
The God in the night

The heart is surging, the imagination is infinite, the waves are swaying against the wind, the youth is undefeated and passionate! Wealth, beauty, reputation, status, people who pursue all these are short-sighted. Back on earth, there was no choice, as everyone was going to die eventually, thus they can only pursue these or life would be meaningless. But in this world, where primeval essence is rich, why would we not pursue immortality given the possibility? For the sake of immortality, wealth, beauty, reputation, status, I can make use of all of them, and I can also discard them as easily! for immortality, fear cannot stop me, I will charge forward relentlessly! for immortality, laziness will not stop me, I will never slack even for a moment! for immortality, pain cannot stop me, gods and demons cannot stop me, even heaven and earth cannot stop me!

Smirked_0411 · Fantasi
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75 Chs

Chapter 18 Why didn't you catch him!

Yang Haoran is not alone on the steep stairs, besides him, there are many other people who choose to walk the steep stairs, both men, women and children.

  Among these people, not all of them are believers of the god of death. Some people climb the stairs just to exercise their bodies, some just for fun and want to try it, and some people, It is the believers of the god of death. They step by step, with a pious heart, slowly walk towards the temple of the god of death at the top, and every time they go up a step, they will fold their palms together and worship respectfully.

  Yang Haoran admired the behavior of the believers, but it was not these believers who attracted his attention the most, but a young man.

  The way this young man went up to the Temple of Death was a little tricky. He didn't have to walk, but he jumped up one ladder at a time in the way of leapfrog, and the speed was not slow, faster than many people walking. .

  Undoubtedly, this young man is definitely the prettiest boy on the long steps. He not only attracted the attention of Yang Haoran, but also attracted the attention of many other people, especially some girls who came to climb the stairs. Looking at the man, they laughed and quarreled with each other, talking about some embarrassing things. Some girls even held mineral water in their hands, looking ready to move, as if they wanted to give this young man a gift. The purpose of the bottle of mineral water is very simple. Naturally, I want to get close to the man. It is best to leave a contact information, and then develop into a boyfriend and girlfriend. If I can drink her water, hehe, that would be even better.1

  For this young man, Yang Haoran is also quite admirable. It is indeed very difficult to jump up such a high step. Anyway, he absolutely cannot do it. He would rather roll down from the top and fall to his death. I don't want to jump up from below.

  It is very difficult for Yang Haoran to jump up, but it is not too difficult for him to walk up. Although he is not as vigorous as this frog brother, he still exercises himself often, so walking up is not a big problem.

  Halfway up the steps, Yang Haoran's face was not red, his heart was not beating, and he was not panting, showing that his physical fitness was not bad. It just so happened that that frog brother was also on his step.

  Brother Frog was sweating profusely and panting heavily. He jumped from the first step to here in one breath, obviously very tired.

  Since Yang Haoran admired this guy, he stopped and took a second look at him. This young man was wearing a tracksuit and looked handsome. A rare handsome guy.

  When Yang Haoran looked at Brother Frog, Brother Frog also looked at him, and he smiled kindly at Brother Frog, but the latter looked at him with disdain, then snorted, very proud, He continued to leapfrog and left, leaving Yang Haoran with a puzzled expression on his face.

  Brother Frog jumped up a few more steps, and Yang Haoran came back to his senses. Only then did he realize that he was despised by this Brother Frog.

  What should I do when I encounter this kind of thing, go back with contempt, or choose to catch up with the opponent by leapfrogging in order to regain my dignity, or simply use violence to control violence, and go up and beat that girl?

  Not at all, everyone is an adult, and Yang Haoran has lived to 30, so why would he fight with each other every now and then like a child, it will only make others laugh.

  He decisively chose a very "mature" way of dealing with this kind of thing. Looking at Brother Frog's body constantly jumping upwards, he sighed softly, shook his head, and then whispered in an old-fashioned tone: : "Oh, young people are really arrogant. If you have a bit of ability, you will be arrogant. It's good that nothing happens when you jump like this. If something happens... Oh, I hope you don't fall to your death."

  As soon as the voice fell, there was a sudden exclamation from above. This exclamation undoubtedly attracted Yang Haoran's attention. Brother Frog from the temple, I don't know if it was because of exhaustion of physical strength, or because of carelessness, his body became unstable when he landed, and he fell from above.

  Panicked screams came from Brother Frog's mouth, and his body smashed towards Yang Haoran below at an extremely fast speed.


  There was a burst of exclamation and screams from all around, obviously frightened by what happened to Brother Frog at this time.

  "Catch him, boy!"

  An old man's anxious voice came from behind him. This young man's voice was naturally Yang Haoran.

  Brother Frog's body fell straight towards Yang Haoran. Faced with this situation, Yang Haoran didn't immediately set up a posture to catch Brother Frog, but turned around and looked at the old man behind him with an anxious expression on his face. He asked the old man, "Is the old man calling me?"1

  When he turned around, he just cleverly avoided Brother Frog who was falling down. When he asked the old man anxiously, Brother Frog let out a series of screams and rolled down at a very fast speed.

