different from his magic stick.

  But now, when Master Jiang took out the transparent bead and saw the scene inside the bead, while he was shocked in his heart, he was even more sure that Master Jiang was a capable expert!

  Those hair-sized black threads sometimes changed into human shapes, and sometimes into terrifying grimaces. Although he had only seen it once before, it left an extremely deep impression on him.

  He would not admit that this bead was wrong, it was the young man with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks who used it to collect the treasures of the carrion old woman, and this Master Jiang in front of him also had such a bead, wouldn't 't this explain the problem?

  This Master Jiang is very likely to be in the same system as the young man with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks!

  Faced with Master Jiang's question, Yang Haoran calmed down his excitement, then nodded heavily at Master Jiang, and said: "That's right, the beads in the young man's hands at that time were beads like yours."

  Yang Haoran did not deny it, and gave a very affirmative answer to Master Jiang. He came here tonight because of this matter, so how could he lie because of the shock in his heart? Besides, he did not lie at all on this point reason.

  Master Jiang nodded, and then asked, "You said I know that young man, but what do you want him for?"

  After the shock, all that remained in Yang Haoran's heart was excitement and fanaticism. He was only holding the attitude of giving it a try, because the magic of the death pendant made him feel that Master Jiang was an expert, and he might know who that sharp-mouthed monkey-cheeked young man was. , so it was late at night before rushing over.

  What surprised him was that Master Jiang really knew young people, and he found the right person by mistake, which made him not excited.

  However, Yang Haoran is still thirty years old, not to mention how many storms he has experienced, but he has indeed experienced many things, so he quickly adjusted his emotions and sat back on the stool.

  "Master Jiang, in fact, I also want to have his ability, but I don't know if he will accept apprentices or not?" Yang Haoran smiled. He didn't beat around the bush, and directly expressed his inner thoughts to Master Jiang.

  In fact, he also wanted to be more reserved, but in this case, he was worried that talking too much nonsense would be self-defeating, so he simply revealed his true inner thoughts, first to see how Master Jiang reacted, and then to see the tricks. .

  Upon hearing Yang Haoran's words, Master Jiang's face was stunned for a moment, then he showed a strange expression, and asked, "You want to worship him as your teacher? You're not kidding me, are you?"

  Yang Haoran naturally also saw the weirdness on Master Jiang's face, he was a little puzzled, but he nodded heavily, and said: "How could I possibly be joking with you, Master, I am very serious."

  Hearing this, Master Jiang shook his head, and said with a faint smile, "I don't know if he has any idea of ​​taking an apprentice, but since you bumped into him, but he didn't show the slightest interest in you, in my opinion, even He has the idea of ​​taking apprentices, so I'm afraid it won't fall on your head."

  Master Jiang's words were also straightforward, and the smile on Yang Haoran's face became forced.

  He knew that Master Jiang was right, and he had also thought about this before coming here, but he would not give up just because of Master Jiang's words, if he really gave up so easily, he would not be in a hurry at night come here.

  With a far-fetched smile on his face, Yang Haoran continued to speak to Master Jiang: "Master obviously knows that person well, I wonder if I can trouble you..."

  Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Master Jiang directly extending his hand.

  "I do know that person, but he will not change his view of you because of me. Besides, I have never seen him accept any disciples for so many years. That person is a big shot, the real big shot is you I can only look up to the existence, you want to be his disciple, I still want to, but this also requires others to be willing."

  Seeing what Master Jiang said so affirmatively, Yang Haoran seemed to be poured with a basin of ice water, half of the fire in his heart was extinguished by this basin of ice water. From what Master Jiang said, he could hear something. Or identity, that is far above this Master Jiang in front of him!

  Yang Haoran is a relatively stubborn person. Once he wants to do something and get something, he will always strive and work hard towards this goal, no matter how much time and energy he spends, or even suffers. No matter how many grievances, he will not stop until he achieves his goal.

  At this time, Master Jiang's words did disappoint him to a certain extent, but he did not despair, but he did not open his mouth to mention the youth.

  Master Jiang's words have been made very clear, if he continues to stalk this issue, it will only make people feel disgusted.

  If Master Jiang had a deep friendship with him, he might stalk him to make him think of a way, but his relationship with Master Jiang has not yet reached that point. Maybe it will leave a bad impression in Master Jiang's heart, and the gain outweighs the loss.

