
The God in the night

The heart is surging, the imagination is infinite, the waves are swaying against the wind, the youth is undefeated and passionate! Wealth, beauty, reputation, status, people who pursue all these are short-sighted. Back on earth, there was no choice, as everyone was going to die eventually, thus they can only pursue these or life would be meaningless. But in this world, where primeval essence is rich, why would we not pursue immortality given the possibility? For the sake of immortality, wealth, beauty, reputation, status, I can make use of all of them, and I can also discard them as easily! for immortality, fear cannot stop me, I will charge forward relentlessly! for immortality, laziness will not stop me, I will never slack even for a moment! for immortality, pain cannot stop me, gods and demons cannot stop me, even heaven and earth cannot stop me!

Smirked_0411 · Fantasy
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75 Chs

Chapter 19 Please God

The area behind the green curtain is not that big, Yang Haoran squeezed out another space from this small area during the half an hour to put other things.

  In the innermost part of this small area, there is now an extra table. This folding wooden table was used by him for eating, but now, this table has become an altar table.

  That's right, it became an altar, because a statue of a god, the Grim Reaper, is now being enshrined on the table.

  Yang Haoran went to the Temple of Death today to invite a statue of Death to worship at home. His current job is to deal with gods, gods and ghosts. If he continues in this line of work, he will inevitably get into trouble with something he shouldn't. Home, so for the sake of safety, he still decided to go to the Temple of Death and invite a statue of the God of Death to worship day and night, hoping that he could get the protection of the God of Death.

  From Yang Haoran's point of view, even if the Grim Reaper is too busy to deal with him, a small person like him, but with the statue of the Grim Reaper sitting here, ordinary evil spirits probably wouldn't dare to approach him.

  He didn't invite any gods to go home to worship before, because he didn't think of it at all. This incident of Jiang Zhenzhen reminded him that he didn't want to experience what Jiang Zhenzhen experienced, let alone experience something more terrifying, so he I thought of going to the temple to ask the statue to go home and worship it day and night.

  In addition to the statue of the God of Death, there were also fruit offerings and an incense burner on the table. At this time, three sticks of incense were burning slowly in the incense burner, and some paper money was burned on the ground. It was obvious that Yang Haoran had worshiped once just now.3

  When inviting the statue of the god of death, Miao Zhu told Yang Haoran that the statue should be worshiped twice a day, once in the morning, and once at twelve o'clock in the middle of the night.

  In the new world, people believe in many gods. Different gods have different ways and times of worship. Some gods even have some taboos when worshiping. These taboos are absolutely untouchable, otherwise Doing so will be considered disrespectful to the gods.

  The time for worshiping the God of Death is early morning and midnight. As for the time and taboos of other gods, Yang Haoran doesn't know, and he doesn't need to know, because what he worships now is the God of Death, not other gods.

  It's almost noon now, and it stands to reason that the best time to worship the god of death has passed, but because the god of death was only invited home, it is necessary to worship once, this is when Yang Haoran left the temple of the death god, the temple wishes of.

  Yang Haoran suddenly felt a sense of security with the addition of a statue of the Grim Reaper at home, as if he had been fighting alone and suddenly found a strong backer.

  After a cigarette was burned out, Yang Haoran bowed respectfully to the statue of Death with folded hands again, and then began to prepare lunch. After a busy morning, his stomach was empty at this time, and he needed to eat something to replenish.

  The lunch was very simple, and Yang Haoran prepared it quickly. There was no dining table, so he simply brought the food to the counter, so that he could take care of business while eating.

  After lunch, Yang Haoran was waiting for the business to come to his door, while using his mobile phone to look up various psychic materials on the Internet for his reference and study. The whole afternoon passed like this, except for selling a few packs of cigarettes, he had no other income.

  But Yang Haoran didn't care, he still read all kinds of materials with relish, and before he knew it, it was evening.

  At this time, it was time to make dinner again. Yang Haoran put away his mobile phone, returned to the green curtain and started preparing dinner.

  At noon, because I was too hungry, I didn't have time to cook something delicious, so I ate relatively simple.

  But tonight, he was going to get some delicious food to reward himself. As for the ingredients, he called a friend from the market next door to deliver them in the afternoon, and they were very fresh.

  A duck, some potatoes, and some spices, he is going to make his special dish, roasted duck with potatoes.

  Although the conditions of this temporary residence are very simple, Yang Haoran is still very confident in making this dish well. He will not be unable to make the proper taste because of the simple conditions. A good cook, no matter At any time, in any place, good dishes can be prepared according to the existing resources. Although Yang Haoran is not a chef, he appreciates this spirit.

  Well, in the final analysis, it was because he was too poor, and he didn't have a good condition to satisfy him, so he could only make do with it.

  Under the cold moonlight, Yang Haoran was leaning on a chair with a cigarette in his mouth and drinking a small wine. There was a small steel basin on the counter in front of him. The food in the basin was naturally roasted duck with potatoes, but it was already cold. up.1

  This roasted duck with potatoes is a bit miserable right now, except for the duck head and feet, all the hard goods on other parts of the body have entered Yang Haoran's stomach. As for not touching the duck head and feet, because there is no meat, he is already full Yang Haoran naturally didn't bother to chew on it.

