
The God in the night

The heart is surging, the imagination is infinite, the waves are swaying against the wind, the youth is undefeated and passionate! Wealth, beauty, reputation, status, people who pursue all these are short-sighted. Back on earth, there was no choice, as everyone was going to die eventually, thus they can only pursue these or life would be meaningless. But in this world, where primeval essence is rich, why would we not pursue immortality given the possibility? For the sake of immortality, wealth, beauty, reputation, status, I can make use of all of them, and I can also discard them as easily! for immortality, fear cannot stop me, I will charge forward relentlessly! for immortality, laziness will not stop me, I will never slack even for a moment! for immortality, pain cannot stop me, gods and demons cannot stop me, even heaven and earth cannot stop me!

Smirked_0411 · Fantasy
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75 Chs

Chapter 11 Dreams and Reality

It is certain that instant noodles are not nutritious, but for people who are hungry to a certain extent, junk food like instant noodles is also delicious.1

  At this time, both Yang Haoran and the woman had empty stomachs, so neither of them was picky. After hastily eating instant noodles, the woman informed Yang Haoran of the details of the haunted house.

  The woman's name is Jiang Zhenzhen, she looks only sixteen or seventeen years old, but her actual age is already twenty-one years old, she looks so young, naturally it is due to her baby face, coupled with her petite figure, she looks so young. Even younger.1

  Jiang Zhenzhen's family is not well off, and she dropped out of school very early. Although she has no diploma, she is sweet-looking, kind-hearted, and not too picky about her work, so she easily found a job in a jewelry store in Lecheng.

  Jiang Zhenzhen is quite satisfied with her current job. She used to work in other places. Because of her parents' poor health, she returned to Lecheng to take care of her parents in the countryside. Although she can't be with her parents all the time, she still There are big and small things in the family, she can also take care of one or two, and reduce the burden on her parents, this is somewhat similar to Yang Haoran.

  After the work was completed, Jiang Zhenzhen rented a house in Lecheng. The house is not big, but although the sparrow is small, it has all the internal organs and everything that should be there.

  Originally, Jiang Zhenzhen was planning to share the rent with others, so that she could save a lot of rent, but although the share rent is cheap, there are still many problems. An ideal co-rental partner, but if it's the opposite, then it's not very comfortable to live in, and if you don't do it well, you will be worried all day long.

  It really depends on the person to rent with others, otherwise it will be too messy and there will be certain dangers, so after thinking twice, Jiang Zhenzhen gave up the idea of ​​sharing with others and rented a flat, although there will be a little more every month Rent, but at least live more comfortably.

  That's right, when renting this apartment, Jiang Zhenzhen wanted to feel at ease, but what he never expected was that she was not comfortable living, but rather frightened, which almost scared her to death.

  It turned out that from the first day Jiang Zhenzhen moved in, she had a nightmare at night!

  The business of their jewelry store was good that day, and she was tired all day because of it. After returning home from get off work, she went home to rent the house, and she began to tidy up the rented house, cleaning, making beds and making quilts, and she was busy until midnight before tidying up everything.

  She was originally weak, so after a busy day like this, she knew that she was very tired without even thinking about it, but she was very happy because she finally took care of these trivial matters.

  After taking a hot bath beautifully, she happily jumped on the bed. The new home gave her a good sense of freshness. Although it was rented and not her own, it still made her feel very happy.

  After turning off the lights, she clutched the quilt and fell asleep after being tired all day, but something happened that she didn't expect. When she was drowsy, she suddenly felt that someone was grabbing the quilt from her. She was so dazed that she didn't feel anything wrong, and continued to fall asleep, but after a while, it seemed that someone was grabbing the quilt by her side again. It seems... there is another person sleeping!2

  This feeling startled her a lot. Reflexively, she reached out and pressed the button on the bedside table. With a bang, the light in the room was turned on, illuminating the room brightly. The light released by the light seemed to give her With some courage, she suddenly turned her head and looked aside, wanting to see if it was her own illusion, or there was really something beside her!

  It's okay if you don't look at it, it almost made her heart stop beating!

  There was an old woman sleeping next to her. The old woman shared a quilt with her, her body was tightly wrapped by the quilt, and only her head was exposed. If it was just like this, it would be fine, the key is that this head has already rotted. , there were holes all over the face, and foul-smelling pus flowed out. With the bright light, one could even see maggots wriggling in these holes.

  This face was beyond recognition, and it was only vaguely recognizable as an old woman. When Jiang Zhenzhen looked at her, she grinned at Jiang Zhenzhen, revealing a mouthful of sharp fangs!

  Jiang Zhenzhen screamed, and she stood up straight from the bed. The room was pitch black, and the lights were not turned on. She was sweating profusely, and her pajamas were already wet with cold sweat. She was panting heavily, flustered. Turning on the light, she looked towards her side with lingering fear. There was nothing beside her, and the old woman who scared her half to death was not sleeping beside her.

  Jiang Zhenzhen exhaled heavily, realizing that everything that happened just now was just a dream, not a real existence.