  Since he can't start from the youth, he has to start from other aspects if he wants to achieve his goal. What he wants is to get a different power. Secondly, it is also possible, and this Master Jiang in front of him has become his new breakthrough.

  Master Jiang is obviously also a capable person. As he said, he is not comparable to young people, but in Yang Haoran's eyes, he is also a real master. If you can worship under him, although the starting point is lower, you will always It's better than someone who doesn't even have a starting point.

  Moreover, a low starting point does not mean that there will be no achievements in the future, and a high starting point does not mean that future achievements will be high.

  Thinking of this, Yang Haoran had a glimmer of hope in his heart, and said to Master Jiang with a smile: "Master, I really want to integrate into your circle, and I really want to learn some skills, I wonder if you want to... ..."

  Yang Haoran originally wanted to say, I don't know if you have any plans to accept disciples, but Master Jiang interrupted him before he finished speaking.

  "My ability is limited, accepting apprentices will only delay my own apprentices." Master Jiang refused decisively. As for whether he is really limited in ability or unwilling to accept Yang Haoran as an apprentice, only he himself knows.

  Yang Haoran only had a glimmer of hope in his heart, because Master Jiang's words were extinguished again. It is impossible to say that he was not disappointed in his heart. At this time, he was not only disappointed, but extremely disappointed. Definitely the worst possible outcome.

  At this point, Yang Haoran naturally would not continue this topic, he concealed his inner disappointment very well, and chatted with this Master Jiang in front of him about other things.

  It has to be said that Yang Haoran is very good at chatting, and the awkward atmosphere that was originally there disappeared unknowingly during the chat between him and Master Jiang. It felt like the two of them stopped chatting and left the cabin until the bell to worship the god of death rang at midnight.

  Although he had worshiped the God of Death once at home before, Yang Haoran followed Master Jiang and worshiped the God of Death again in the Temple of Death, and then he left the Temple of Death.

  The next day, Yang Haoran got up early as usual, then washed, worshiped the god of death, exercised, and cooked.

  After breakfast, instead of guarding the grocery store as usual, he closed the door of the grocery store and went to the market to buy a lot of fruits of various kinds. Then he hailed a taxi and rushed to Nanhu to die. temple.

  After stepping into the Death Temple, Yang Haoran didn't come out of the Death Temple until late at night. He looked a little tired, but there was a faint smile on his face. There seemed to be a trace of expectation in this smile.

  The next day, Yang Haoran appeared in the market again early in the morning just like yesterday, but this time he did not buy fruit, but bought a lot of daily necessities, and then took a taxi and rushed to the market. After leaving the Nanhu Temple of Death, when he walked out of the Temple of Death, it was also late at night.

  the third day...

  day four...

  For nine days in a row, rain or shine, Yang Haoran did the same thing repeatedly. The difference was that he purchased a large number of different things from the market every day. Without exception, he personally delivered all of these things to the God of Death in Nanhu. temple.

  Although he spent a lot of money, Yang Haoran did not see the usual stinginess at all, and he was afraid that he would not buy enough.

  Today is already the ninth day late at night, Yang Haoran was preparing to leave the Temple of Death as usual, his face was exhausted, obviously he was very tired today, but when he was about to leave the Temple of Death, he was called by a voice Living.

  "Xiao Yang, don't rush away, let's talk."

  Yang Haoran turned around, it was none other than Master Jiang who spoke.

  He had always thought that Master Jiang was just one of the priests of the Nanhu Temple of Death, but after nine days of contact, he knew that Master Jiang was not only the priest of this Temple of Death, but also the owner of this Temple of Death .

  Seeing Master Jiang suddenly calling him to stop, Yang Haoran's expression remained unchanged, but he was a little nervous in his heart. Apart from that, he still had some expectations.

  "Is the result coming soon?"

  Yang Haoran thought of this in his heart, and walked towards Master Jiang with a smile on his face.

  Everyone is a smart person. Others may not know why Yang Haoran did what he did these days, but it is impossible for Master Jiang not to know. At this time, Master Jiang stopped him and wanted to talk to him. It seems that, in all likelihood, the result will come out.

  He didn't expect this day to come so soon, but he was already mentally prepared, if the result satisfied him, then it would be great!

  But if the result is not satisfactory, of course he still has a backup. Since he has regarded Master Jiang as his ideal breakthrough point, he will not give up easily, no matter how big the setback is, he is ready to fight for a long time. Prepare for battle.