
The Plan (2)

Near "The Cage" were several gangs waiting for the next show, although all the gangs were rivals, they did not attack in this place, after all they were in one of the few neutral points that the city had.

There are only two rules that have to be met in these neutral places, the first rule is not to carry weapons, without exception, and the second rule, the development of any conflict between the gangs is not allowed. Anyone who breaks the rules will be expelled, and his entire gang is prohibited from entering neutral places.

Only the main leaders of the gangs were in this place, after all for the entrance to these shows, it requires connections and money.

For people who are allowed to enter, they can only bring a companion. But very few people take someone with them, because they had to answer for them.

Two members of the gang looking for Hazel, one was a young man with several scars on his face and arms, and the other was a young man with ordinary features. Under those scars you could see similar features between them.

"Brother, are you sure that this guy does not have any support?" The youngest asks his older brother a little nervous.

"I already told you that according to the report, he did not wear any tattoo or clothing that belonged to a gang". he replies annoyed to his brother.

¨But brother, why did we have to move the whole gang just to catch one person? ¨ the youngest asks still not convinced.

"Apparently, this person won the jackpot, and we can not let it slip out of our hands," he turns around and looks directly at his brother.

¨and the other reason is because him turned out to be a very elusive son of a bitch, do you make it clear? ¨. He says it in a way that he would not accept any more questions. then continue walking.

"Yes brother ...", lowers his head in embarrassment, and continues walking behind his brother, not noticing the tall, muscular figure approaching him. and pushes it towards a group of people.

One of the largest gangs in the "lawless city", its members were discussing animatedly about the last fight, although they lost some of its members lot of money, they witnessed an excellent show.

The leader of the gang and his lieutenants participated in the discussion. To differentiate and recognize the members of the gangs, they used tattoos and similar clothing color.

While they were arguing, the lieutenants of the gang watched with hidden lust for their leader's girlfriend, who was a beautiful, voluptuous young woman with a shy look.

They did not allow themselves to look with lust directly at the young woman, not only out of respect for their leader, but also for the entity that supports her, she was the only daughter of one of the most dangerous and bloodthirsty leaders in the city.

At that time a person collides with the girlfriend of the gang leader.

The leader of the angry gang takes the young man by the neck. "Wait, I ..." Not giving time to explain to the young man, since for the leader of the gang it was just a hothead who wanted to grope his beautiful girlfriend, in front of him.

The leader of the gang begins to hit the young man in the face violently, with the intention of killing him.

The man with scars when he sees his little brother being beaten, throws himself into the fray, and pushes the leader of the gang. making him release his brother. who is disoriented.

When the man with scars advances to continue hitting the leader of the gang, the lieutenants try to stop him, but like a bull out of his cage, without caring about the blows he receives, he advances towards the leader with decisive steps and attacks him.

After a while the lieutenants manage to restrain the man with scars, but this event does not go unnoticed by the gangs of the surroundings and the gang of the man with scars, who advance quickly to support the member of his gang.

The leader of the gang gets up full of blood, points his bloody finger at the man and orders his lieutenants to "pick up that bastard ...."

The leader of the gang looks furiously at the man with scars. "I'm going to show you who I am ...", the metal bracelet that unites its parts becomes a white weapon.

The young man, still disoriented, looks for help in the surroundings but all he finds is the look of indifference in the people around him and a gun near him.

At that moment we hear a heartrending scream, which comes from the man with scars on his face, who is kneeling while covering the left eye of his face.

Seeing his brother, who is like a father and at the same time the person he most admires screaming heartbreakingly, and defeated. Without hesitation he takes the firearm, incorporates himself and points.