
The Dungeon Master (Remastered)

An eccentric restaurant owner, and his unnatural shop's daily life in a monster invasion apocalypse. (Cover credit is Lia Booysen on Artstation. Contact me if you'd like it removed.)

Dragoster · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs

Family visit (Part 1)

3 days into his self-quarantine, Seth awoke to a special ringtone which he answered while half asleep. "Mm, Hello?" He spoke while barely being able to open his eyes to see who it was.

"Hey honey! Maria said she wants to meet you! How does literally now sound?" A feminine voice sounded from his phone.

"Oh... Where are you two?" He asked while getting up with a yawn while he heard the sound of a helicopter.

"The roof." She said with a chuckle. "Come meet me."

He stretched out and walked out to the roof in nothing but his boxers before feeling the wind from the helicopter fans touch him, and a pleasant voice yelling out. "Hey love!" Said a beautiful woman with long white hair peeking her head out from the helicopter.

"Get over here." He said with a smile before watching her jump off from the helicopter and catching her in his arms. "Hey there pretty lady." He spoke as he leaned down to kiss her.

"Hey handsome." She responded before leaning up and kissing him while the helicopter landed on the roof.

"Dad!" He heard a cheerful young voice before he put his wife on his shoulders and picked up a little girl with black and white hair running at him.

"Hey Mari, have you been good?" He asked his daughter with a big smile on his face. "What's with your hair?"

"Mhm!" She said while frantically nodding her head. "Look! I awakened these!" She said as a butterfly coated in purple and white smoke appeared in her palm.

"That's nice. What does it do?" He asked as he set her down and pat her head.

"I don't know..." She sheepishly said while making it flap around, causing Seth to laugh.

"We'll find out later, now come get some sleep." He said as he set his wife down before walking back to bed and immediately falling asleep, causing the two to chuckle.

"Your dad's still the same, even after an apocalypse situation." She said before jumping into the bed and laying next to him.

Maria got onto the bed and laid down in the middle after taking her shoes off.

Seth woke up exactly 2 hours later, smiling at the two as he sat up and walked downstairs, to feel a tremor shake his house and see two messages.

[Monster farmer's field and farmer's barn merged. Monster farm created.]

[The world merge is complete. Releasing all limitations. Unlocking all features... Please wait.]

He walked to the kitchen, ignoring the shaking as he made himself food. The shaking stopped 5 minutes later with another message.

[Record of worlds is now open.]

He then checked it, seeing his world's record first.

[1. Seth Malik: Damaged a god as a mortal.

2. Thomas Xavier: The man with the most kills alive.

3. Sun Hana: The strongest person alive.

4. Jackson Wood: Highest mana in the world.]

There were countless others below them, but he simply moved to the collective record of worlds, which was far longer than the one for his world.

[1. Julian Stone: The strongest man alive.

2. Allius Thanatos: The man with the biggest army.

3. Zephyr King: Least likely being to die.

4. Deimos Amon: Most knowledgeable being alive.

5. Julian Stone: Most techniques created by one man...]

The list went on and on, and Seth had no time to read it all, so he focused on his meal and finished cooking before wolfing it down instantly and sitting down to cultivate, feeling himself get closer to a breakthrough.

And a few hours later, black mist exploded out from his body, filling the room and seeping out of it as he tried to contain it, only for the magical circle residing around his heart to move first to absorb it all.

[Multiple heads cultivation is now level 3: Partial transformation further unlocked, regeneration (minor) unlocked. Your stats cannot increase due to your vessel and soul's weakness. It is recommended to increase your physical stats and concentration.]

[You are now a third circle mage. Your magic, intelligence, and concentration increase by 30.]

"Hm. So I need to increase my vitality? Let me check that real quick."

[Name: Seth Malik.

Age: 26.

Species: Imperial Hydra (Half-awakened)

Level: 7 (Earth, Third circle).

Status: Perfectly fine.

Mana: 1600/1600.

Class: Dungeon master lv.1.


Strength: 140.

Agility: 149.

Vitality: 143.

Intelligence: 218.

Concentration: 155.

Magic: 210.

Luck: 125.

(Other stats hidden)

Available stat points: 35.


Emerald Fang (Katana sword) (Damaged).

Crystal Ant's Shell (Exoskeleton armor) (Crumbling).


Taming Lv.4.

Equivalent exchange Lv.1.

Reroll Lv.1.

Mana manipulation Lv.4

Multiple heads cultivation lv.3.

Partial transformation (Basic) lv.2.

Demonica lv.1.

Dark magic (Basic) lv.3.

Lightning steps (Basic) lv.1.

Hydra fear (Basic) lv.1.

Hydra roar (Basic) lv.1.

Emperor's touch (Basic) lv.1.

Ruler's authority (Basic) lv.1.

Poison blood (Basic) lv.2.

Regeneration (minor) lv.1.

Blood rage lv.1.

Necromancy (Basic) lv.1.

Summoning magic (Basic) lv.1.]

He didn't understand how skills leveled up, but it seemed like it was based on how much they were used. Also, his class hadn't leveled up, so that was weird too.

He then got on the internet and posted anonymously on the awakener website. "Willing to trade an intact angel's corpse and weapon for something of equal value." He didn't see anything about an angel's value online, but he had a few ideas, since the corpse's head reattached on its own in his bag of holding. The angel's spear was also not something he knew how to use.

The first few replies were suspicious of his offer, so he had to post proof, sending images and the stats of the two.

Following that, countless offers were made after which he put his phone to the side to wait for other offers and upgraded his concentration with the 35 undistributed stat points, raising it to 190, which meant that the only thing left was to increase his level for more stat points to add to his strength, vitality and agility.

Seth then stretched out and walked into the monster farm to grind, killing everything before the boss and returning to do it again, gaining 24 levels over a period of 5 hours, dumping 40 into each of his physical stats, while his dungeon master class didn't even level up once and neither did the stat points open up.

He then made breakfast for his wife and kid prior to taking a shower while they woke up and heading back down in new clothing. "So what do you wanna do today?"

"Well aside from what we do when I come here, I wanna go shopping, take that awakener test since there's less risk and little to no guilds in this country and have some fun." Yulia said.

He chuckled in response before speaking. "Alright, finish your food and we'll go do that. I need to fix my gear too." He said as he ate.

A while later, they all finished their food and left the house as Seth summoned Vince to be their ride, who looked quite annoyed with the position he'd been assigned, but Maria looked very satisfied and surprised. "Woah! What's this, dad?"

We surpassed 100 collections and 15k views. Thanks a lot, friends.

Also, I made a discord server. https://discord.gg/XBd3cSTvFJ

Dragostercreators' thoughts