
The Diamond In The Rough✔

||Book 1 of the Diamond Series|| The world had fallen into chaos a long time ago. Creatures came and enslaved the human race: Vampires, Lycans/Werewolves and Demons. They took and slaughtered thousands of innocent people. Men, Women and Children. After suffering for ten years, another set of beings came. They had enormous wings and a shining silver rings floating above their heads. Rings that could be used as a weapon if necessary. These creatures were called 'Angels'. They were kind and honestly the opposite of every supernatural creature that existed in that era. They built their kingdom protecting as many humans as they could but the dark creatures had other things planed. There was a war that broke out. Every man for themselves or more specifically, every creature for themselves.The war went on for almost 500 years. Then there was a woman. She wasn't an Angel or Vampire or Lycan or Demon. Turns out she was a hybrid of all four. More powerful than anything. No one knows for sure how this hybrid was made and at some point, no one cared. Her name was Elaka. She was seen as a priestess. Elaka was the savior of all humans. She created a boarder and the world was divided in two: The Land of Light; was so peaceful that it had to be shielded from the world. Elaka had put a protective hidden wall around the kingdom so no one would come in unless brought in by the citizens. There were humans that lived there and their lives were a paradise. And total peace. And there was the Dark land. Where every other creature lived. The three major kingdoms tolerated each other for as long as they could. Years passed without war. Until Elaka suddenly vanished. Without her, the world would become chaotic again. The crystal was lost in the forest. So many have searched for it but never succeeded. Even if they ever found it, the legend says it was set in stone. It was glued to a tree and only 'The Diamond in The Rough' could pull it out. That person was never found.

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I had no idea where I was.

Everything around me was pure white.

It looked like an endless void.

"hello? Is there anyone there?" I yelled.

But there was no answer.

Maybe it's a weird dream.

I tried walking around but stopped dead in my tracks when I noticed a figure in the distance.

It looked like it was a woman.

She seemed to be significantly tall.

Due to the distance, reading her facial features were going to be a problem for me.

"who are you?" I asked.

She didn't respond so I tried walking towards her.

The mysterious lady didn't flinch or make any attempt to move or run away.

I was getting closer before I heard my name in a distance.

It sounded like my friends.

Before I could look back the lady was gone!

"she's waking up" someone's said.

My head was seriously hurting.

What had happened?

Where am I?

It took a while for my hazy vision to clear out but I was in my room.

"Lyra? H-how do you feel?" it was Nadia.

"fine, I guess. What happened?" my throat was beyond dry.

It felt like there was a desert in my throat and it hurt badly.

Fortunately; Nadia handed me a glass of water and I gulped everything down in a matter of seconds.

"thank you" I managed to say.

My neck and other parts of my body was hurting so badly, it felt impossible to move them.

"w-where is she?" my voice was rough.

I still didn't want to miss the moment when Nadia will see Eri.

"if you're asking about Eri, I've seen her. She was the one that brought you to me. Though she had to leave and attend to the prince" Nadia helped me sit up.

"you've been passed out for a few hours"

"well I guess trying to communicate with someone I couldn't see was a bit difficult and draining" I nervously laughed.

"what do you mean?"

"I saw a woman in my dream. I couldn't see her face but from the little I could make up about her, she's really tall. Other than that...nothing"

"maybe it's a one-time dream or something. You might not see it after tomorrow. Besides you shouldn't worry about that"

"yeah, I have work to do" I tried to get off the bed but felt too dizzy and immediately collapsed back on the bed.

"you can do the work after you get your strength back. Alright?" not like I have much choice and it's for my own good.

"yeah it's alright" I smiled at her...

King Cyrus' POV:

I don't know what's come over me.

I crave everything about her.

The look on her face when she's terrified.

The innocence in her eyes.

How she looks at every new thing with wonder.

I know I pushed the limits with this frail human but if I want her to last or survive with me, I'll have to be gentle.

Unfortunately, that word and I aren't exactly friends.

I don't ask, I take.

If it means I have to use force on her; so be it.

Her innocence was something I couldn't understand.

Most of my personal maids did everything thing they could to get into my clothes.

I called for Ms. Melody and she came in rushing in.

"yes my king!" she bowed her head and kept her eyes down.

"have my personal maid sent in"

"urmm pardon me my king but did you just send for Lyra?"

"did I stutter?" I cocked a brow

"well it's just after the last time she was here...she urmm passed out and isn't exactly all that strong" she said the last part a little more quietly.

"what do you mean she's lost her strength?"

"well Lyra is overall very small girl and you took too much blood sire" she still didn't make any eye contact with me.

"send her in at once!" I bellowed and she took off running out of my chambers.

Lyra's POV:

I might faint before I get to his room.

When Ms. Melody came into my room telling me the king requested to see me, I nearly turned white.

What more does he want from me?

He's already done more than enough to me.

The closer I got to his door, the more I paled or that's how I felt at least.


I knocked on the door three times.

"enter" his voice was low and he sounded angry.

When did he not actually but know I didn't do anything to upset him.

"you of all people should know that I don't have patience. Or at least it's not enough to deal with your sluggishness" the king was opened the door and was towering over me. 

"I'm sorry sire" I dropped my eyes and walked into his fairly lit room.

Every time I come here I always keep my guard up and feel on edge.

"what would you like me to do your majesty?" it hasn't been too long since I were here and I believe I've done all that I needed to do.

"sit down" his voice was a bit calm.

Yet I feel my ears were playing with me.


"you aren't strong is that not?"

I looked at him with utter confusion.

"when I ask you a question, you answer me. Understand? As I've said. I don't have patience for this"

"yes your highness" my voice was barely audible.

"and you know talking back can earn you a whipping, don't you?"

"yes sir" I managed to swallow the lump in my throat.

"good. So sit" he glared at me and I immediately sat on the floor without wanting to irritate him further.

"what is the meaning of this?"

"I'm sitting down your majesty"

"I never said you should sit on the floor. I meant on my bed"

"b-but I couldn't possibly sit there your majesty, its y-your bed. Where would you sit sire?"

He didn't say anything.

The king held me by my wrist and yanked me to my feet with such force that I thought my arm would rip off.

"I know you're not strong and I don't want to break you. At least not this soon so I'll give you two options; either you listen to me like a good girl or you let me bathe you"

A chill ran through me.

I couldn't believe he said that.

But I believe he wasn't bluffing.

It's better to be safe than sorry.

My feet began moving on their own till I was sitting on the edge of his bed.

It was seriously comfortable.

"now that wasn't so hard was it?" he stood in front of me while my feet suddenly picked my interest.

"if you do as you're told without making a fuss, it'll be easier for both of us"...

I don't exactly make things too disruptive for your own imaginary freedom.