
The God in the night

The heart is surging, the imagination is infinite, the waves are swaying against the wind, the youth is undefeated and passionate! Wealth, beauty, reputation, status, people who pursue all these are short-sighted. Back on earth, there was no choice, as everyone was going to die eventually, thus they can only pursue these or life would be meaningless. But in this world, where primeval essence is rich, why would we not pursue immortality given the possibility? For the sake of immortality, wealth, beauty, reputation, status, I can make use of all of them, and I can also discard them as easily! for immortality, fear cannot stop me, I will charge forward relentlessly! for immortality, laziness will not stop me, I will never slack even for a moment! for immortality, pain cannot stop me, gods and demons cannot stop me, even heaven and earth cannot stop me!

Smirked_0411 · Fantasi
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75 Chs

Chapter 24 A New Door

The young man didn't look at Yang Haoran, so naturally he didn't notice the disappointment in Yang Haoran's eyes. After turning on the light, his eyes fell on the carrion old woman.

  Ever since the young man appeared, the carrion old woman's gaze has been fixed on the young man, but Yang Haoran, she didn't even look at him again.

  She didn't know this young man, but for some reason, this young man gave her an indescribable sense of fear.

  This kind of fear came out of nowhere, but it went deep into the soul. Ever since she died and became in a daze to the current state, she has never felt fear again. She even thinks that she has no such emotion as fear. But after the young man in front of her appeared, she realized that she was wrong, and she was very wrong. She would still be afraid, but before this young man appeared, she had not encountered anything that frightened her.

  "You... Who are you? This is my home. I don't welcome you. Get lost, or I'll call the police!"1

  The rotting corpse old woman stammered a bit, in normal times, Yang Haoran would definitely not be able to help but laugh out loud, what the hell is going on, and she even called the police, aren't you joking? Do you still have the dignity of being a ghost? ?

  But now, he couldn't laugh at all. Taking advantage of the carrion old woman's inattention, he quietly picked up Jiang Zhenzhen, looking for an opportunity to escape again. Whether the young man who suddenly appeared was an expert or crazy, anyway, the carrion now The old woman's attention had already been attracted by the young man, giving him time to prepare.

  Yang Haoran's inability to laugh doesn't mean that the young man can't either. He was amused by the rotten old woman's words, and said with a smile, "Call the police? , I will give you your mobile phone, can you call the police? Besides, so what if you can really call the police? "

  What the young man said made the carrion old woman both fearful and angry, but the former was much stronger than the latter!

  She gave the young man a venomous look, then turned around and rushed towards a wall without saying a word, looking at her like she was about to run away!

  The young man gave her too much fear. Although she didn't know what the source of the fear was, she still decided to run away. She knew how much she weighed. It was okay to frighten ordinary people. No, the young man in front of her is definitely an expert.

  "Want to run? Hehe, even a little undead like you wants to escape from me. Are you looking down on me, or are you thinking too much of yourself?"1

  The young man sneered in disdain. At this time, the carrion old woman had already merged into the wall and disappeared. The young man was not in a hurry. He stretched out his arm, and a black air gushed out from his palm. The appearance of this black air caused the temperature in the room to drop suddenly. Originally, this house was very gloomy and cold because of the carrion old woman, but now with the black air from the young man's hands, the gloomy and cold in the room became even more intense!

  Yang Haoran had already picked up Jiang Zhenzhen, and planned to escape from the haunted house first by taking advantage of the carrion old woman's focus on the young man, but just as he stood up holding Jiang Zhenzhen, he saw a scene that stunned him.

  First, the horrible carrion old woman retreated without a fight, and then he witnessed the black air emanating from the young man's palm.

  That's all for the former, although he couldn't figure out why the carrion old woman would run away without a fight, but he could still accept it after all.

  But the latter... completely overturned his cognition.

  Can an ordinary normal person emit black air from his hands?

  The answer is obviously impossible, but it actually happened in front of him. In Yang Haoran's opinion, if the scene in front of him hadn't caused hallucinations due to his fright, then this young man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks was really a master.

  With the appearance of black air, the temperature in the room dropped sharply, Yang Haoran trembled all over, exhaled into fog, his physical reaction told him that what he saw at this time was not an illusion, but a real existence.

  Under his surprised gaze, the black air gushing out from the palm of the young man rolled and rolled, quickly condensing into a shape, but in the blink of an eye, it turned into a pitch-black chain.

  The arms of the chain were thick and thin, one end directly submerged into the palm of the young man, and the other end submerged into the wall.

  A terrified scream sounded, and Yang Haoran heard it clearly. The scream came from the carrion old woman. His eyes shifted from the young man to the wall where the carrion old woman escaped. When the wall itself was destroyed, it sank directly into the wall, and the chain collapsed straight, and there was still some shaking, as if a fishing line was catching a big fish.

