
The God in the night

The heart is surging, the imagination is infinite, the waves are swaying against the wind, the youth is undefeated and passionate! Wealth, beauty, reputation, status, people who pursue all these are short-sighted. Back on earth, there was no choice, as everyone was going to die eventually, thus they can only pursue these or life would be meaningless. But in this world, where primeval essence is rich, why would we not pursue immortality given the possibility? For the sake of immortality, wealth, beauty, reputation, status, I can make use of all of them, and I can also discard them as easily! for immortality, fear cannot stop me, I will charge forward relentlessly! for immortality, laziness will not stop me, I will never slack even for a moment! for immortality, pain cannot stop me, gods and demons cannot stop me, even heaven and earth cannot stop me!

Smirked_0411 · Fantasy
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75 Chs

Chapter 17 There is a Temple on the Mountain

It was already afternoon when he got home, Yang Haoran opened the shutter door, although it was already afternoon, but he was still ready to open for business, no matter the business is good or bad, it is not a bad thing to make a little money.

  Sitting in front of the counter, while waiting for the business to come, he called Guan Hai and specifically reminded this kid not to associate with that female college student Wang Qing. Guan Hai laughed straight, and kept talking. and so on.

  Wang Qing gave him a very problematic feeling. He didn't want to see his good friend get into any trouble because of the short-term pleasure. It's almost night. Time to speak out is the best reminder.

  As night fell, Yang Haoran stayed at the grocery store to continue business after hastily eating dinner. He drank too much wine last night, so he didn't plan to go out tonight.

  Moreover, he was not in that mood either. Jiang Zhenzhen didn't know what was going on now, and he was still worried. Although he was a magician, he was not a scumbag. He was waiting for Jiang Zhenzhen's call. If something happened, It's good to help her.

  Using other people's money to eliminate disasters for others. Since he has received money from others, he must try his best to do things well. On weekdays, his methods of dealing with problems are mainly fooling around, but this is all based on the other party's family and has nothing to do with it. Under the premise of the question, even though he was fooling, but the customer was satisfied, it was considered a comfort for him to spend money on, so he didn't feel much guilty.

  However, what happened to Jiang Zhenzhen was completely different. It was not enough to just fool Jiang Zhenzhen over. This matter would not pass due to Jiang Zhenzhen's unilateral reasons, so he was still a little worried.

  It would be fine if he didn't accept Jiang Zhenzhen's red envelope, since he accepted it, then this matter has something to do with him.

  He took out the red envelope that Jiang Zhenzhen gave him, which contained five hundred new coins. Yang Haoran did not take out the banknotes, but frowned, with a pensive expression on his face, not knowing what he was thinking.

  In the middle of the night, Yang Haoran closed the grocery store and fell on the bed after washing. He looked at his phone, but there was no text message from Jiang Zhenzhen, nor did he receive a call from Jiang Zhenzhen. He wanted to make a call to ask, but he hesitated after a while or gave up.

  After habitually playing with his mobile phone, Yang Haoran fell asleep.

  The next day, before dawn, Yang Haoran was awakened by an alarm, he turned off the alarm in a daze, and got up from the bed.

  It was only six o'clock at this time, and because it was winter, it was still dark outside, and there were few pedestrians on the road. Only people who were busy doing business had already got up early and started their busy day.

  From a certain point of view, Yang Haoran is also a businessman. After all, he still runs a grocery store and sells some miscellaneous things. He got up so early, naturally he wanted to open the door for business earlier.

  The early bird catches the worm, he does not have a good starting point, so he can only work hard on his own, and he must work harder than others.

  This person can't be lazy, once he is lazy, the whole person will be useless. If he works harder, he can't get rich, but at least he can't be poor. Often very poor people, except for a few special reasons, the rest Which is not because I am too lazy?

  After getting up from the bed, Yang Haoran first opened the shutter door, turned on the lights for business, and then began to wash, and then waited for the business to come, while doing physical fitness, except for sit-ups that were restricted by conditions, push-ups, What squats, what dumbbells and so on, he had a great time playing, and he didn't start to make breakfast until he was sweating.

  Normally, if it wasn't for drinking too much wine, Yang Haoran would get up at six o'clock almost every day, and then repeat these things at this time, and when these things were dealt with, the sky gradually brightened.

  After breakfast, Yang Haoran was doing business, smoking a cigarette, and looking up various materials on his mobile phone to study. Suddenly, he received a text message.

  "Master Yang, thank you, you are really amazing, the old woman did not come to pester me last night, I am really grateful to you, and also to my colleague, I wanted to call you to thank you Yes, but I was afraid of disturbing you to sleep, so I couldn't help but send you this text message, you sleep well, I'm going to work. "

  The text message was naturally sent by Jiang Zhenzhen. Judging from the text message, she didn't encounter any trouble last night. She seemed to be in a good mood. She changed her name to the old woman and changed her name to old woman.

