
The Plan (3)

As the youth gets up and aims to kill the gang leader, the gang leader's trusted man notices this and pushes his leader to the floor, at the same time that the weapon is shot.

Although the bullet does not reach its objective, if it fulfills its purpose which is to take a life.

On another side of the bleachers, an important member of a gang begins to bleed to death by a shot in the chest.

While most of the people in the event are on guard, looking for the source of the shot, others start screaming, hurling expletives and fighting each other.

The young man tries again to shoot the leader of the gang on the ground with his firearm, but the bullet never comes out of the gun. but the firearm only had one ammunition.

The member of the nearest gang quickly disarms the youth, while hitting him with the same weapon, knocking him to the ground.

"HE HAS A WEAPON!" a scream is heard that contains fear and terror of a woman.

Everyone looks where the woman is pointing, and they notice the man who recently took the gun.

¨Motherfucker¨. An obese man says from the other side of the stands. At his side was his second in command bleeding by a shot in the chest "I knew you would attack me from behind, like the rat you are." The obese man tells the leader of the band that has just got up.

Some time ago there was a dispute over territory, where several dozen people fought to the death. Both parties did not continue fighting because they knew that anyone who ended up winning would be quickly devoured by another band, taking advantage of their moment of weakness.

After that, small disputes developed between the members of both bands, they never crossed the line to face each other and declare war, that nobody benefits more than their rivals.

¨Today you will not live out of here! ¨. The obese man shouts as he pulls a saber from his cane. The men around him who realize that their leader has declared war, begin to take out their hidden weapons. "Attack, and kill that bastard!"

On the other side of the stands taking advantage of the commotion, many people started attacking their rivals from behind.

If the neutral place allowed someone to have firearms, it is because they conspired with one of the parties, therefore in the minds of the people of "the city without law" it ceases to be a neutral place and becomes a field of war.

In the stands people could hear cries of terror, pleas for help and laughter for the emotion of killing.

The head of security when looking for Damiant with his subordinates, and heard the shot, his first action is to look for his firearm, he knows that the only people allowed to use weapons is him and The Director. But the only thing he finds is his empty gun case. He leaves the tunnels and runs towards the stands.

The security chief looks impatiently at the events that happen around the stands, watch how his men try to stop the fights that take place all over the place, only for them to end up wrapped in that fierce one.

He saw as several of his men trying to separate the aggressors from the victims, they ended up being cruelly attacked by the same victims, who out of fear of being attacked again, defended themselves tooth and nail.

Although they all carried electric batons, they could not face several people at once and stop the mass of violence that hung over the entire place.

Then he remembers the young man with whom he had a stumble, he saw him fall, tremble, beg and cry, but he never saw his hands. ¨¡dammit!¨.

The security chief quickly returns the way he came, in the direction of the Director.

In the highest part of the whole Arena, above the reflectors of light was the mind that caused all the chaos that happens in the Arena.

He watched with indifference the events that occurred throughout the Arena, He watched as the larger bands attacked with impetus, while the smaller ones sought to defend themselves and survive.

He saw how those who said they were friends stabbed themselves in the back in a moment of carelessness; how the alliances between the bands were broken by the selfishness of profit and power; as the people who tried to help were attacked by the victims. A nest of vipers and lizards.

Hermit without showing any emotion saw how the enemies of his brothers were involved in the bloody conflicts of the Arena, were quickly killed by the gangs, since they were separated in small groups looking for their brothers; their forces were scattered and were targets for small and big bands.

"it's done little brother" says Damiant as he approaches with Hazel, to see what was happening in the Arena.

"Hermit, did it have to happen this way?" Asks Hazel, seeing what was happening in the Arena, and what was to come.

Hermit is unperturbed by his brother's rebuke. "We have to eliminate our potential enemies, before they become possible threats". with the same emotionless gaze he continues looking towards the Arena.