  The young man sneered, and with a wave of his hand, the chains rattled, and the carrion old woman who had disappeared was directly dragged out of the wall by him.

  The whole body of the carrion old woman was wrapped in chains tightly, wrapping her whole body into a rice dumpling. She struggled violently, as if she wanted to break free from the chains, but no matter how she struggled and screamed, the chains did not loosen at all. signs, and she was still firmly bound in chains.

  She has no physical body, and Yang Haoran could not hurt her even if he chopped her with a kitchen knife before, but now, this chain is like her nemesis, not only binding her, but also seems to have caused great harm to her. Screaming again and again.

  "You still had the chance to be reincarnated, but it's a pity that you devoured other undead in order to strengthen yourself, so you have lost the qualification to be reincarnated now. Old woman, ghosts have ghosts. Since you have gone the wrong way, then Pay for your choices."

  The young man said with a sneer, and then took out a bead out of nowhere. This bead was the size of a fist and was transparent. It looked ordinary and there was nothing unusual about it.

  "Who the hell are you, I have no grievances with you, why are you targeting me! This room is mine, what's wrong with me letting them get out of the room! I ate an undead, yes, but Lou Damn that old woman, she will be cheap if she eats her!"

  The carrion old woman roared loudly while struggling, her terrifying and ferocious face was full of ferocity, if it wasn't for the strange chains that bound her tightly, she might fly up and eat people.

  The young man didn't respond to the carrion old woman. Looking at his indifferent face, he seemed too lazy to respond. When he threw the bead in his hand, the bead flew up as if it had come to life, and landed on top of the carrion old woman's head.

  "Soul Gathering Orb, take it!"

  The young man let out a low shout, and the transparent beads immediately released a powerful suction, but this suction seemed to be only effective for the carrion old woman, and other things in the room were not affected by this suction.

  The carrion old woman felt unprecedented danger. Under the action of this huge suction, her body was pulled and deformed, and she was forcibly sucked into the bead bit by bit.

  "Master, don't! Don't! Please let me go! My mother-in-law is already old! Don't you know how to respect the old and love the young!"

  The carrion old woman was trying her best to make the last struggle. Not only was the young man not moved by what the carrion old woman said, but he seemed a little impatient.

  "Fuck your sister, how old are you? Even if you respect the old and love the young, you still respect me, you little brat, big or small!"

  When the young man said these words, the body of the carrion old woman had been completely contained in the beads.

  Originally, there was no trace of impurities in the beads, because the whole body of the carrion old woman was sucked into the beads, and a hair-sized black thread appeared inside the beads.

  This strand of black silk jumped up and down inside the bead, sometimes changing into a miniature version of the carrion old woman, and sometimes turning into black silk, as if she wanted to break through the bead to regain freedom, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't break through the bead , can't even shake the beads.

  She roared angrily inside the bead, her appearance was still full of ferocity, but no sound came from inside the bead.

  The young man didn't take a second look at the carrion old woman inside the bead. He waved his hand, and the bead returned to his hand by itself, and then disappeared like magic. He didn't know where he received it.

  At this moment, the black chains that bound the carrion old woman shattered with a bang, dissipated into little black smoke and disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

  Yang Haoran was stunned. He didn't even notice that his pants fell on the ground, leaving only a pair of underpants. He untied his belt and was about to spray urine on the carrion old woman, but the appearance of a young man interrupted his plan. The urine didn't come out, and the belt was forgotten to be fastened. Now when I stood up, the pants fell off naturally.

  He stared blankly at the young man, his heart was full of shock, he thought this young man was a psychopath, but he didn't expect that the young man was really an expert, which really proved the saying, people are not judged by their appearances, sea waters cannot be measured!

  At this time, the young man also looked at Yang Haoran, smiled coldly, shook his head, and said to himself: "This kind of courage is not even qualified to be cannon fodder."

  The voice was not loud, but Yang Haoran could hear it clearly. He wanted to say something, but the other party didn't give him this chance at all, so he turned around and walked out of the room.

  The young man walked very smartly, with his hands behind his back, just like when he came, looking like a leader inspecting the work, and the middle-aged man playing with the chainsaw, unfortunately, was stepped on by the leaving young man. The fleshy face.

  It was not until the young man left for a long time that Yang Haoran recovered from the shock. Although he recovered, the shock in his heart not only did not decrease, but became more intense.

  Perhaps because of his occupation, he has always believed in the existence of ghosts and gods in this world, so he has always been in awe of ghosts and gods, but before tonight, he had never really seen a ghost.

  Since there are ghosts and gods, it is natural that there are no masters in this world. He also believes in this, but he has never seen it either.

  But tonight, he has seen it all, and he feels that a new door has been opened in his world, a door that is difficult for ordinary people to see and touch.

  And he really wanted to walk into this gate and take a look.