
The God in the night

The heart is surging, the imagination is infinite, the waves are swaying against the wind, the youth is undefeated and passionate! Wealth, beauty, reputation, status, people who pursue all these are short-sighted. Back on earth, there was no choice, as everyone was going to die eventually, thus they can only pursue these or life would be meaningless. But in this world, where primeval essence is rich, why would we not pursue immortality given the possibility? For the sake of immortality, wealth, beauty, reputation, status, I can make use of all of them, and I can also discard them as easily! for immortality, fear cannot stop me, I will charge forward relentlessly! for immortality, laziness will not stop me, I will never slack even for a moment! for immortality, pain cannot stop me, gods and demons cannot stop me, even heaven and earth cannot stop me!

Smirked_0411 · Fantasy
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75 Chs

Chapter 13 The Power of the Red Envelope

After Jiang Zhenzhen learned the master's address, she left the jewelry store, ate something casually on the street, and followed the address provided by her female colleague to find it.

  Considering that there was an afternoon, she decided to eat something to fill her stomach, but what she didn't know was that if she didn't eat this meal and immediately rushed over after learning Yang Haoran's address, then I won't miss it, because Yang Haoran was still in the store at that time, but she didn't do it.

  When she rushed to Yang Haoran's grocery store according to the address provided by her female colleague, the shutter door of the grocery store was tightly closed. At that time, Yang Haoran had already followed Guan Hai to deal with the affairs of the man surnamed Liu.

  Did not see Yang Haoran, Jiang Zhenzhen did not give up, but waited outside the grocery store, and it was evening after waiting, the result can be imagined, it was already early morning when Yang Haoran returned home, Jiang Zhenzhen had already left at that time, So she did not see Yang Haoran.

  However, she was greatly frightened for three consecutive nights, Jiang Zhenzhen did not dare to go back, but found a nearby hotel to stay overnight.

  Although she didn't go home, she lived in an uncomfortable night. She was in a trance all night, wanting to sleep but afraid to sleep, for fear that she would see that terrible old woman again after closing her eyes.

  So, she stayed like this until five o'clock, and she left the hotel before dawn, and waited outside Yang Haoran's store until she knocked on the shutter door.

  Jiang Zhenzhen spoke in great detail, and Yang Haoran listened carefully, not letting go of every detail. After listening to it, Yang Haoran also felt that this matter was very evil.

  Think about it differently, if he is a big man who encounters such a thing, he will definitely be frightened, let alone a girl like Jiang Zhenzhen, he can feel Jiang Zhenzhen's tone when she speaks of fear.

  Jiang Zhenzhen, the client, was terrified, and Yang Haoran, the audience, was also terrified. In his opinion, the house that Jiang Zhenzhen rented was definitely not clean.

  Although he thought so in his heart, he didn't show it at all on his face. A faint smile was always hanging on his face, giving people a feeling of inscrutability. Jiang Zhenzhen, who was originally terrified in her heart, saw Yang Haoran's face The faint smile on his face gave him a lot of peace of mind.

  "The master is indeed a master. If he doesn't change his face, he must have real skills. I have found the right person for this kind of thing!" Jiang Zhenzhen said happily.

  Yang Haoran chuckled, and said: "Where is it? It's just a little tricky, it can't be on the table, it can't be on the table!"

  What Yang Haoran said was true, but unfortunately, in Jiang Zhenzhen's eyes, what he said turned out to be the modesty of a master.

  Jiang Zhenzhen didn't know that the inscrutable Master Yang's face in front of him was all his sister's faking. He was actually more guilty than her, because he had no real skills at all.

  If Jiang Zhenzhen had seen the scene when Yang Haoran passed the old building last night, she would probably not come to see Master Yang again if she was killed today.

  Seeing that Yang Haoran just had an inscrutable smile on his face after the words fell, and did not continue talking, Jiang Zhenzhen felt a little anxious, so she asked, "Master Yang, how do you think I should handle this matter?"

  Yang Haoran's heart tightened, but his face did not change. After thinking about it, he said: "There is definitely something wrong with the house you are currently living in. If you continue to live in it, it will have a greater impact on you. This point I believe you understand and feel it too."

  After finishing speaking, without waiting for Jiang Zhenzhen to open her mouth, Yang Haoran took a mirror from the side and handed it to her, sighed, and continued to speak: "You take a look in the mirror to see your current mental state, alas, that is a miserable situation. ."

  Jiang Zhenzhen took the mirror and looked at herself. In the mirror, she looked haggard, as if she had suddenly aged several years. She walked in a hurry this morning, and she didn't pay attention to observing herself at all. Now this careful observation, But it startled her.

  "Master...this..." Jiang Zhenzhen was a little anxious.

  "I suggest you move out of that house now and don't continue to live in it." Yang Haoran thought for a while and suggested.

  Yang Haoran made this suggestion to Jiang Zhenzhen, if the other party agrees, then his business will be ruined, and the house has been changed, so what do you want to do with you. However, his actions seem to be cutting off his own money, but in fact he has his own considerations.

  The reason why he suggested this to Jiang Zhenzhen was not that he didn't want to earn Jiang Zhenzhen's money, but that he didn't dare to earn this money.

