
The Diamond In The Rough✔

||Book 1 of the Diamond Series|| The world had fallen into chaos a long time ago. Creatures came and enslaved the human race: Vampires, Lycans/Werewolves and Demons. They took and slaughtered thousands of innocent people. Men, Women and Children. After suffering for ten years, another set of beings came. They had enormous wings and a shining silver rings floating above their heads. Rings that could be used as a weapon if necessary. These creatures were called 'Angels'. They were kind and honestly the opposite of every supernatural creature that existed in that era. They built their kingdom protecting as many humans as they could but the dark creatures had other things planed. There was a war that broke out. Every man for themselves or more specifically, every creature for themselves.The war went on for almost 500 years. Then there was a woman. She wasn't an Angel or Vampire or Lycan or Demon. Turns out she was a hybrid of all four. More powerful than anything. No one knows for sure how this hybrid was made and at some point, no one cared. Her name was Elaka. She was seen as a priestess. Elaka was the savior of all humans. She created a boarder and the world was divided in two: The Land of Light; was so peaceful that it had to be shielded from the world. Elaka had put a protective hidden wall around the kingdom so no one would come in unless brought in by the citizens. There were humans that lived there and their lives were a paradise. And total peace. And there was the Dark land. Where every other creature lived. The three major kingdoms tolerated each other for as long as they could. Years passed without war. Until Elaka suddenly vanished. Without her, the world would become chaotic again. The crystal was lost in the forest. So many have searched for it but never succeeded. Even if they ever found it, the legend says it was set in stone. It was glued to a tree and only 'The Diamond in The Rough' could pull it out. That person was never found.

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89 Chs


We just sat there in silence.

He leaned on the dining table, arms folded and eyes closed like he was trying to think of something.

Meanwhile I was sitting on his cloud of a bed.

He told me to relax but I just couldn't.

Though I haven't been working here for so long, I still took my job seriously as to avoid death.

Everything about this felt so wrong.

I'm his servant, he's my master.

End of story.

That's the only relationship we were allowed to have.

Aside me being his blood bag.

It's been roughly 15 minutes but it feels like 6 hours.

No jokes.

"I said you should relax and not soak yourself and my bed in sweat" his eyes were still closed.

I guess he could sense the tension.

"I'm sorry sir. I'll get something to clean up" I didn't know what I wanted to clean but I wanted to get out of here as soon as possible.

"it'll be easier on you if you take off your shoes and relax. I'm not going to hurt you. At least not now" he muttered the last part but it was still true.

"but I-"

"your shoes or your dress? The choice is yours" he opened his eyes and judging from the lifelessness of his eyes, he wasn't joking.

I knew it was pointless arguing with him on this one and it would be better to take off my shoes than my dress.

I slowly reached for my toes and took off my tiny shoes.

And sat upright.

Taking off my shoes didn't calm me down even the slightest.

King Cyrus' POV:

Gosh this was annoying.

I know I don't have to do this but in order for her to recover immediately, she has to stay by my side.

I feel the servants' quarters will only make her conditions worse and she won't rest due to one form of noise or another.

But that isn't my main problem right now.

What was really bugging me was her damn heartbeat.

Even if I weren't a vampire, I would still hear her from the other room.

She has every right to be afraid.

I honestly would be surprised if she wasn't.

I don't need to see to tell that she isn't relaxed.

"if you stay in that position, you'll end up with back pain. I suggest you lay down"

She gave me her 'Did-I-hear-right?' Look.

"but sire. I mean it-"

"you're really testing my patience. Do you honestly want me to whip you? Because I'm allowing you stay on my bed doesn't give you the right to talk back"

My voice automatically went low but she didn't seem to budge.

A sigh passed my lips as I stood up and waked towards her.

She began to tremble.

For someone who's so scared, this one is also stubborn and that's an attitude I don't see every day.

When I placed my hands on her shoulders, her entire body froze.

I'm guessing she thinks I'll drink from her again.

I applied a bit of pressure to force her to lie back down but amazingly, she wasn't budging.

"if you let me use up my true strength, I will rip your shoulders clean off your body and I don't think you'd want that"

I know I scared her even more but damn she was stubborn.

The little one began to relax slightly.

My arms guided her totally till her back was flat on the bed.

"now doesn't that feel better?" I got up and she was about to follow me up but I glared at her and she laid back down.

"this is the last time I'll ask you to relax. If you don't comply, you'll end up passed out or do you prefer that?"

I tuned into her heartbeat.

It was still beating quite fast but over time it slowed down.

I kept my distance observing before I knew she was finally asleep.

Though she slept off with her feet hanging off the edge of the bed.

I got up and adjusted her position and her eyes immediately shot open and her heartbeat spiked up again.

"if you don't want me to move you, lay in the middle of the bed" now that she was a bit sleepy she wouldn't resist.

Lyra nodded and obliged to my instructions.

She was a light sleeper.

Most humans were.

They're so frail and easy to break.

Especially the women and children.

They do put up fights very now and then but it's nothing I can't handle.

Now that I think about it, this is the first maid I'm being this kind to.

Maybe because she doesn't have any interest in me that's why.

The other ones were either too scared or too lust-driven.

But there's something about her personality that's different.

She had the right mixture of everything.

Everything except lust.

I was pulled away from my thoughts when I heard a faint snore.

She was already asleep.

Lyra was going to take today and maybe tomorrow off depending on my mood and her strength.

I should honestly stop over-analyzing this child.

It's not like it's going to do me any good anyways.

Lyra's POV:

I was in the white void again.

All alone.

Every time this happens, the figurine lady always comes but never speaks or shows herself.

But this time she was closer but she wore a cloak that covered most of her face leaving only her mouth.

"who are you and what do you want from me?" I asked.

"my identity doesn't matter right now. But rest assured I'm not here to harm you. I'm here to help you"

"what are you that you only show up when I'm asleep and bring me to this white void?"

"as I have said, my identity doesn't matter right now. And I bring you here to offer you advice and help you achieve what you seek"

"what do you know about me?"

"I know everything about you Lyra Destiny. I'm in your dreams remember?" she smirked.

"true but is this how you're going to communicate with me? Only when I'm asleep?"

"for now yes. When the time is right, I will me with you even while you're awake. But it'll be only you that'll see or hear me"

"so why exactly do you want to help me?"

"because I have a vision of the future and it isn't good. I'm not going to give you the details because that's all you need to know for now"

I was about to ask something when she cut me short.

"our time is up but I shall be with you Lyra"

Then my eyes opened.