
The Dungeon Master (Remastered)

An eccentric restaurant owner, and his unnatural shop's daily life in a monster invasion apocalypse. (Cover credit is Lia Booysen on Artstation. Contact me if you'd like it removed.)

Dragoster · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs

Test run

Leaving the minions to take care of the restaurant, Seth walked down into the pub, cleaning up the glasses and getting everything ready.

He played around with egg while looking at the blood container and opening it, seeing the blood form into the shape of a snake as it dashed into his exposed hand before disappearing, leaving Seth with a few messages.

[The eight-headed snake's blood resonates with yours. Mana circuits unclogged. All base stats increase by 25.]

[The eight-headed snake's blood flows through your veins. Poison blood (Basic) lv.1 is created.]

"Oh. Seems like a distant cousin." He said while stretching out and moving around, feeling much lighter now.

[The harem king compliments your tattoos.]

"Tattoos?" He asked as he looked into a mirror, finding his face to be filled with tribal tattoos and upon taking his shirt off, he noticed that the tattoos went through his whole body. "Cool." He said as he put his clothes back on.

"Hey there, pretty boy. Nice tats." It was the lizardwoman named Violet who greeted him upon entering the pub. "What are those?" She asked him while pointing to the VR helmets.

"VR helmets. You can play games or try the dungeon using them." He said.

"Dungeon?" She asked. "Sounds kinky." She teased as she looked at them. "How much for a round?" She asked with a grin.

Seth was... mostly unfazed by the woman's teasing. "I'll let you have this round for free, since you're gonna be the first to try it out."

"Well thanks for letting me have your first." She said before putting one on and heading into the dungeon with the virtual body while her progress was displayed on the screens on the ceiling as she cleared the first few floors quite easily, struggling with the bosses somewhat while the enemies dropped some coins and terrible weapons and equipment rarely, only to get surrounded in the seventh floor and instantly have her head obliterated by the mantis shrimp.

She took off the helmet and looked at him in shock. "What the hell was that?!" She asked. "I didn't even have the chance to dodge or block it!" She said.

"Shadow snake mantis shrimp." He said. "What do you want to drink?" He nonchalantly asked.

"Surprise me." She said as she took a seat on the chairs while he looked at the drinks available.

"What's your budget?" He asked her.

She looked at the coins she got from the dungeon. "2 large silvers." She said before Seth began making her drink, handing it to her a while later. "Enjoy." He said as he watched her grab and down it in a moment.

"Thanks for the drink." She said as she left the place, leaving Seth to think about how to run the place while serving any other customers.

He then fixed the rate at 4 silvers per round with a free trial for each person. He then sat down behind the counter again to serve customers while the few that asked about the helmets didn't want to try them out.

After it became night, Seth closed the shop and got some rest, waking up early into the night because he could thanks to his stronger body.

Upon waking up, he stood up and left through the window before running full-speed towards one of the dungeons with mutated livestock in it.

He sped right through the wall in front of the dungeon, leaving a hole in it and accelerating into the dungeon before the guards could stop him.

Once in, Seth saw countless mutated cows, sheep, and the likes. He ignored them until a giant black bull charged at him, to which he responded to with a sidestep and a slash, separating its head from its body as it fell like a log. He put its body in his bag as he went to the boss room.

[You have slain Maddened bull (Level 10). +3 levels. You have 15 undistributed stat points.]

"So that's how levelling up works." He said as he began to remember that dungeons were separated into many types, like mazes, fields, labyrinths and the rest. But in all of those, there were only two categories for what they dropped: The first dropped items upon the enemies' death and the second left their bodies intact. This was one of those.

He then ran into the boss room, killing any of the beasts that picked a fight with him on the way, gaining 4 levels on his way before entering the boss room.

Inside was a giant bipedal bull holding an axe, a minotaur who stared down at Seth. "I greet the imperial hydra." It said with its masculine voice as it bowed down in front of him.

Seth looked up at it. "I-" He wanted to speak but the system did so before he could.

[Dungeon core detected. Would you like to take it? YES/NO]

He looked at the minotaur. "Can I take your dungeon core?" He asked it curiously, awaiting its reaction.

"You can do that?" It asked. "Oh you must be one of the dungeon masters I've heard about." It said. "I guess you can? It's pretty tiring to have to deal with hunters. Killing and getting killed, all that jazz."

He then pressed yes before he was teleported out with a sphere in his hand, immediately fleeing the scene and setting the dungeon in his basement.

[Farmer's barn added to your bound dungeons.]

Since livestock was now done, it was time to look for fruits, vegetables and grain, and he knew exactly where to find them. The S-rank field dungeon, Monster farmer's field.

He walked to it while humming, finding a bunch of hunters standing guard, which he restrained with his dark magic before running in.

"Intruder! Sound the alarm!" One of them yelled out before a loud alarm was heard while he jumped in, followed by members of the guild a few seconds later.

After jumping in, all he could see was farm land, and a single house far far away, that he ran into due to the guild members following him while bombarding him with spells, debuffs and crowd control. He didn't know if the dungeon core was in there, but he had a hunch that was proven right, as he saw a spherical item within along with chests upon entry.

He grabbed it before everyone was teleported out of the dungeon, to glaring lights focusing on the now-gone dungeon entrance. "You are surrounded!Hand over the dungeon core or else!" One of them shouted through a megaphone.

"Make me." He responded by activating lightning steps and covering himself in dark magic, erasing his presence and disappearing from his spot, leaving only the wind that followed him.

While legging it home, he heard a frustrated scream and orders being yelled out, but he merely walked back home and locked his doors while humming, setting the dungeon near the barn, before a message showed up.

[Monster farmer's field and farmer's barn are merging... Please wait.]

Seth shrugged and walked into his own dungeon, cultivating in it for the rest of the day as he decided to lay low and not open for the next few days.