
The God in the night

The heart is surging, the imagination is infinite, the waves are swaying against the wind, the youth is undefeated and passionate! Wealth, beauty, reputation, status, people who pursue all these are short-sighted. Back on earth, there was no choice, as everyone was going to die eventually, thus they can only pursue these or life would be meaningless. But in this world, where primeval essence is rich, why would we not pursue immortality given the possibility? For the sake of immortality, wealth, beauty, reputation, status, I can make use of all of them, and I can also discard them as easily! for immortality, fear cannot stop me, I will charge forward relentlessly! for immortality, laziness will not stop me, I will never slack even for a moment! for immortality, pain cannot stop me, gods and demons cannot stop me, even heaven and earth cannot stop me!

Smirked_0411 · Fantasy
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75 Chs

Chapter 23 Humanity Ghost Road

Seeing Yang Haoran stepping into the house again, the carrion old woman's eyes showed a hint of confusion, and then she smiled sinisterly: "Hehehehe, young man, are you reluctant to part with your mother-in-law?"

  Hearing this sinister voice, Yang Haoran trembled even more. His heart was full of fear, and every step he moved forward seemed to exhaust all his strength. How could he have any extra strength to answer the corrupt question? Dead old woman.

  Even if he had the strength, he didn't have the guts to answer. He was always worried when he pretended to be a ghost, but now that he really ran into a ghost, he didn't have the courage to argue with the ghost.

  When pretending to be a ghost, he is very good at acting and playing tricks, but that is when he is facing people, but now it is a completely different matter. What he is facing is not a person, but a ghost, and a ghost. Confuse.

  The unknown can often bring fear to people, and the existence of ghosts is even more deeply rooted in people's hearts. When they have not encountered it, many people will not pay attention to it. Even if it is mentioned occasionally, it is dismissive, but, When it really hits a ghost, no matter how courageous a person is, he will be terrified.

  Under the huge pressure in his heart, Yang Haoran bit his lip unknowingly, and a trace of blood flowed down the corner of his mouth, but he ignored it, moved little by little, and moved closer to Jiang Zhenzhen on the ground.

  Seeing that Yang Haoran didn't answer him, the rotting corpse old woman's face showed a ferocious expression, and there was an ugly ghost cry from her mouth, which seemed to be threatening.

  Yang Haoran pretended not to hear or see, and moved towards Jiang Zhenzhen at a faster pace.

  As Yang Haoran approached, the body of the carrion old woman withdrew to the side, trying to keep a certain distance from Yang Haoran, not daring to get too close or too far away.

  I don't know how long it took, Yang Haoran felt that more than a century had passed, he finally came to the side of Jiang Zhenzhen who was in a coma, without saying a word, he exploded with all his remaining strength and courage, hugged Jiang Zhenzhen, madly rushed towards the door!

  While rushing, he also yelled, as if to cheer himself up.

  Fortunately, Jiang Zhenzhen is thin and light, and Yang Haoran usually pays attention to exercise, so picking up Jiang Zhenzhen did not bring much pressure to him.

  This house was originally very small, under Yang Haoran's swift sprint, the door was right in front of him, but at this moment, the carrion old woman who had been quiet for a while suddenly appeared in front of him, blocking him The face full of holes was looking at him with a terrifying smile.

  Yang Haoran screamed in fright, his body conditioned reflex suddenly, and there was no time to react, only to see the carrion old woman spitting at him in a burst of giggles!

  A scarlet tongue like a poisonous snake spewed out from the mouth of the carrion old woman, and stabbed fiercely towards his forehead. The tongue was covered with barbs about an inch long, and it was obvious at a glance. It is so sharp that if the tongue hits his head, it will definitely tear out his brains.

  Faced with such a terrifying and disgusting tongue, Yang Haoran didn't even think about it, and subconsciously retreated back!

  When he stepped back, he happened to step on the chubby face of the middle-aged man. This step directly deformed the middle-aged man's face, and his body also appeared abnormal because of this. stable.

  The body staggered, and Yang Haoran fell to the ground with Jiang Zhenzhen in his arms. The death pendant that he had been holding tightly in his hand was also thrown out because of Yang Haoran's fall, only a few crisp ding dings were heard. That was the sound of the pendant falling on the floor, but where exactly it landed is unknown.1

  The moment the pendant was thrown out, Yang Haoran's heart went cold. When he faced the old woman, he felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar. Now it was even better. Not only was he still in the ice cellar, but now There was also a huge electric fan with full horsepower, blowing violently at him.

  From the reaction of the carrion old woman, it is not difficult to see that the carrion old woman is afraid of the death pendant in his hand. Although the carrion old woman has brought him great fear, but with the death pendant in his hand, he still feels more or less in his heart. There is some sense of security.

  It's all right now, the death pendant was thrown out, and I didn't even know where it fell. The only sliver of security, the only sliver of hope, disappeared with the death pendant, completely Disappear.

  Without the bodyguard of the death pendant, it is conceivable what will greet him next, it must not be to ask him to have a drink and talk, it is strange that he is not cool.

