
The God in the night

The heart is surging, the imagination is infinite, the waves are swaying against the wind, the youth is undefeated and passionate! Wealth, beauty, reputation, status, people who pursue all these are short-sighted. Back on earth, there was no choice, as everyone was going to die eventually, thus they can only pursue these or life would be meaningless. But in this world, where primeval essence is rich, why would we not pursue immortality given the possibility? For the sake of immortality, wealth, beauty, reputation, status, I can make use of all of them, and I can also discard them as easily! for immortality, fear cannot stop me, I will charge forward relentlessly! for immortality, laziness will not stop me, I will never slack even for a moment! for immortality, pain cannot stop me, gods and demons cannot stop me, even heaven and earth cannot stop me!

Smirked_0411 · Fantasy
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75 Chs

Chapter 32 Are you afraid of death?

It's still the same cabin, the same old Eight Immortals table, the same bar stool, the same position, the same teacup, the same bad tea, and the same two people.

  "Xiao Yang, you have worked hard during this time. You have donated various materials to our temple, and you have volunteered in our temple, helping to deal with trivial matters in the temple. As the temple owner of this death temple , I would like to express my gratitude to you on behalf of all Miao Zhu."

  After Master Jiang finished speaking, he stood up, slightly bent his upper body, and bowed his hands to Yang Haoran, with a sincere attitude and no falsehood.

  Seeing this, Yang Haoran immediately stood up and saluted.

  To be honest, seeing Master Jiang like this, Yang Haoran still felt a little ashamed. After all, he did all these things for a purpose. Although he didn't say it, others are not stupid. get something.

  It's just that he has no other way. If he doesn't do this, should he let nature take its course and go with the flow?

  That was too passive, and the final result was definitely not what he wanted. Although it was a bit shameful to do so, it was not a harmless thing. Although he was a little ashamed, he didn't have too much psychological burden.

  "Master Jiang, you are welcome. We are all believers in the God of Death. Although I am not a priest in this temple of the God of Death, as a believer, I should do something for my belief." Yang Haoran responded with a smile.

  Master Jiang smiled, stretched out his hand and made a gesture of please, and then sat back on the stool.

  After Master Jiang sat down, Yang Haoran sat down immediately.

  "Although you are not a priest in our temple, after the past nine days, the believers thought that there was another priest in our temple. If you didn't wear the robes in our temple, I am afraid that even other priests would think you are newcomer."

  With a smile on his face, Yang Haoran said: "There are not many temple blessings in the temple, I will do more, and I can also share some pressure for them."

  "Hehe, yes, your help has indeed relieved their stress a lot, but this is only temporary after all, and they will eventually return to their original state." Master Jiang said meaningfully after taking a sip of tea.

  Yang Haoran heard that there was something in Master Jiang's words, the smile on his face didn't diminish, but he didn't take up the conversation.

  Seeing this, Master Jiang gently put down his teacup, and continued to speak: "I know your purpose, but I still want to apologize to you. I really didn't consider the matter of accepting disciples."

  Yang Haoran naturally showed disappointment, but then the disappointment on his face disappeared, and he smiled again.

  Although Master Jiang's words were the last words he wanted to hear, which made him very disappointed, but he was already mentally prepared, so he didn't lose his composure.

  "It looks like this is really going to turn into a protracted battle."

  Just as Yang Haoran was thinking so, Master Jiang who was opposite spoke again.

  "However, although I can't accept you as an apprentice, I can do my best to help you once. As for whether you will succeed in the end, I can't guarantee it, because it depends on you."

  When Yang Haoran heard this, he was overjoyed. For him, this was really a turn of events. However, what Master Jiang meant by helping him once made him a little confused. Before he could ask, Master Jiang's voice came to his ears again.

  "First of all, you have to answer my question first." Master Jiang said.

  Yang Haoran nodded, put away the smile on his face, and became extremely serious.

  "Do you want to be a teacher, is it just because you want to gain power that ordinary people don't have, or is there some other purpose, I need you to answer me honestly." Master Jiang's expression also became serious.

  "I have no other purpose, I just want to learn some real skills." Yang Haoran replied very simply.

  Master Jiang nodded after hearing this, and said: "Well, I can't help you if you want to be a teacher, but if you want to learn real skills, I can help you once, but it's still the same sentence, I can't promise ."

  "Thank you, Master Jiang, for your kindness and virtue, I, Yang Haoran, will never forget it!" Yang Haoran expressed gratitude and a sincere attitude.

  "There are some things I can't tell you yet, just wait for me first, I need to go out and make a phone call."

  Master Jiang left this sentence and left the cabin, leaving Yang Haoran alone.

  At this time, Yang Haoran was very nervous and anxious. Master Jiang called at this time, and he could think with his toes that it must be related to him, and whether this matter will succeed or not, this call should be the key. How can he calm down in his heart? .

  As time passed by, the tea in the cup slowly lost its heat. Yang Haoran held the teacup with both hands, not knowing whether he wanted to use his own temperature to warm the tea, or whether he wanted to use the temperature of the tea to warm his hands.

