
The God in the night

The heart is surging, the imagination is infinite, the waves are swaying against the wind, the youth is undefeated and passionate! Wealth, beauty, reputation, status, people who pursue all these are short-sighted. Back on earth, there was no choice, as everyone was going to die eventually, thus they can only pursue these or life would be meaningless. But in this world, where primeval essence is rich, why would we not pursue immortality given the possibility? For the sake of immortality, wealth, beauty, reputation, status, I can make use of all of them, and I can also discard them as easily! for immortality, fear cannot stop me, I will charge forward relentlessly! for immortality, laziness will not stop me, I will never slack even for a moment! for immortality, pain cannot stop me, gods and demons cannot stop me, even heaven and earth cannot stop me!

Smirked_0411 · Fantasy
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75 Chs

Chapter 30 Is this kind of bead?

"Xiao Yang, you are so anxious to find me, what's the matter, it's just you and me, can you tell me?"

  With a smile on his face, Master Jiang took a sip of tea, and asked Yang Haoran, with a hint of curiosity in his eyes.

  Yang Haoran didn't touch the tea, he looked at Master Jiang, and asked first, "Master Jiang, do you believe there are ghosts in this world?"

  Hearing this, Master Jiang laughed and said, "Xiao Yang, I am a believer in Death God. Do you believe me or not?"

  Hearing Master Jiang's answer, Yang Haoran also felt that he was a bit idiotic in asking this question. If he asked this question to an ordinary person, there is nothing wrong with it. It would be a bit ridiculous to ask a believer, or a believer of the god of death.

  Although Master Jiang did not give a direct answer, the meaning of his answer was obvious and full of affirmation.

  "I saw a real ghost last night." Yang Haoran said immediately.

  Hearing Yang Haoran's words, Master Jiang put away the smile on his face, his expression became serious, and he asked, "Really, you didn't lie to me?"

  Yang Haoran nodded affirmatively, and said: "Of course I dare not lie to you, Master Jiang. Not only did I see it, but I was also very frightened."

  Master Jiang seemed to be aroused, and said, "Can you tell me in detail?"

  Yang Haoran came here at night just for this matter. Since Master Jiang was interested in coming, he naturally wished for it, and quickly described in detail what happened in Jiang Zhenzhen's rented house.

  However, Yang Haoran has also made some changes. He is not playing the role of a magic stick, but a friend of Jiang Zhenzhen. Except for some changes related to him, he has not made any changes in other aspects, especially It's the terrifying appearance of the carrion old woman, and the description is authentic.

  Yang Haoran spoke very carefully. He talked for a whole hour from the beginning to the end. During this hour, he didn't drink a sip of water. He didn't feel dry until he finished speaking. I poured it into my mouth.

  Master Jiang listened for an entire hour, and he didn't interrupt from the beginning to the end. Sometimes he frowned and sometimes drank tea, as if he was thinking about something. After Yang Haoran finished speaking, it took a while before Master Jiang withdrew from his thoughts.

  "Strange!" Master Jiang frowned, as if there was something bothering him, and he couldn't figure it out.

  "What's wrong, Master Jiang?" Yang Haoran asked puzzled.

  "According to what you just said, this carrion old woman only scares your friend in her dreams. In reality, your friend has never seen her. This means that this carrion old woman is probably just an ordinary undead." Jiang said the master.

  "Is the undead different from the undead we ordinary people know?" Yang Haoran asked.

  "Ordinary people can form undead after death, which is what we usually call ghosts. This kind of undead can see the living, but usually the living cannot see them in reality, and they cannot appear in front of the living. It is only possible to have contact with living people through dreams, or entrust the dream to the target, or scare the target in the dream, just like what happened to your friend." Master Jiang explained.

  Yang Haoran had never heard of such a statement, but he didn't seem to have much doubt about Master Jiang's words, he frowned, and said: "No, although the carrion old woman has no body, I can see her, not only It's me, and my friends can see it too, except that there is no entity, the whole person looks very real and scary."

  "This is the strange thing. It stands to reason that ordinary undead will not be seen by your naked eyes under normal circumstances. Either there is a problem with the environment in the rental house, or it is man-made."

  "Based on what you just said, I don't think the environment in the rental house is special. Otherwise, she wouldn't just scare your friend in a dream a few days ago. She must have appeared a long time ago. As for the artificial possibility Well..." Master Jiang pondered.

  Yang Haoran seemed to understand something, he answered: "Master Jiang, you mean that someone intentionally played tricks on it?"

  Master Jiang nodded, and then said: "It is not ruled out that there is a possibility. If the carrion old woman is not an ordinary undead, then she can scare people in her dreams, and she can do it if she wants to show up. Why the manipulator would do that, I don't know."