  Whether it is an old woman or an old woman, as long as Jiang Zhenzhen has no problems, even if she calls the old woman her mother, Yang Haoran will not care.

  The boulder pressing down on his heart, because Jiang Zhenzhen's text message disappeared, Yang Haoran suddenly felt refreshed, and his whole body was much more relaxed.

  "It's just a small matter, the result is within my expectations." Yang Haoran replied shamelessly to such a message.

  It's a trivial matter, and the result is within his expectations. At this time, he really doesn't want to be shameless. As long as he can make his image as a master grow up in the other party's mind, he will say anything shameless. come out.

  "I didn't expect Master Yang to wake up so early today. I should have called you just now, and now I'm going to work, so I can't call you at this time to thank you."

  "Master Yang, you are really a genius. You have nothing to say about your skills. As long as there is business in this field in the future, I will definitely recommend you, Master Yang!" Jiang Zhenzhen replied to the message in seconds, and there were two messages at a time.

  "Subduing demons and demons, doing justice for the heavens, are what I should do. Once this kind of thing happens, I am bound to do it." Yang Haoran's reply was even more shameless than before.

  However, after this message was sent, Jiang Zhenzhen did not reply to the message again, it seems that she should be at work.

  Yang Haoran cheerfully put away the phone, then took out the red envelope that Jiang Zhenzhen had sealed for him, took out the money from the red envelope without saying a word, and put it into his own wallet as a matter of course.

  As for the empty red envelope, he didn't throw it away, it was still brand new, so he put it away.

  The old woman did not continue to trouble Jiang Zhenzhen because the "ceremony" he did played a role, or the death pendant played a role, Yang Haoran has no way of knowing, but since the client's problem has been solved, then he A single business can be regarded as a successful completion, and such a result is what he wants most.

  However, Yang Haoran didn't know that this matter was far from as simple as he imagined. It seemed to be over, but it was just the beginning. There was still a bigger trouble waiting for him, and he changed because of this trouble. In my life, not only did I no longer play the role of a god stick, but I also embarked on a road to becoming a god, but this road is very long, difficult and dangerous!6

  From Yang Haoran's point of view, Jiang Zhenzhen is quite generous. Five hundred yuan is nothing to rich people, but to ordinary office workers in Lecheng, this is already several days' salary.

  After happily accepting the money, Yang Haoran suddenly had an idea in his heart. After thinking about it, he seemed to have made up his mind.

  He hurriedly ran behind the green curtain, then rushed out with a yellow satchel on his back, closed the rolling door, and left the shop.

  Normally, if he didn't receive any other business, Yang Haoran would stay in the grocery store all day long and wouldn't go anywhere. Since he left now, there must be some important things to do.

  Outside the South Gate of Le City, there is a park with a large area, which is called Nanhu Park by the locals. Behind the park is a hill with a temple on it. This temple is a death temple.

  This temple of death is not small in scale, and there is only one god enshrined in the temple, and that is the god of death. There are quite a few temple blessings that serve the God of Death. They are all believers of the God of Death. They put aside everything in the world and dedicate their lives to their beliefs.

  On weekdays, the Temple of the God of Death is hardly crowded, but there are quite a few people who come to worship, which can be considered to be full of incense.

  The God of Death pendant that Yang Haoran lent to Jiang Zhenzhen was obtained from the Temple of the God of Death, and the temple consecrated it specially for him at that time.

  At this moment, Yang Haoran appeared in Nanhu Park. The park is very lively. There are people who are exercising, dancing, dating, reading, and so on. However, he did not waste time in this park, but directly Walk towards the Temple of the Dead.

  From Nanhu Park to the Temple of the Dead, you need to walk through a long section of stairs. Not only are there a large number of stairs, but they are also very steep. At a glance, there are all stairs in sight, which makes people feel a lot of pressure. I want to walk through so many stairs. , the test is not only the believer's physical strength, but also endurance, and how deep the belief in the god of death is.

  However, in addition to the believers, there are also some tourists who do not believe in the God of Death who come to the Temple of the Death. Their main purpose of going to the Temple of the Death is not to worship the God of Death, but to take a look at the scenery and relax. Although they are not believers of the God of Death, they can increase the popularity of the Temple of the Death and bring more tourists, and these tourists can also drive the income of the Temple of the Death.

  For these tourists, the Temple of the Dead is also welcome. After all, if the huge Temple of the Dead wants to continue to exist, it is also inseparable from money. Without money, the Temple of the Dead cannot be expanded, and it will not be able to attract more people. , no one came, how to recruit more believers.

  Therefore, the Temple of Death took out a sum of money a few years ago to build a cement road from Nanhu Park to the mountain, and also built a parking lot on the mountain for tourists to use.

  Of course, it is also possible for believers and ordinary people to go up the mountain directly through this cement road, because there are no mandatory regulations on this road, and some believers with inconvenient legs and feet will also choose to go up the mountain by car.

  Yang Haoran did not choose the concrete road, but the stairs, not because of his deep belief in death, but because he did not have a car.