  He didn't make him wait for too long, about ten minutes later, the closed door was opened, and Master Jiang walked in from the outside.

  Just now there was no sound of conversation outside the wooden house, it is obvious that Master Jiang made this call and walked far away on purpose, Yang Haoran naturally couldn't hear what he said.

  Seeing Master Jiang coming in from outside the house, Yang Haoran quickly stood up to greet him. The former went straight to his seat, motioned for Yang Haoran to sit down, and at the same time sat down himself.

  "Master Jiang..."

  Yang Haoran was just about to say something, but was interrupted by Master Jiang stretching out his hand, only to see that Master Jiang's expression was more serious than before, his expression made Yang Haoran's heart skip a beat.

  "Shouldn't it be ruined again?"

  In Yang Haoran's heart, he couldn't help but have such thoughts. What he was thinking at this time was the result he didn't want to see the last time.

  "I have a question to ask you, you must answer me honestly, are you... afraid of death?" Master Jiang's voice became a little low, his eyes were fixed on Yang Haoran, paying attention to Yang Haoran's Any expression changes.

  Yang Haoran was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect Master Jiang to go out and make a phone call, and when he came back, he asked himself such a question.

  Very suddenly, very explosive!

  He didn't answer immediately, and Master Jiang didn't rush, but just stared at him without blinking, waiting for his answer.

  Of course Yang Haoran didn't know what kind of medicine Master Jiang was selling in this gourd. He didn't answer right away, but looked contemplative.

  He knows that this answer is related to whether he can achieve his goal. If the answer satisfies the other party, then he may be able to get the result he wants. If the answer makes the other party dissatisfied, then he will definitely get the result he least wants.

  After pondering for a moment, Yang Haoran nodded, opened his mouth and replied: "I am afraid, of course I am afraid. As long as they are not crazy or perverted, how many people are not afraid of death?"

  He wasn't joking. Don't look at the fact that many people say they are not afraid of death, and each one is louder than the other, but when it comes to life and death, one is more cowardly than the other.

  It cannot be ruled out that there really are such ruthless people in this world who can see through life and death, but there are too few such people, and Yang Haoran obviously does not belong to this type of people.

  He pondered for a long time, and told the truth, but this truth made Master Jiang frowned, obviously not so satisfied with Yang Haoran's answer.

  If Yang Haoran replied that he was not afraid, then the next thing would be much easier, but he just didn't play his cards according to common sense, that's not how it was played in TV dramas.

  "Since you are afraid of death..."

  Master Jiang looked regretful, and Yang Haoran continued to speak halfway through his speech.

  "Master Jiang, wait a minute, I am just an ordinary person, I have my own emotions, I will be happy, I will also be afraid, it is normal to be afraid of death, this is a reasonable thing, but if it really comes, I must die Even if I am afraid, I will not shrink back, and although I will not face it with a smile, I will definitely use all my courage to face it!" Yang Haoran's face was serious and his voice was low.1

  Clap clap clap, applause rang out, Master Jiang patted his palm lightly, and looked at Yang Haoran with a hint of admiration in his eyes.

  "Well said, this is an interview question, congratulations, you passed." Master Jiang stopped applauding and said to Yang Haoran.

  "Interview question?" Yang Haoran was a little puzzled, but he didn't ask too much.

  "What you have just passed is just the interview questions. Only after passing this level will you have the opportunity to enter the next level." Master Jiang said.

  Yang Haoran was even more puzzled, but he still kept silent and didn't ask any questions.

  He didn't speak, but this Master Jiang was not blind. He saw the doubt in Yang Haoran's heart, so he said: "If you want to have the real ability to surpass ordinary people, then you must see if you are qualified. If everyone can easily acquire abilities that ordinary people don't have, then wouldn't the world be in chaos."

  Speaking of this, Master Jiang looked directly at Yang Haoran, and continued to speak: "I used to be just like you, and I was just an ordinary person. I have paid a lot to get to where I am today. If you want to have something like me The same ability requires a lot of sacrifices, so are you still willing?"

  Yang Haoran thought for a while, and then asked, "What do I need to pay?"

  "Many, it may even be your life." Master Jiang replied very simply.

  Yang Haoran remained silent, frowning slightly.

  "Anything that involves your life is not a trivial matter. It is natural for you to hesitate, but I will not give you too much time to think about it. One minute, one minute later I want to know your answer, this minute I gave it to you personally."

  After the words fell, Master Jiang took a sip from the teacup and looked at Yang Haoran who was in deep thought. He didn't intend to give Yang Haoran a peace, and continued to say: "The opportunity is in front of you, how to choose is up to you , you'd better think about it, because it's not necessarily a good thing."

  "I do!"

  Yang Haoran hesitated for a moment, but still gave an affirmative answer. From hesitation to speaking, it didn't take a minute.

  At this time, Yang Haoran was still thinking carefully, no matter what, he agreed first, and we will talk about the future things later. Although it was ill-considered, the opportunity was fleeting. After laying the groundwork for so long, he didn't want to miss this opportunity because of his hesitation. second chance!

  An opportunity is like someone in life, once you miss it, you really miss it, and you won't have it again.