  The only remaining duck head and a pair of duck feet, together with a few pieces of potatoes, looked a little lonely and thin under the cold moonlight. Its existence seemed to make this winter colder.

  Yang Haoran was thinking about something, when suddenly a figure appeared, and a pleasant smell came to his nostrils, interrupting his train of thought. When he came back to his senses, he subconsciously asked, "What do you want to buy?"

  "Hee hee, Master Yang, what are you thinking about? You're so preoccupied." The voice was crisp, nice and familiar.

  Hearing this, Yang Haoran raised his head and saw clearly who was coming.

  The woman who suddenly appeared in front of Yang Haoran was actually Jiang Zhenzhen.

  At this time, Jiang Zhenzhen was carrying a small bag and was wearing work clothes from a jewelry store. Although she was not tall, she had a bit more temperament under the background of this work clothes.

  The big panda eyes are gone, her face is no longer haggard, her complexion is good, and her already delicate face makes her look no longer lifeless, but full of vitality and full of youth The taste is eye-catching.

  Jiang Zhenzhen looked at Yang Haoran with a sweet smile, revealing two small dimples, and Yang Haoran, after realizing that it was Jiang Zhenzhen, also showed a smile on his face.

  "Why are you here?" Yang Haoran asked, and then looked behind Jiang Zhenzhen, there was another person besides Jiang Zhenzhen.

  This person is a woman. Judging from her attire, she should be Jiang Zhenzhen's colleague. However, this woman's appearance is ordinary, not ugly, but not beautiful either. She is no different from Yang Haoran. In the crowd, there must be a microscope to find the existence.

  Although the woman's appearance is not as good as Jiang Zhenzhen's, she is taller than Jiang Zhenzhen. It looks like she is at least 1.6 meters tall, and she is 10 centimeters taller than Jiang Zhenzhen who is 1.5 meters tall, so Yang Haoran found that there is another person behind Jiang Zhenzhen at a glance.

  Seeing Yang Haoran looking at the woman behind her, Jiang Zhenzhen said to Yang Haoran with a sweet smile, "Master Yang, this is my colleague Li, this time I rented out the house, thanks Sister Li recommended you to me, otherwise I would have been scared to death."

  "Master Yang, hello, I invited you to visit my house last time, do you remember?" This woman, whom Jiang Zhenzhen called Sister Li, said to Yang Haoran with a smile, and stretched out her hand. own hand.

  Seeing this, Yang Haoran quickly stood up, shook hands with the other party politely, and then immediately took it back, not taking this opportunity to take advantage of anything.

  Hearing what the woman said, Yang Haoran slapped his forehead abruptly, laughed apologetically, and then said with an apologetic smile: "I said how could I be so familiar, but I couldn't remember it for a while, it seems that I drank too much tonight. gone."

  The smile on the woman's face remained undiminished, and she said with a smile: "My face is too ordinary. It's normal for Master Yang not to remember it. Almost unemployed, haha."

  Yang Haoran shouted again, and didn't pick up the topic of women, but looked at Jiang Zhenzhen and asked, "It's so late, what's the matter with you guys coming to my place?"

  "We just got off work, so we came a little late. As for what's the matter here, hehe, to thank you and Sister Li, I would like to invite you two out for supper." Jiang Zhenzhen said.

  When Yang Haoran heard this, his face showed a look of embarrassment. He glanced at the roasted duck with potatoes on the counter, and then his eyes fell on Jiang Zhenzhen, and said with a smile: "I'm still eating it now, Besides, I have to open the door to do business, and I can't get away, so I think you guys can go."1

  "It's very cold in winter, and at this point, the business is already very little. Even if you stay here, Master Yang, you may not get any business. Why don't you go out with us to eat some supper and drink some wine?" Warm up your body." Sister Li urged.

  Hearing this, Yang Haoran seemed a little hesitant, he didn't immediately agree, but he didn't immediately refuse either.

  Seeing this, Jiang Zhenzhen was a little overwhelmed, not knowing whether to continue to invite her or just choose to give up.

  But this sister Li's reaction was just the opposite. Her eyes lit up, not only did she not find it difficult, but her smile became more intense.

  Although she doesn't look very good, she has been a salesperson for a long time. The reason why she can continue to work in this industry despite her ordinary appearance is because she has long been trained to read words and deeds. Otherwise, I am afraid that he would have been fired because of his poor performance.

  At this moment, seeing that Yang Haoran didn't agree, but didn't refuse either, she knew there was still room to play, so she smiled and said, "Let's go, Master Yang, we'll come back after a while, what are you afraid of as a big man? Are you afraid that the two of us women will eat you up?"

  Sister Li deliberately accentuated the word "eat", Yang Haoran laughed and pretended not to understand.

  Seeing that Yang Haoran still did not agree, Sister Li seemed to have thought of something and asked, "Is Master Yang married?"

  Yang Haoran shook his head.

  "Then... are you talking about a girlfriend?"

  Yang Haoran shook his head again.

  Sister Li laughed when she heard the words, and said: "I'm not married, and I don't have a girlfriend. What are you afraid of? Besides, don't you want to find a girlfriend? There are so many beauties in our shop, do you want to introduce one to you?"

  As she spoke, this sister Li glanced at Jiang Zhenzhen, then winked at Yang Haoran.