  The old man was taken aback by Yang Haoran's question, and he quickly shouted at Yang Haoran when he realized: "Hurry up! Save someone! That young man is about to fall to his death!"

  Yang Haoran heard the words and saw that Brother Frog was rolling down faster and faster at this time. If he continued at this speed, there would be three more breaths at most, and this Brother Frog would hit hard on the bottom of the stairs. On hard ground!

  What can you do with the time of three breaths, what else can you do in this case other than inhale and exhale?

  Yang Haoran told everyone that he could still do something.

  Seeing Yang Haoran's anxious face, he let out an exclamation, and then quickly ran down the stairs. Seeing him like this, he was ready to help Brother Frog, but just after he ran two steps, Brother Frog's body collapsed It hit the ground below.

  He paused, stopped in his tracks, looked at the motionless Brother Frog on the ground below, and shook his head and sighed with regret on his face.

  The other yelling people were more righteous than the other, more anxious than the other, and louder than the other, but no one took actual actions and watched the frog brother successfully return to the starting point.

  "Oh, oh, what's wrong with this, it's fatal, it's fatal!" the old man who had yelled at Yang Haoran before, muttering, walked down the steps quickly, and was busy going down to watch the excitement.

  "Young man! You, you! You caught him just now, and the tragedy will not happen. This young man was killed by you this time!" The old man looked regretful, and when he passed by Yang Haoran, he loudly accused .

  Hearing the old man's words, Yang Haoran's reaction suddenly became fierce, and he loudly reprimanded the old man: "Master, if you didn't call me from behind and distracted my attention, this young man wouldn't have fallen, although I am not enough Strong, but it is still possible to catch him, if you really want to talk about it, you have to blame for this!"1

  The old man's face changed, he looked around, and found that some people had already cast their eyes on them, and immediately shouted at Yang Haoran: "What nonsense, such a high ladder, it's a good thing you didn't reach out to pick him up, otherwise you Both will suffer!"

  Abandoning the words that were wrong, the old man seemed unwilling to entangle with Yang Haoran, and walked down the steps swiftly to watch the fun.

  Yang Haoran didn't intend to go down to watch the excitement. He looked at the back of the old man, and at Brother Frog who was surrounded by the crowd below.

  "Dangerous sports should take more protective measures. Kid, kid, you are still too young. It's not my mouth. If you really want to blame it, you can only blame yourself. I didn't do anything."

  Yang Haoran muttered to himself, then turned around and continued to walk towards the Temple of Death above. As for whether the frog brother was dead or alive, he didn't really care. If he didn't die, it was his fate. court death.

  This is the Temple of Death, not a circus. If you die in front of the God of Death, no one can save you.

  When Yang Haoran stepped on the last step, sirens sounded from the foot of the mountain, and the ambulance arrived late. He looked down, shook his head, and stepped into the Temple of Death.

  What is the most eye-catching in the Temple of the Death is naturally the huge statue of the God of Death. It is not the first time for Yang Haoran to visit the Temple of the Death, but every time he sees this tall statue, he feels a huge sense of oppression in his heart , can't help feeling awe.

  Regardless of the size, the appearance of this Grim Reaper is exactly the same as the Grim Reaper on the pendant that Yang Haoran lent to Jiang Zhenzhen, with the same ferocious appearance, the same three eyes, three hands and three feet.

  This Temple of Death is quite famous in Le City, and there are many people who have been here, but Jiang Zhenzhen obviously does not belong to this category, because she can't even recognize the statue of Death, so she probably has never been here.

  In front of the statue of the god of death, there is a huge incense burner. Although it is not as huge as the statue of the god of death, it is also as tall as an adult.

  In front of the censer, many believers burned incense and worshiped, with pious faces. The huge censer was filled with incense, some of which had been burned out, and some had just been lit. Naturally, Yang Haoran was no exception and joined the team of these people among.

  He didn't come to the Death God Temple today to see the scenery and travel. After offering incense and worshiping, he left in front of the Death God statue, identified a direction, and then walked quickly.

  About an hour later, Yang Haoran's figure appeared in front of the Death Temple. The yellow satchel on his waist became bulging, and he didn't know what it contained.

  With a smile on his face, he seemed to be in a good mood. It seemed that he had achieved his purpose in coming to the Temple of Death today.

  After leaving the Temple of Death, Yang Haoran didn't stay any longer, and hurried back home.

  After returning home, he opened the door first to do business as usual, but instead of guarding in front of the counter, he plunged behind the green curtain, crackling, not knowing what he was busy with. Once there were customers selling things outside, he would He came out from behind the green curtain, sold the things, and after collecting the money, he returned to behind the curtain without stopping.

  Half an hour later, there was no more noise from behind the green curtains. At this moment, Yang Haoran, with a cigarette in his mouth, looked at his half-hour masterpiece with a satisfied look on his face.