
The God in the night

The heart is surging, the imagination is infinite, the waves are swaying against the wind, the youth is undefeated and passionate! Wealth, beauty, reputation, status, people who pursue all these are short-sighted. Back on earth, there was no choice, as everyone was going to die eventually, thus they can only pursue these or life would be meaningless. But in this world, where primeval essence is rich, why would we not pursue immortality given the possibility? For the sake of immortality, wealth, beauty, reputation, status, I can make use of all of them, and I can also discard them as easily! for immortality, fear cannot stop me, I will charge forward relentlessly! for immortality, laziness will not stop me, I will never slack even for a moment! for immortality, pain cannot stop me, gods and demons cannot stop me, even heaven and earth cannot stop me!

Smirked_0411 · Fantasy
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75 Chs

Chapter 25 The Sorrow of the Small Character

A siren sounded in the community, and after a while, there was a rush of footsteps in the corridor.

  "Don't move!"

  "Get down!"

  "Let go of the hostages!"

  A group of police officers rushed into the room, all of them looked serious, and some of them were even a little nervous. They surrounded Yang Haoran in the middle, and roared at him intimidatingly!

  The muzzles of the black guns were all aimed at him, as long as he dared to act rashly, he would be beaten into a sieve, there was no doubt about it.

  The entire New Beginning Realm looks peaceful on the surface, but it is turbulent in the dark, so no matter which city in the New Beginning Realm, once the police are dispatched, they must be armed with live ammunition. Although Lecheng is only an insignificant small town in the New Beginning Realm, it is no exception.

  Seeing the muzzles of guns aimed at him, Yang Haoran's face was ashen. He had never experienced such battles in his life. It is impossible to say that he was not nervous. It will be beyond redemption!

  "My lords, this is...I am..." The nervousness in his heart made Yang Haoran start to speak incoherently.1

  "Shut up! Put down the hostages quickly! Otherwise we will shoot!" A policeman roared and warned Yang Haoran again.

  "I'm unarmed, what's wrong with me, what kind of hostage!" Yang Haoran was a little anxious.


  What he answered was a gunshot, which didn't hit his body, but a warning shot.

  Yang Haoran's heart trembled, and only then did he realize that he was still holding Jiang Zhenzhen, and his lower body was cold, looking down, he seemed to understand something, quickly put down Jiang Zhenzhen in his arms, smiled embarrassingly, and explained: " Misunderstanding, it is a misunderstanding, officers, it is a misunderstanding, do you believe me?"

  After the words fell, Jiang Zhenzhen in his arms had already been placed on the ground by him. He stood up slowly, and pulled up his pants along the way. His whole body hurt and he was kicked severely!

  boom! ! !

  Yang Haoran's complexion changed drastically, the severe pain almost made his eyeballs pop out of their sockets.

  "Trust your fart! You pervert! Break into the house and commit murder! You still do this kind of thing to this girl! See if I won't destroy your crime tools!"

  Yang Haoran only heard the angry voice of a female police officer, and then his crotch suffered heavy injuries one after another. Under such circumstances, he didn't have the mood to care about other things, so he quickly covered his crotch with both hands, and explained anxiously: "My second brother Nothing was done! He didn't even respond! He was innocent! You got it wrong! You got it wrong!"

  No one listened to Yang Haoran's explanation. While the female police officer kicked him in the crotch, other police officers rushed forward and successfully captured the "break-in" gangster.

  Yang Haoran was taken out of the hut, and an ambulance came downstairs shortly after, taking away the unconscious Jiang Zhenzhen and the middle-aged man.

  At this time, the sky was just dawning, and it was still very early, but there were many people gathered downstairs, most of them were grandpas and aunts. They gathered together to watch the fun, and they didn't know the situation, but they pointed at Yang Haoran who was escorted out , biting each other's ears.

  "This young man is too scary. He actually used a chainsaw to break open the door forcibly and committed a murder. He killed two people without venting his anger, and even insulted the woman's body. It's really insane!"

  "I've seen the middle-aged man who died in the community a few times. He was indeed from our community. The little girl should be his daughter. I haven't seen it before. She may have just returned recently. It's so pitiful that she died at such a young age. I was insulted, alas, that's fine, if I'm still alive, how will I marry in the future, who dares to wear these broken shoes!"

  "Last night I heard the girl screaming loudly. I thought it was domestic violence, but it's okay to think about it. After all, it's someone else's housework. It's not easy for me as an outsider to interfere. I didn't expect it to be like this. I knew it was like this, old woman Even if I risk my life, I will stop this villain!"

  "Did you know that the one who called the police was the son of my husband's sister's niece. Although the child is young, he is sensible and understands the law. When he heard the commotion, he resolutely called the police regardless of his parents' objections. This pervert can be taken down."

  "I know the kid you mentioned. His parents dote on him very much. He often calls the false police as a game. He has been educated many times, but nothing has changed. He still does his own way. But this time he has changed a lot, and he didn't report the false police again. He made a great contribution. Although he didn't save the lives of the father and daughter, he managed to capture this murderous pervert. Without him, I don't know what troubles would have happened. My family might be the next one to suffer. After all, my daughter She looks so beautiful, even though she is forty, she doesn't look old at all, much younger than an old woman like me."

