
The Plan

Damiant and Hazel were immediately on guard, waiting for any kind of unexpected attack. Together they look towards the figure that is hiding in the shadows, merging with the darkness.

After seeing the person hiding in the shadows and his dark eyes without a glimpse of life, they can not help but let out a sigh of relief, while the figure comes out of hiding.

The figure shown is a young man of 15 years, of small stature, emaciated and with Asian features, who would go unnoticed like any other vagabond child, of this city of bad death. But what characterizes it most is its intelligent and emotionless look.

He was Hermit Helgrint, the third brother of the Helgrint brothers. He used glasses for his nearsightedness, and like his brothers wore worn clothes with several spots and missing parts.

"We do not have time for this, I calculate that the first group will find this place in fifteen minutes".

Hazel had not yet gotten used to her little brother's silent way of doing things. "Are you sure there are two groups and not just one?".

Hermit looks his brothers straight in the eyes. ¨ Both groups have characteristics that differentiate them, all the members of one of the groups have similar tattoos, most likely from a gang, while the other group is led by one of the men, who took Damiant to know to the Director¨.

¨I knew that bastard was not going to let him pass ... ...!¨. Damiant exclaims, but it still was not clear to him how his little brother knew they were from two different groups. "How do you know they are from two different groups and are not in conspiracy?¨.

"Who brought you with the Director are asking for you to the people who saw you for the last time". Then look at Hazel "The other group was following the clues to this idiot".

Hazel realized that he had lowered his guard, he let himself be carried away by his emotions and the great benefits that he had just won, he did not realize that someone was following him. If it were not for his genius brother had reminded him several times to take different alleys and shortcuts, which he had established. then he would have been caught.

"Why are they looking for me?, I did what you recommended, I looked for a lady cashier to make my bets ... .¨.

Hazel looks accustomed to the gesture of his brother to blur his gaze for a few seconds, this happens whenever a dilemma presents itself. "Did you flirt with the lady cashier?".

Hazel pulls out a piece of paper¨yes, look, I have her number ...¨.he feels a blow on his hands that snatches the paper.

Angrily Damiant points out the paper ¨this is, what you consider the hardest part of the plan ...!?¨.

Hermit, not caring about his brother's rage, looks at Hazel. ¨Did you notice, if the mates of the cashier, were they watching you?¨.

now that you mention it. Hazel remembers that the cashier's partner looked at him with hatred, as if he wanted to tear it apart. He did not give much importance, he was already used ...

Hermit did not give the time to continue rambling, "most likely, the cashier was a member of that gang".

¨But, do you have a contingency plan for these cases?, no? ¨ Hazel looks with hope at his genius brother.

¨The contingency plan, would have served if it were just an organization that persecutes us, there are too many variables to consider. now we have a change of plans¨

Damiant and Hazel watch as his brother returns to blur his gaze for several seconds. "We have to start moving, at this moment".


Through one of the passageways that Damiant had taken, were the Director's men, in an intersection they run into a young man, who accidentally collides with his leader, who is the Director's right hand.

Because of the darkness that governs the passageways, they can not see the face of the young man who is lying on the ground pleading. "Please, please, forgive me, it was not my intention".

One of the Director's men asks his leader. "boss, what do we do?", While another suggested "teach him a lesson".

The leader looks for a moment to the young man, who most likely has a look of terror at this moment ¨ we have already lost a lot of time here, we have to take that elusive fellow to the Director¨.

The young man observes how the group moves away through the passage, where he came from. The young man changes his expression of terror to a smile of accomplishment, while pulling out a gun.