  Although it was just a dream, it was too real. Usually she would dream, even when she slept during the day, she would daydream, but every time she woke up, the scene in the dream was fragmented, and it was rare for her to remember it. And less.

  However, this time was an exception. After waking up, she clearly remembered everything that happened in the dream, the old woman with a holey face, and even more clearly the fear that came from the depths of her soul!

  That night, she suffered from insomnia, and she didn't dare to continue to sleep. Although she didn't understand why she had such a dream, she didn't want to be frightened like this again when she fell asleep.

  The next day, Jiang Zhenzhen went to work as usual, but she didn't seem particularly energetic because she didn't sleep well all night. However, she just found this job not long ago, and she didn't want to be directly fired by the boss because of her personal problems.

  Therefore, even if she didn't sleep well overnight, she would still work hard the next day, hoping to leave a good impression on her boss and colleagues through her own efforts.

  When she got home at night, although she didn't tidy up the room until midnight like last night, but because she didn't sleep well last night, and she worked hard all day today, she was more tired than when she came home last night.

  So, after washing up in a hurry, she didn't even care about eating dinner, and got into bed and fell asleep.

  As for the dream that terrified her to the depths of her soul last night, because of today's busyness and exhaustion, she gradually left it behind.

  This woman, sometimes the nerves are as thin as a thread, the kind that will break if touched lightly, but sometimes, their nerves are like steel bars, thick and strong, and Jiang Zhenzhen is no exception.

  For Jiang Zhenzhen, she was tired all day, and she didn't sleep well last night. It was a very comfortable thing to fall asleep at this time. However, something that almost stopped her heart happened again.

  Jiang Zhenzhen fell into a deep sleep, unable to feel the passage of time at all. After an unknown amount of time, a chill came over her, and she woke up in a daze from a deep sleep.

  The moment she woke up, her brain was not clear enough, she wondered if it was time to get up and go to work, so she subconsciously picked up her phone and checked the time, it was exactly twelve o'clock.

  Twelve o'clock, in many ghost movies, if it is going to be haunted, it will almost always be at this time, and the time is right. At this time, when Jiang Zhenzhen is looking at her mobile phone, it is exactly twelve o'clock.

  However, she who has not yet woken up, did not associate what happened at this time with the ghost film, and naturally she did not associate it with the nightmare she had last night. The first thing she thought of was where was her quilt.

  That's right, she found that her quilt was missing. It's winter now, and it's late at night. The temperature is already very low. Although the room is equipped with air conditioner, in order to save electricity, she didn't turn on the air conditioner. It is certain that she will wake up from the cold, which is reasonable.

  The quilt will definitely not disappear. Jiang Zhenzhen, who is a little more clear-headed, first thinks that she has not slept honestly at night and kicked the quilt to the ground.

  So, she got up and looked towards the floor on the left side of the bed, the ground was empty and there was nothing, and then she looked towards the floor on the right side of the bed as a matter of course, this time she was not disappointed, she really found the quilt on the ground .

  However, just as she bent down to pick up the quilt on the ground, a pair of rotten and foul-smelling feet suddenly appeared in her sight!

  what! ! !

  Jiang Zhenzhen screamed, her body backed up violently, and she fell off the bed in fright. Regardless of the pain coming from her body, she quickly hid in a corner and curled up, her body trembling!

  She saw clearly that the owner of these feet was an old woman who was rotten and bleeding pus all over her body. The scene in front of her reminded her of the dream last night, the familiar rotten face, the familiar stench, and the familiar but Another terrifying smile!

  It was the old woman who appeared in her dream last night and shared the bed with her!

  At this moment, Jiang Zhenzhen was completely terrified. She had never experienced such a horrible thing in her life. She curled up in the corner and trembled. Seeing the old woman approaching her step by step, she kept screaming in horror. , "Don't come here! Don't come here!"

  The old woman ignored it at all, her rotting body smelled bad, she approached Jiang Zhenzhen, and said, "This house is mine, no one can take it away, get out of here, get out of here!"

  Under Jiang Zhenzhen's horrified eyes, the old woman had already come to her, stretched out a pair of rotten hands, and grabbed her by the neck!

  Rotten minced meat, wriggling maggots, and disgusting pus flowed all over Jiang Zhenzhen's body. The wriggling maggots got into her pajamas, wriggling and gnawing, as if they wanted to kill her whole body.

  Jiang Zhenzhen was strangled by the neck, she struggled in great fear, but it was useless, she couldn't break free from the old woman's rotten and foul-smelling hands at all, she could only watch the old woman with a ghostly smile on her face, and use her mouth The sharp fangs bit her forehead, as if she wanted to eat from the head.

  The moment the old woman bit Jiang Zhenzhen's forehead with her fangs, the excruciating pain stimulated her nerves. She didn't know where the strength came from, and she suddenly sat up from the bed!

  That's right, she sat up from the bed, her whole body was drenched in sweat, her hair was disheveled, and everything just now was just a dream, but this dream was so real that she couldn't tell what was reality and what was a dream.