  Yang Haoran's expression was solemn, if it was true as what Master Jiang said, wouldn't it mean that someone was after Jiang Zhenzhen?

  Who is the one?

  Is it the young man with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks?

  No, it can't be him. From the reaction of the carrion old woman when she faced the young man at that time, it can be seen that the two of them didn't know each other at all, and the carrion old woman was extremely afraid of the youth. As a master of acting, Yang Haoran didn't The carrion old woman saw a little bit of her peers.

  If it wasn't a young man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, then who could it be? Could it be that Jiang Zhenzhen offended some expert?

  Just when Yang Haoran was puzzled, Master Jiang said again: "Aside from these two possibilities, there is another possibility."

  "What?" Yang Haoran asked quickly.

  "The carrion old woman may have been an ordinary undead at the beginning. She had no attack power and could only scare people through dreams. But she was able to show up later. It is very likely that she swallowed other undead and her spirit body has been improved. A clean undead, that's why she can reveal her spirit body in front of you." Master Jiang said.

  Hearing Master Jiang's words, Yang Haoran's expression froze suddenly, and he remembered a sentence that the young man said when he put the carrion old woman into the beads!

  "It should be like this, that's right. The young man said at the time that the carrion old woman will completely lose the qualification to be reincarnated because she devours other undead!" Yang Haoran said emotionally.

  "That's right. If she really devours other undead and has the ability to manifest a spirit body in front of you, there will be nothing strange." Master Jiang said.

  "By the way, who is that young man, Master Jiang, do you know?" Yang Haoran asked Master Jiang with a puzzled face.

  He had said so much and laid the groundwork for so much, but what he wanted to ask the most, what he wanted to know the most, was this young man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks.

  In fact, from the moment he entered the wooden house, Yang Haoran wanted to directly ask about the young man, to see if Master Jiang knew or heard of this relative, but it was a bit abrupt to do so, after all, the relationship between the two of them hadn't reached that point yet. , can only progress gradually, not too hastily.

  Speaking of youth, Master Jiang slowly put down the teacup he had just picked up, and his expression showed an unprecedented seriousness.

  Seeing this, Yang Haoran felt a little nervous, but there was nothing on his face. Judging from the reaction of Master Jiang in front of him, he should know who the young man is.

  At this time, Yang Haoran was very excited besides being nervous. He rushed to look for Master Jiang in the middle of the night. Originally, he only had the attitude of giving it a try and didn't hold much hope. How can this make him not excited.

  "Wait a minute, I'll show you something."

  Master Jiang didn't answer Yang Haoran's question immediately, but after leaving this sentence, he got up and took a square wooden box from the bedside.

  The wooden box is very ordinary, there is nothing special about it. If there is anything different about this wooden box, it is too new. A brand new wooden box is in stark contrast to the old tables and benches in front of you.

  Master Jiang's actions naturally made Yang Haoran more nervous, but he has always been able to hide his true emotions very well, so even if he was very nervous, he did not show it at all.

  Facing Master Jiang is different from facing ghosts. Master Jiang is a human being, and ghosts are an unknown existence to him, so they will bring him a strong sense of fear. You will still be scared out of your wits in front of you.

  If one day the existence of ghosts has become familiar to him, he will also be able to hide his emotions and anger.

  At this time, although Yang Haoran was nervous, the expression on his face was only curious. Under his "curious" gaze, Master Jiang opened the brand new wooden box with a snap.

  Even though Yang Haoran wasn't showing his emotions or anger, when he saw clearly what was inside the wooden box, his expression couldn't help but suddenly changed.

  Inside the box was a bead, a transparent bead, inside the bead there were several hair-sized black threads, they seemed to be alive and swimming inside the bead, like fish in water generally.

  It seemed that they sensed the opening of the wooden box, or perhaps sensed the light from the outside world. The black threads that had been swimming quietly suddenly became irritable. It's like opening the beads to escape, but no matter how they collide, they can't shake the beads at all.

  The black silk seemed to be irritated. They turned into terrifying grimaces inside the bead, and roared ferociously towards Yang Haoran and Master Jiang outside the bead. Although no sound could be heard, the sound seemed to penetrate the bead The defense, like directly ringing in the depths of a person's heart.


  Yang Haoran exclaimed, his face changed drastically, his body reflexively stepped back a few steps, and looked at Zhuzi full of horror.

  "Master Jiang...you you you you...how do you have this thing?" Yang Haoran was terrified and surprised, pointing to the beads on the table, his speech became stuttering.

  Master Jiang was not frightened by the scene inside the bead, he ignored the roar inside the bead, snapped the lid of the wooden box, and then asked Yang Haoran: "Is the bead in the young man's hand the same kind of bead?" ?"