  Every time he picks up business, he is particular about it. He needs to understand the situation carefully first. If it is within his ability, he is naturally willing to take on more jobs and make more money. But if it's beyond his ability, then it's another matter.

  Within the scope of his ability, of course, it is limited to acting and fooling the client. This is easy for him, and there is nothing difficult, but if the idea is tricky, the situation is too weird and evil, just like the situation Jiang Zhenzhen encountered this time. , then he will not take over indiscriminately.

  Because once you pick it up, not only will you not be able to solve the problem, but you will also reveal your true colors. At that time, you will not earn money, but you will lose the reputation you have worked so hard to get, which is not worth the loss.

  Although he won't take over carelessly, usually Yang Haoran will come up with some ideas for these people. Based on what he knows, he will provide customers with some free advice. As for whether it works or not, he has no control over it.

  But when Jiang Zhenzhen heard his suggestion, she immediately shook her head like a rattle, and said, "No, no, this is not okay."

  Yang Haoran looked puzzled, and asked, "What? Why not?"

  Jiang Zhenzhen hesitated, as if she had something to hide, but after hesitating for a while, she still said: "I rent this house with an annual rent, and I also paid a deposit of 500 yuan. If I don't rent it, I will lose money." It's big, the money is very important to me."1

  "One year's rent? What do you do with so much money?" Yang Haoran was even more puzzled.

  "I saw that the environment of this house was good and the price was very cheap, so I liked it very much, so I decided to rent this house, but the landlord's attitude was very tough, and I had to pay a year's rent to rent the house. Otherwise, he would not rent it. Although I hesitated at the time, considering that I would develop in this city for a long time and would not change houses without special circumstances, I agreed to the landlord and paid one year's rent and five hundred The deposit of the new coin, if you don't rent it now, you will definitely not be able to get the rent back, maybe even the deposit. It doesn't matter if you don't get it back. It's not a small amount." Jiang Zhenzhen explained with a helpless look on her face.1

  Regarding Jiang Zhenzhen's words, Yang Haoran didn't doubt anything. He had been wandering abroad for more than ten years, and he also rented some houses. As Jiang Zhenzhen said, under such circumstances, the rent would definitely not come back.

  As for the deposit, it depends on the landlord's personality and mood. When encountering a kind-hearted landlord, they will return the deposit to the tenant and will not make things difficult for them.

  Lesser landlords will find all kinds of problems in the house, saying that this place is also broken, and that there is also broken. Even if you only live for a day, they can find a lot of problems in the house, and then forcibly deduct the deposit part.

  What's more, the deposit will not be refunded. Except for tenants with extremely stubborn personalities who can turn things upside down, you may be able to get the deposit back from them. Other tenants with better personalities, think Don't even think about getting a deposit. For the vast majority of tenants, it doesn't matter if they don't come back. In the end, it's not a matter of nothing, and the money goes into the pocket of the landlord.

  Jiang Zhenzhen paid one year's rent and a deposit of 500 yuan, which is definitely not a lot. If she doesn't rent, the money will naturally be wasted.

  "Although money is important, is life important? If you continue to live in that house, you may lose your life. I won't talk about whether you are a ghost or not. I will just talk about your current state. If you continue to live like this Go on, how long do you think you can live?" Yang Haoran said with a serious face.

  He is indeed not fooling Jiang Zhenzhen by saying this, Jiang Zhenzhen is in a very bad state now, if she continues to live in that house, she will continue to have nightmares every night and cannot rest, regardless of ghosts and gods, Jiang Zhenzhen's body will not be able to bear it, and her body will collapse That day was the day she went on the road.

  "But...but...but if I move away, what should I do if she still wants to pester me?" Jiang Zhenzhen asked nervously. Seeing her appearance, she was on the verge of crying. I don't know if she was frightened. Or because I was too anxious.

  Jiang Zhenzhen's words stumped Yang Haoran, yes, is it safe to move the house?

  Although Jiang Zhenzhen mentioned before that in the nightmare, the carrion old woman told her to get out of the house and said that the house belonged to her. Judging from her words, the carrion old woman cares about the house. As long as she leaves the house, she should There will be no threat, but what if there is an emergency?

  What if after Jiang Zhenzhen moved out, the carrion old woman was still haunting her, what should I do, move house again?

  After moving the house again, she is still pestering her. Do you still want to move the house?

  Not to mention that it is very troublesome to do so, even an animal can't afford such trouble, let's talk about the rent and deposit every time you move, it is a lot of expenses, where can you find so much money?

  But is there any other way than doing this?

  Yang Haoran thought about it, and then decided to let Jiang Zhenzhen live in another place first. If the carrion old woman stopped harassing her, then everything would be fine. If moving the house is useless, then I will find a way at that time . The temple is looking for a real expert, and when the time comes, he will fool around casually, and it will be no problem to keep his reputation.

  Yang Haoran was about to speak, but Jiang Zhenzhen took out something from the bag, and handed it to him with very respectful hands.

  This thing is a red envelope, it doesn't look big, but it is thicker than the red envelope that the man surnamed Liu gave him yesterday, even though the thickness is not obvious, but Yang Haoran can still see the difference at a glance .

  The appearance of the red envelope made Yang Haoran swallow his words again, but Jiang Zhenzhen said weakly at this time: "I think the best way is to ask Master Yang to take a look at the house I rented, and then ...then help me deal with it."