
The Devouring Menace | Omni-realities

I somehow became Ralph in Rampage after a short meeting with a Primordial sicko. Well, I was tired of being human and that didn't make feel bad. But you know, life as a monster isn't easy. I have only one job to survive... To evolve and keep on evolving until I become the apex predator across all realities. *** A/N: MC's power is the same as the Zerg. Don't take the fic with much seriousness and just enjoy! 1st verse - Rampage 2nd verse - Pacific Rim Universe 3rd verse - MonsterVerse. 4th verse - ??? 5th verse - ??? *** For additional 15+ chapters, support me at my Patreon (Patreon.com/OneArmedImmortal)

OneArmedImmortal · Filem
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46 Chs

King Ghidorah, Mothra, Rodan, and Fraudzilla!


[Name: Ralph, Soobin, God of Calamities, The Miracle, The Tribunal, Beyonder]

[Identity: Scion of Qzllo'ekla, Child of Ancient Terror]

[Race: Amorphous Aberrant]

[Lifespan: Biologically Immortal]

[Height: 155 meters]

[Length: 380 meters (Muzzle to Tail)]

[Weight: 110000 metric tons]

[Objective: Survive and Evolve]

[Penalty: None]

[Innate Trait: Genetic Archiving]

<Sub trait: Big Stomach>

[Skills]: [Enhanced Speed] [Enhanced Strength] [Perfect Vision(+360 degrees vision)] [Enhanced Sense of Smell] [Enhanced Growth] [Enhanced Hearing] [Enhanced Durability] [Fearless] [Nuclear Radiation absorption] [Camouflage] [Ultra Regeneration*] [Sound Mimicry*] [Bioelectric skin(amped to 100 million volts generation)] [Acidic Venom Fang] [Deep Star Plasma Beam*] [Telekinetic Flight] [EMP emission] [Three Prehensile Monomolecular Tails] [Hive Mind Connection] [Monomolecular Plasma Claws(Explosive Supersonic claw substituted)] [Accelerated Thought Processing] [Multi-mind] [Hyperalloy crystalline carapace] [Metallurgic bioprocessor organ] [Bipedalism] [Basic Telepathy] [Telekinetic Defense Field] [Hyperalloy Bone Sheathing] [Self-sustenance] [Faith Energy Manipulation(Temporary)] [Endless Vitality] [SIZE Manipulation(*new*)] [Cell Division(*new*)]

[Independent Skill]: [Interdimensional Travel] *LOCKED* (Prerequisite: Huge amounts of energy required to unlock at will)

[Evolution Phase: Phase III]

[Current State: Well-rested]

[Alt Mode: Burning Lightning Hell Mode

Duration: 20 min]


I looked at my new status after having my morning dessert(eating Shinomura).

They were the results of sleeping on a diet for 5 years.

My recent growth wasn't exaggerated but I didn't feel greedy or unsatisfied about it.

With my endless lifespan, I had all the time in the world to grow and what I needed most were useful and versatile abilities gained through predation.

"By the way, isn't it about time for Ghidorah to avail himself, or maybe he already has when I was sleeping?" I scratched my chin in contemplation.

I then closed my eyes just to make sure.

I felt my psychic senses connecting with the sea and the earth. It gave me a vague sense of omnipresence as my mind was filled with images related to anything titan-related.

And I sensed them, the awakened titans in multiple Monarch Outposts all over the world.

There was chaos happening all over the world as the awakened titans were rampaging, heeding the alpha calls of a self-proclaimed extraterrestrial king.

"Now this is what I call blatant arrogance. I like it." I smirked widely when I sensed the one and only, King Ghidorah.

My special, Godzilla, was also in the mix.

"The fight has already begun but my little Gojira, King Ghidorah's meat… That sounds so wrong. I mean Ghidorah will be my opponent and you are meant to wait on the sidelines." I released a cough of embarrassment before I jumped into the water.

"♪Baby Shark, do do do do♪"

"♪Baby Shark♪"

"♪Mommy Shark, do do do…♪"

I had nothing better to do other than transform into a shark and sing a random song that came to mind.

It was all in commemoration of my past friend Bruce.

RIP to Bruce even though I don't know whether he's dead or alive.

I was currently somewhere in Japan and the legendary fight between Godzilla and King Ghidorah was happening on American soil.

'I better hurry up since be it Mothra or Ghidorah, they all have some pretty good lifesaving ability.'

Mothra aka Titanus Mosura cheated death better than me. She could lay an egg, leave it behind as a plan B, and go fight before sacrificing herself knowing that she's virtually unkillable.

When her previous form gets demolished, she could as well restart her metamorphosis cycle through the egg she had laid somewhere. With my meager knowledge of her abilities, I didn't know if there were restrictions or drawbacks to her Reincarnation.

Like say, does she retain her memories or does she lose something in return? Well, the memories part is mostly a stretch since in the film, Godzilla: King of Monsters, after Mothra broke the egg's shell and metamorphosed, it seems she could still remember Godzilla.

Instead of sacrificing herself for Godzilla why don't I offer her something good?

She could as well offer herself as a sacrifice to me so that I could save her friend from the big bad alien Ghidorah.

That's some twisted way of thinking and here I thought I was already reformed.

It only took a couple of minutes to swim through the Pacific Ocean and reach Boston. I simply navigated via shortcuts - the subterranean underwater channels - Godzilla liked to use.

"Now what form should I use to confront Ghidorah? Maybe pose like a cat haha and project my 'meows' all over the battlefield for confusion and attention?" I chuckled at my bad habit of coming up with weird ideas.

Without thinking any further, I decided to use my true form instead of playing around.

I reckon those humans should already have picked up my signals since I didn't actively choose to hide my location and actions at that point.

The ocean water began to boil and become turbulent due to my deliberate attempt at stage playing a cool badass entrance.

Multiple eldritch eyes on my body coldly gazed everywhere as I slowly resurfaced from the ocean.

The four titans that were fighting with each other ceased their movements as they looked in my direction with tension, fear, confusion, and complete surprise.

Godzilla showed fear and a flash of past memories resurfaced in his mind, probably, after seeing me - the enemy that single-handedly humiliated him in the worst way possible in the world of Titans.

Rodan felt his cells screaming at him to run away as far as possible from such a freak that he had never witnessed before in his entire lifetime of hundreds of millions of years of experience.

Mothra was only apprehensive of my intentions and her instincts registered me as someone who could massively tip the scale of the fight no matter the side I took.

Lastly, King Ghidorah aka Monster Zero felt threatened and intimidated as he sensed the overwhelming surge of unconcealed power radiating off my horrific yet beautiful form.

He could sense the essence and scent of something that didn't belong to this world's natural order just like himself.


I opened my maw and released a cosmic howl that was immediately heard on a planetary scale.

The rampaging wandering titans cowered in extreme fear and ceased their heresy in the face of my authoritative command.

I was an emperor, the slayer of gods and whatnot!

Why should ants try to annihilate the natural ecosystem and terraform the earth when I, the god of calamities, is still in existence?!

The world should first remember that I was once in existence and I had come to say "Hello".




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