
The chronicle of suffering

A series of novels that will follow the story of individual characters that exist in the greater verse of the story each serie following a different character or the same character sometimes switching characters even in the same serie to show the way the main character in each novel react to how their surrounding changes.

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32 Chs

Sign of the prophecy (2)

Two weeks have passed on the middle of the planet, and all the major kingdoms have come. There were seven chairs. Each chair was magnificent looking, and they all had already been seated, which was the 7 rulers of the major kingdoms.

The ruler of a human kingdom looked at the other six rulers of the major kingdom. He was quite old, while the other ones were not as old as he was; rather, they seemed quite young even though they were all older than him.

>>The saintess has seen a catastrophe. I assume the saints or saintesses of your people have seen the same thing?<< he asked them. It was an obvious question, but he still wanted to ask it. The 6 rulers looked at him.

The ruler of the monster spoke first: >>Leonhard is asking us the most obvious question, like always: is that what you were taught to get the attention of others?<< The king of the monsters remarked on it.

The shape of the king of the monsters was well, he did not possess a form or shape; the king of the monsters, as everyone saw him, was right now an anthropomorphic lion wearing a purple suit with a crown that had gems in it so rare that smaller kingdoms would be needed to get even one of them.

His fingers filled with rings; it was however mere show, which the others all knew, so they ignored his remarks instead the king of the elf's spoke: >>Our saint did have foresight about a catastrophe, but hers were more about the beasts that would come and the effects on our land.

She said how the beasts that attacked our land were beings who came from all shapes and sizes, having no actual form but taking a form that they could at the moment.

Every time we defeated them, new ones would come, much stronger and alone. We were unable to adapt to their constant strength that was increasing<<

The elf king wore light clothes that were transparent that were on top of clothes because, because of how transparent they were, everyone could see the piece of cloth he wore beneath it.

The king of the dwarfs heard that and spoke: >>So, they are shapeless things growing stronger overtime? This explains what our saint meant when he said that when we killed several of them, their forms suddenly changed, which then took many of our soldiers<< The dwarf king was smoking from a pipe.

The pipe was made out of wood that was carved in an elegant way and painted in such a precise way that it seemed like the wood's natural color.

The smoke that it emitted as a type of herb had been put in and lightened was emitting quite some smoke but did not bother anyone in the room at least.

The king of the undead spoke then with a voice that had been enhanced with the essence of death itself.

>>My god only informed me about an opportunity I would have to grow stronger than ever as the essence of life and death would multiply in the future to an extent where necromancy itself would be as common as insects.<<

With every word the king of the undead spoke, the living felt a cold. The elf king glared at the undead king while the dwarf king was silently smoking his pipe, while the king of the humans glared at the undead king.

He disliked the undead king for the energy of death that he was constantly emitting, and the god he follows disliked not only the undead king but also the god of his.

>>Milerno, do you want to say you do not care about the catastrophe that may happen to us all?<< Leonhard asked the king of the dead, to which Milerno let out nothing but a scuff, moving his skeleton hand while crossing his legs.

>>I have been long convinced that death and living do not matter for me, but that does not mean I do not care for this world.<< Milerno said in a carefree attitude.

>>What I say is that this catastrophe is a great benefit for me<< Milerno had a mask covering his face, and the face smiled. The mask was a way to show his facial expression to the others.

Leonhard felt only more annoyed by the words of the undead king, but before the argument could get heated.

The king of the fairies spoke first: >>You two, calm down. If you want to argue that much with one another, then do it somewhere else.<<

He let out a sigh and continued to speak afterwards: >>The divination I got was something else, as instead of seeing the aftermath of it all or things that will affect generally the fairies or me, what my god showed me was the invader and a man that was facing the invader.<<

The interest of each of the kings was in the fairy king.

The king of the humans, the king of the undead, the king of the dwarf, the king of the elves, the king of the dragons, and the king of the monster all six of them had their eyes on the fairy king, with the king of the dragon looking at him especially closely.

The fairy king felt slightly nervous from all the attention from the kings.

>>The invader was a shapeless thing the moment he appeared. He was there. He held the power of life in one of his hands while his other hand was filled with death only, like an incarnation of chaos. He was wielding all kinds of powers, and his form was changing constantly, but amidst it all. There was someone who looked humane<<

>>He looked humane?<< the dragon king asked with confusion at the words of the fairy king and the description of the second person there.

>>He looked like a human, but the moment I saw him, what I felt was simple staring into an abyss. There was just this sense of nihilism around him and a shadow of pure darkness amongst the corpses. He stood there<< The fairy king continued to talk in a nervous tone.

I only saw his back, but the shadow he let out when I looked at it, I could swear what I saw were the faces of people screaming there and black skeleton hands at his shoulder clenching into his flesh, making it bleed<< He said with his hands slightly trembling.

The king of dragons scoffed; tiny white flames having gotten out of his nose. The form he had polymorphed into was that of a human, as that was the most convenient one to talk to with the other kings.