  Under the guidance of a group of uncles and aunts, Yang Haoran was taken back to the police station as a prisoner, and even received a fat beating, while Jiang Zhenzhen and the middle-aged man were treated as patients because they passed out. The same was sent to the hospital, not to mention beating the two of them, even when they were carried into the ambulance, they were extremely careful, for fear that they would be injured if they moved too much.

  It was already afternoon when Yang Haoran was released from the police station. The reason why he was released was thanks to Jiang Zhenzhen and the middle-aged man waking up.

  After the two woke up, they were naturally questioned by the police. Yang Haoran, who was detained in the police station, was of course also interrogated. Through the narrative of the three people, they came to a conclusion, that is, the house where Jiang Zhenzhen lived was haunted. Yes, as a master, Yang Haoran went to help Jiang Zhenzhen.

  Of course, the police department didn't believe this result. It's nonsense to say whether it's haunted or not.

  However, one thing is certain, Yang Haoran is not a gangster who broke into the house and the reason why the middle-aged man and Jiang Zhenzhen fell into a coma has nothing to do with Yang Haoran. The three of them disturbed the people, so Yang Haoran was released as a matter of course.

  Yang Haoran limped out of the police station with bruises and purple spots on his face. Beside him was a female police officer. This female police officer was tall and bumpy. Wearing a police uniform on her body, she looked very handsome. Temperament, coupled with a pretty face, compared with Yang Haoran beside him, no matter in any aspect, they formed a great contrast.

  This female police officer is none other than the one who kicked Yang Haoran's crotch at Jiang Zhenzhen's house. Maybe it was because of guilt, or maybe because she was worried that Yang Haoran would make a big deal out of it, so she personally sent Yang Haoran to the police station. To the gate of the police station, but it is not difficult to see from her stern face that she is not willing to do this.

  "The matter has been clarified, you can go, but I have to remind you, what should be said, what should not be said, you are a thirty-year-old person, you should know it in your heart, don't hurt yourself because of your mouth. "The policewoman reminded Yang Haoran with a straight face.1

  It's not so much a reminder as a threat, Yang Haoran was very upset, extremely upset, he even had the urge to rush over to slap this woman a few times!

  However, he didn't do this. Not only did he not do this, but a seemingly natural smile appeared on his face.

  He wanted to say something, but the female police officer didn't give him this chance. She said lightly, "Although you didn't break into the house and commit a crime, you should be attacked as if you were pretending to be a ghost. As long as you continue to pretend to be a ghost, I can assure you." , you will definitely come in for tea, and this day will not be too far away."

  After the words fell, the female police officer walked away quickly without even looking at Yang Haoran, as if she was extremely disgusted to stand with such a magician like Yang Haoran.

  Looking at the back of the female police officer leaving, the seemingly natural smile on Yang Haoran's face disappeared, replaced by a cold face.

  These police officers beat him up indiscriminately, especially the female police officer just now, who was the most ruthless and lasted the longest time in beating him, but in the end, she didn't even hear an apology, He was kicked out of the police station directly, and he was also threatened. Anyone who experienced this kind of thing like him would feel angry in his heart.4

  Yang Haoran has experienced a lot in these years, so many times he usually does not express his inner emotions on his face, nor does he get angry easily, but this does not mean that he is not angry.

  At this time, he was very angry and angry, but he was very rational. He didn't make a scene, and he didn't do such stupid things as saying harsh words, because he knew very well that once he said harsh words, not only would he not let If you let out a bad breath in your heart, it will cause more disturbance to yourself.1

  It takes absolute strength to speak harshly. If a person with strength speaks harshly, it will cause a great psychological burden on the other party. If he has no strength but speaks harshly, it will only become a joke and make himself even more ashamed.

  Above the police station, there is a huge police badge. The police badge is uniquely designed. It consists of a shield and two spears. There is a word "Le" in the middle of the spears. This "Le" character represents the new world. Lecheng Police.

  The police badge was originally a dead thing, but the police badge exuded a coercion invisible. Yang Haoran kept a cold face, staring at the huge police badge above the police station, wondering what he was thinking .

  After a while, he withdrew his gaze, and there was firmness in his cold eyes, as if he had figured out something and made some kind of decision during that moment.

  In his opinion, the reason why he ended up in this incredible state is that he has no real strength in the final analysis. If he has the ability to get rid of that young man who is a carrion old woman, then he will still be in this state at this time. Is it miserable?

  The answer is of course not!

  If he has the ability of the mysterious youth and becomes an expert like the mysterious youth, then not only will he not be frightened by the carrion old woman, but he will also not be captured by the police as a gangster, making him angry!

  At this moment, he had a strong idea in his heart to change himself. He wanted to become an expert like the mysterious young man and change his identity as a magic stick.

  In the past, he also wanted to change himself, but he had no way out, but now, he felt that an opportunity appeared in front of him, and he didn't want to miss it, even if it required a huge price, he still wanted to seize this opportunity!