  "Young man, use a broken pendant to scare your mother-in-law. You really have no good intentions. Three living people bullied my mother-in-law and a dead person. They used a chainsaw and a kitchen knife. Wouldn't your conscience ache? There is no morality anymore, do you know what it means to respect the old and love the young!"1

  While talking shamelessly, the carrion old woman slowly floated towards Yang Haoran. As she slowly approached, Yang Haoran felt that he was about to suffocate.1

  At the critical moment, he thought of the methods of collecting ghosts that he had learned on the Internet, but these methods of collecting ghosts require some props to use, and no one can tell whether the things on the Internet are true or not, even if the props are ready , it may not be useful.

  There are also some methods that don't require props, such as biting your finger to draw symbols. He also doesn't know if this method is useful. Even if it is useful, there is no time for him to use it right now.

  It is actually very difficult to bite your fingers. It is not as simple as in the movie. It will be broken with a light bite. How is this possible? It is not made of tofu. It's also thick, making it harder to bite through.

  Besides, even if he could pierce his finger to take out the blood, he couldn't draw a talisman at all. If a scribble was useful, everyone would become a master!

  Seeing that the carrion old woman was getting closer and closer, Yang Haoran still thought of a way in desperation, that is to drench the carrion old woman with boy urine!

  According to what was said on the Internet, boy urine has a great restraint effect on ghosts, and it has been rumored to be miraculous. At this time, Yang Haoran thought of this trick.

  Of course, Yang Haoran is thirty years old, he is still a boy, but he can't think of any other effective method, so he has to use his own urine to try it out, treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor, regardless of whether it works or not Resist.

  Thinking of this, he didn't know where the courage came from, and suddenly got up from the ground, facing the carrion old woman floating over, he was about to untie the belt, ready to implement the idea in his heart!

  Without thinking about it, he knows that this scene must be extremely eye-catching, but he has no choice but to do it. This has nothing to do with morality and quality. He just wants to live, not to die here.

  Just as Yang Haoran untied the belt, before he had time to do other actions, a voice suddenly sounded, which made Yang Haoran pause, and at the same time attracted the attention of the carrion old woman.

  "People have human nature, ghosts have ghost paths. If a person chooses the wrong path, he will take the wrong step and lose his life in the end. But if the undead go the wrong path, hehe, their souls will fly away and disappear forever in this world. , even the qualification to reincarnate will be lost."

  The sound of footsteps came from the corridor, and the footsteps were very slow, as if someone was walking in this corridor.

  When the sound of strong ridicule fell, a figure appeared at the door of the room, and the eyes of Yang Haoran and the carrion old woman were all attracted by this figure.

  Under the moonlight, the figure at the door couldn't see his face clearly, but he could only vaguely see that this person was a little short in stature, not tall, comparable to Jiang Zhenzhen who fell on the ground and fainted from fright.

  "It's so dark, how much electricity can you use if you turn on the light?" The man muttered dissatisfiedly, then walked into the house swaggeringly with his hands behind his back.

  Just two steps into the house, he stepped on a soft thing on the sole of his foot. That's right, this soft thing was the middle-aged man's face.

  However, the man stepped on the middle-aged man's face, and he didn't stagger like the previous Yang Haoran, but walked on the ground without any impact on his body, so he stepped on it easily, leaving behind a Footprints on the face of the middle-aged man.

  The short man didn't go to see Yang Haoran and the carrion old woman, he searched at the door, and then turned on a switch.


  The lights in the room turned on, and the living room, which was previously filled with moonlight, suddenly became brighter. The appearance of the short man also appeared in the sight of Yang Haoran and the carrion old woman.

  This is a young man who looks to be only seventeen years old. Judging from his appearance, he is about the same age as Jiang Zhenzhen, but Jiang Zhenzhen only looks young, but his actual age is already twenty-one years old. It is not known whether it looks like it is only seventeen years old, or its real age is only seventeen years old.

  The young man looks quite young, but his appearance is not flattering. That kind of ordinary existence can't be found in the crowd, and this one in front of him, even if he is thrown in the crowd, he can still stand out from the crowd with his appearance.1

  Judging from the young man's words and deeds, he was either a tall man or a psychopath. When he didn't see the young man's face, Yang Haoran thought that he had definitely met a tall man, and a strong hope suddenly appeared in his desperate heart.

  However, when the young man turned on the light, he couldn't help but believe in the latter possibility, and the hope that was born in his heart disappeared in an instant, and was filled with despair again.

  It's not Yang Haoran who judges people by their appearance, but the sharp-mouthed monkey-cheeked man in front of him, he doesn't look like an expert, but more like a charlatan. If Yang Haoran is allowed to stand with him, no one else will doubt Yang Haoran. As a "master", he would call this young man a swindler instead!

  Well, at this moment, Yang Haoran was indeed judging people by their appearance, and the only thing to blame was that the appearance of this dear friend who suddenly appeared was too unconvincing.

  It's just that what Yang Haoran didn't know at this time was that the young man in front of him who looked like a swindler had completely changed his life, and it was precisely because of his appearance that his life had undergone earth-shaking changes . , Since then, I have come into contact with a different world.