
The chronicle of suffering

A series of novels that will follow the story of individual characters that exist in the greater verse of the story each serie following a different character or the same character sometimes switching characters even in the same serie to show the way the main character in each novel react to how their surrounding changes.

Author_Author · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Sign of the prophecy (1)

A young woman's scream could be heard across a temple. Nuns and priests ran to the woman who had let out such a scream of terror.

As they reached the woman who had let out the scream, they were beside her, asking how she was and what she had seen. The young woman was an important figure.

A figure called the saintess, a figure that is one of the closest things that mere mortals can get to being close to the gods.

The saintess was breathing heavily as she sat on her bed. Her pupils had turned small, and as she looked at the ceiling, her hands were trembling uncontrollably and just not stopping.

She was not responding to the words of the nuns and priest; she was in a state of pure terror and panic, not even hearing their voices. A hand then touched her forehead.

The hand was calming, and divine energy came out of it, entering the body of the saintess. Her breathing started to slow down, and her pupils were turning back to normal. The state of panic and terror she was in had been removed from her.

The nuns and priest all took a step back. The figure that had done it was a man, the saint of this temple.

The temple had both a saint and a saintess, with the temple being the religious building of the god of light and life called Milerno. A deity is said to be a goddess when the light touches it and a god when creating life, being both a mother and father for the mortals.

The man kneeled to her, holding her hands. The two were a pair of siblings sharing a beautiful color of white hair and golden eyes that were like a gem craved by a master lapidarist who was not human but a lapidarist who was only a god itself.

His white robe was long, but even then, his figure could be seen. He looked into his sister's eyes with tears still there.

He wiped the tears away with his finger and asked in a voice that was as beautiful as his appearance and sounding soft like a feather: >>Sister, tell me, what did you see?<< a voice filled with worry towards his sister.

The nuns and priest felt like their hearts were melting from the voice alone, like they were in a sort of heaven. The saint and saintess were people chosen by a god to be represented in the culture of humans.

The saintess looked at her brother and hugged him. She then spoke in a voice as if remembering what she saw had struck fear into her very soul, but she kept her composure: >>A great catastrophe is approaching us all, not only us humans but also every single monster. The sky was red, and beasts that never existed on our land started to slowly appear on our lands.

They were weak, and the red sky would appear every month on the seventh day, and the monsters would grow stronger and stronger.<< Her brother induced his divine energy to make her feel calmer.

>>A catastrophe—just how much more terrible did she see?<< he wondered.

>>Tell me, sister, what else did you see?<< he asked his sister as he hugged her back and induced more of his divine energy into her.

None of the priests or nuns approached the two, as they did not dare but listened to every word that the saintess was saying. Some whispered between one another already.

>>A catastrophe of beings we don't know appears? <<

>>Could it be a race of demons? <<

>>But if they were demons, she would have said they were demons. <<

They whispered to one another, but the saint did not care for their words, as that was mere speculation on their part.

He wondered why they were already gossiping and speculating about what these beasts were when the saintess was there in front of them and would continue explaining what she had seen.

>>All of it was fast. The next thing I saw was us humans fighting together with monsters, side by side, against these beasts! That attacked our world<<

Surprise was on all their faces. Humans fighting with monsters was not that unheard of, but not common. There were many cities or villages, even some kingdoms, where monsters ruled, but their relationship with the human kingdoms was as bad as it could be; it was worse than what a kingdom would have with a war enemy.

Even if it was not shown publicly, both species did not trust one another in the slightest. So, hearing that the human species and monster species would work together to fight against an unknown enemy started to make them fear the enemy that they did not know.

A priest said the fear he felt was stronger than the respect he felt for her. The saint ignored that the priest called out to her and asked the question like that, as he understood the situation that everyone was now in, which was a dry situation where every little piece of information was needed.

She started to stutter; she felt like puking and held her hand close to her mouth, but she continued what she was going to say: >>It was a figure; death was all around him no matter what; the souls of the dead followed him with screams of pain; the beings followed him every step he took. With one hand, he took the lives of both humans and monsters, while with the other, he gave life back to them, adding them to his army<<

The saint looked at the nuns and priests. >>Everyone, please leave the room and make sure no one enters the room. I will try to calm the saintess down and see if she may have seen more.<<

The nuns and priests all gave a nod and left the room. The saint looked at his sister in the eyes; the two stared at one another.

He saw the fear in his sister's eyes, and he calmly kissed her. The kiss made her breathe heavily, and she touched her brother's chest, giving him a slight mischievous smile that was still weak because of what she had just seen.

The hand of the saint went under his sister's dress, and he gave her a mischievous smile back. They kissed one another; his hand was on her cleavage, and he kissed her neck, and a soft moan came out of her; it was a quite moan, but one that he could hear so clearly as she let it out right at his ear.

He pushed her on her bed, saying it not in a soft tone like in front of the nuns and priest, but rather in a seductive and fiercer tone: >>I will protect you, dear sister; do not worry or feel fear ever.<< He said this word and then kissed his sister once more, with them spending their time with pleasure and pleasure alone.