
The God in the night

The heart is surging, the imagination is infinite, the waves are swaying against the wind, the youth is undefeated and passionate! Wealth, beauty, reputation, status, people who pursue all these are short-sighted. Back on earth, there was no choice, as everyone was going to die eventually, thus they can only pursue these or life would be meaningless. But in this world, where primeval essence is rich, why would we not pursue immortality given the possibility? For the sake of immortality, wealth, beauty, reputation, status, I can make use of all of them, and I can also discard them as easily! for immortality, fear cannot stop me, I will charge forward relentlessly! for immortality, laziness will not stop me, I will never slack even for a moment! for immortality, pain cannot stop me, gods and demons cannot stop me, even heaven and earth cannot stop me!

Smirked_0411 · Fantasi
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75 Chs

Chapter 12 The Master with Low Fees

I don't know how long it took, a ray of sunlight rose from the east, dispelling the terrifying night, Jiang Zhenzhen, who was in a daze, only came back to her soul at this time.

  Since she was awakened by the nightmare, she didn't go back to sleep, but sat on the bed in a daze, motionless, as if she had been frightened out of her wits, or as if she was frightened out of her soul in the legend.

  When she woke up, she found that the quilt had been covering her all the time, and it didn't fall to the ground at all. This proved that the horrible scene was just a dream, a nightmare.

  Although it was just a dream, it almost scared her out of her soul. For a moment, she was filled with fear, helplessness, and grievance. She was provoking someone, why did she have such a nightmare , the more she thought about it, the more she couldn't figure it out, and the more she thought about it, the more uncomfortable she became. In the end, she couldn't hold back, and cried bitterly while hugging the quilt.

  This cry, she cried for a long time, until the alarm clock rang for waking up, which made her stop crying.

  No matter how scary the nightmare is, the class still has to continue. She has only found this job not long ago. It is a pity to lose it. It will even leave a bad impression on her colleagues. Moreover, she needs money to live, so it is impossible not to go to work of.

  However, having nightmares for two consecutive nights, and the presence of the old woman in the dreams, made her have to think more, and had to think that this might not be as simple as just a nightmare.

  On this day, Jiang Zhenzhen was still very busy with work, but she no longer put the nightmare behind her mind and worked peacefully like yesterday. She was in a trance, and the image of the old woman in the nightmare suddenly appeared in her mind from time to time. out, evoking the fear deep in her heart.

  Due to Jiang Zhenzhen's poor mental state, she couldn't carry out her work properly. After a day's work, she was reprimanded and scolded bloody by the store manager.

  Regarding this, Jiang Zhenzhen didn't say much other than a persistent apology and guarantee, because she knew that if she told the truth in this situation, the store manager would not only feel that she was making excuses for her mistakes, I also wonder if she is mentally ill.

  If this kind of thing was told, in her opinion, few people would believe it. Everyone would think that she was just having a nightmare to scare herself.

  From a certain point of view, she was indeed just having a nightmare, and the scary old woman only appeared in her dream, but did not appear in reality, so is this really a ghost?

  Jiang Zhenzhen doesn't know much about this aspect, so she can't be regarded as a professional, so she can't figure out what's going on, and she's not sure if she really hit a ghost, but it doesn't affect her inner fear.

  With fear in her heart and a little luck, she still returned to the house she rented at night. This time when she got home, she didn't have the freshness of the first day, the joy of living in a new house, and the joy of living in a new house. I forgot the extreme sleepiness when I got home last night, and I just wanted to sleep with my head down.

  Although she was very tired, even more tired than last night, she didn't dare to close her eyes, not even for a moment, she was afraid that after she closed her eyes, the old woman who made her feel so terrified would appear again.

  She didn't eat dinner, because she couldn't eat at all, and she didn't have the mood to cook. She curled up on the bed, covered her body with the quilt, shivering and helpless.

  After an unknown amount of time, the extreme mental exhaustion still made her unable to continue, she fell on the bed and fell into a deep sleep.

  Without any accidents, she had nightmares again that night, and the rotten old woman appeared in her dreams again, swearing at her constantly, telling her to get out of the house, saying that the house belonged to her, and again He pinched her neck with his hands, as if he wanted to strangle her to death. Just when she felt that she was about to suffocate, she woke up sweating profusely from the nightmare.

  Just like the previous two nights, after being awakened, Jiang Zhenzhen didn't dare to continue to sleep, curled up on the bed and shivered, not knowing what to do, hugging the quilt and crying again, the crying was full of fear and despair.

  After dawn, she dragged her exhausted body to work again. Her appearance shocked the other shop assistants. With big dark circles and a haggard face, she looked like someone who would not live for a few days. Where is the youthful beauty when I came to work on the first day.

  "Are you on drugs?"

  The store manager approached her, and the first question he asked was whether she was taking drugs. Jiang Zhenzhen didn't answer immediately, but hugged the store manager and cried bitterly, which aroused the doubtful eyes of other store staff, and they all came together , asking what happened.

  Some of these clerks saw Jiang Zhenzhen crying so sadly, and they were concerned from the bottom of their hearts. After all, she looked very young, and it was not easy to work alone.

  And some other clerks asked, not really caring about Jiang Zhenzhen, but just joining in the fun, wanting to hear gossip, to see if this cute little girl was ruined by a man, and dumped when she got tired of it some type of.

  The store manager was going to reprimand Jiang Zhenzhen and tell her that if today's work status is still the same as yesterday, then she can leave and don't have to continue working here, but she didn't expect that she would As soon as she asked a question, Jiang Zhenzhen cried like this.

  To be able to become the store manager, this person naturally has some ability, seeing Jiang Zhenzhen crying so sadly suddenly, she didn't panic because of it, but continued to ask her with a serious face: "You don't really take drugs, do you? "

  Jiang Zhenzhen naturally shook her head. The store manager was relieved when she saw her shaking her head, and then asked her what was wrong.

  The other shop assistants also locked their eyes on Jiang Zhenzhen one after another, pricked up their ears and listened, wanting to hear what was going on with Jiang Zhenzhen.

  This time Jiang Zhenzhen didn't hide anything, and she told all the nightmares she had in the past few nights. She didn't care whether other people believed it or not, and she didn't care what other people thought of her. All the fear is poured out, in order to alleviate the fear in my heart.

  After listening to Jiang Zhenzhen's words, the shop assistants present, including the store manager, had different expressions, some timid ones, apparently frightened. Some sneered, thinking that Jiang Zhenzhen made a big fuss, isn't it just a nightmare, as for being so scared?

  As for the store manager, she didn't show the funnyness in her heart, but comforted Jiang Zhenzhen with a serious face. After Jiang Zhenzhen's mood stabilized, she told Jiang Zhenzhen that there are no ghosts in this world, and the so-called ghosts are just herself. Just to scare herself, the reason why she had nightmares for three days in a row was probably because of too much pressure in her heart, and because she was not quite used to the new environment.

  What the store manager said was very clear, and even found a lot of information on the Internet to prove that what she said was true. Jiang Zhenzhen was stunned when she heard it. With this explanation, the fear in her heart was also reduced a little.

  Because of Jiang Zhenzhen's explanation, the store manager knew that she was not in a good state of mind, so he only let her go to work in the morning and let her go home to have a good rest in the afternoon. Or, she is still worried that something will happen to her. Her mental state is too bad. If something happens to her in the store, the store will also be implicated.

  Jiang Zhenzhen did not refuse. After thanking the store manager, she did not go to work in the afternoon, but before leaving, a colleague approached her.

  "Zhenzhen, I believe what you said this morning. I think you must have hit a ghost. Your house is not clean." The female colleague said to her mysteriously.

  Her words not only did not comfort Jiang Zhenzhen, but made Jiang Zhenzhen shiver uncontrollably.

  "Is what you said true?" Jiang Zhenzhen asked with some uncertainty.

  In fact, Jiang Zhenzhen knew in her heart that she had hit a ghost nine out of ten, but she had never encountered such a thing in her life, and she still felt a little hard to accept it.

  "Of course it's true! It can't be fake!" The female colleague said with certainty in her tone, and then continued: "Think about it, how many people live in this world without much pressure, how many people live in order to live The environment is often changed, why are they not like you, don't you think there is a problem?"

  Jiang Zhenzhen shrank her neck, and suddenly felt cold all over her body. She didn't answer, and she didn't know what to say.

  "Let me tell you, when you encounter this kind of thing, I think you need to find an expert to deal with it for you, otherwise, this matter will definitely be difficult." The female colleague suggested.

  "Looking for an expert?" Jiang Zhenzhen was stunned for a moment, then said with a wry smile, "I don't know any expert, where can I find it, should I go to the temple?"

  In the territory of Lecheng, there are no fewer temples, large and small. These temples enshrine different gods. The temples Jiang Zhenzhen refer to refer to these temples.

  "The prices of people in the temple seem to be very expensive. I don't recommend you go to them. For ordinary people like us, asking people in the temple to make a move is like going to a hospital. No amount of money is enough. Flowers." The female colleague shook her head and said.

  "Then what do you mean?" Jiang Zhenzhen asked.

  "Let me introduce you to an expert. He charges a low fee and is very capable. He is a master. I invited him to look at my new house last time." The female colleague said with a smile on her face.

  When Jiang Zhenzhen heard this, she was naturally extremely happy in her heart. She agreed without even thinking about it, and thanked the female colleague all the time.

  Since the female colleague did not have the master's contact information, she told the master's address and asked her to find the master.

  That's right, the master that the female colleague mentioned is none other than Yang Haoran, the master.