
The chronicle of suffering

A series of novels that will follow the story of individual characters that exist in the greater verse of the story each serie following a different character or the same character sometimes switching characters even in the same serie to show the way the main character in each novel react to how their surrounding changes.

Author_Author · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Sign of the prophecy (3)

The dragon king moved his white hand, letting a glass of red wine appear in his palm, which he grabbed: >>You want to tell me that measly one human stood there with that invader, which we all got warned off? This sounds ridiculous, Migar, even though you should know that<< The dragon king drank the glass of wine after promptly saying that.

>>I have to agree with him, old friend, that for a single human to do something like that, he would need to be like the vessel of a god itself that is fighting that invader<<

The dwarf king says, but the elf king started to laugh hearing that as if he heard the funniest joke ever.

>>What are you laughing at, tree fucker?<< The dwarf king grinned when he said that. A wave of air came all of a sudden to slash the cheek of the dwarf king, but a rune that had been engraved on the pipe of his activated.

Which made a barrier where the wind attacked appear, blocking it and deflecting it to a wall, which it cut through easily without any issue.

>>Look at you, Renegard! <<The dwarf king hit the table, and the table was starting to crack. Leonhard was already sighing upon seeing that the two were going to fight, while the king of the undead was crackling, seeing the two arguing like children.

>>YOU TWO BE SILENT NOW!<< the dragon king shouted, his magic spreading across the room, and everyone felt how something like weight had been put on their bodies, pushing them on the table.

If they were not holding themselves with their hands up, they may as well be pinned to the table.

The dragon king's white light skin was shining, with scales appearing on his skin and his pupils having gotten to a horizontal slit.

A golden aura surrounded him, and he spoke once more, his voice amplified by the essence of magic itself.

Every word he spoke was like the word of a divine beast: >>That is enough, not only for you, Renegard and Bilerno, and we did not talk about the prophecy that the king of the monsters and I had gotten<<

Saying the names straight: the kings would use the names of one another only when to provoke and to throw away manners.

The titles that they had were to show their authority, and saying their names instead of the title was a sign of not respecting them.

The only ones who could ever call them by their names were family members, but that could vary depending on the relationship with each of the family members.

>>Now, king of the monsters, would you like to start first, or should I start?<< The voice of the dragon king smoothed, and he even smiled towards the king of the monsters, which surprised the other kings.

>Could he be going this way nowadays? <<

>>I told you the older one gets, the more their mind gets twisted.<<< The king of dwarves and the king of humans whispered to one another, and the dragon king glared at them as he heard them clearly.

The king of the monsters form changed; the form he had was shadowy; it was like a gas with only his hands being made of physically as it tapped on the table.

The king of the monsters, while called a king, was not a male being; the king of monsters was unique with its physiology turning to any monster, to any gender, and to matter that it wishes too; he was just formless, never having had a form to begin with.

>>A prophecy<< it said as it continued to tap on the table, then the king of the monsters spoke: >>The saintess of my kingdom said what she saw was the fall of the gods themselves.<<

It had no face to smile, but all of them instinctively knew the king of the monsters had a sadistic smile. >>The fall of the gods<< was something that was not imaginable, just inconceivable that the gods would fall down.

>>What do you mean she saw the gods fall?<< the king of the humans asks as the pressure lessened.

He closed his hands, leaning his chin on his hands, and his eyes showed worry and worry alone. The dwarf king had stopped smoking his pipe, having put it on the table. The fairy king looked at the king of monsters with suspicion.

>>It is as simple as that the mighty gods were falling; well, it was not the gods themselves but their corpses<<

The king of monsters could not hold itself and changed to the form of monsters as it laughed; its form was constantly changing as it hysterically laughed.

The divine energy of the 5 kings got out, and the gods that they believe in showed their anger towards the king of the monsters, who had no god on his side.

>>The King of Monsters better be quiet and do not talk further nonsense; otherwise, I may kill you as you fit perfectly in the description of the invaders being shapeless beasts that can change their form how they like.<<

The other kings gave a nod, agreeing with the words that the King of Elves said.

It wasn't that they believed him to be one of those invaders, as the king of monsters was quite old, having existed at the time, or maybe even before the king of the dragon was there, with the prophecy coming just to them.

At the same time, their gods said that the king of monsters was intentionally created that way, so the monsters had a ruler. That way, it could be said the king of monsters" is one chosen to rule over all the monsters.

>>You saw the fall of the gods...<< the king of the dragon mumbles, touching his own face and letting out a sigh as he just felt tired mentally.

The king of the monsters always made him mentally tired with its strange behavior. The dragon king had his eyes closed, his nerves calming, and he was ready to speak now.

>>The divination I got from my god was similar to that of the fairy king, and while my saints and saintesses also got divinations, our god sent me one too, which was the clearest one of them all for good reason, but it is contradictory as what I saw was not a bunch of corpses but instead our forces standing united with a group of beings at the front<< The dragon said with a calm and elegant voice.

>>When I looked around, there were not several dark magicians, liches, or anything like that. What we were using seemed even more advanced, and I felt how much more powerful we all were<< the eyes of the dragon shone as he said that.

The kings all thought about the dragon king's divination. It was indeed different, as his divination seemed more like one where the future was not grim and dark but instead showed hope. >>What if the futures we all saw, instead of being a singular future, are different futures depending on our choices?<< the elven king suggested.

>>Different futures?<< the fairy king asks the elven king.

The elven king nodded: >>Indeed, as we all know, fate is a tricky thing. Same with the future. Every time we make a choice, fate changes, as we ourselves saw it when we used divination or magic to see into the future to change the outcome<<

The words made sense with the divinations that the gods gave being just possible futures that may await them that are far in the unknown.

>>How about an alliance?<< The king of the monsters gave the idea after he had stopped laughing hysterically.

As the other kings looked at one another, there was a tense air of hostility against one another; even the king of the monsters itself was showing hostility towards the other kings.

This idea was not something any of the kings actually liked; it was even one they hated to the core of their nature, as having an alliance with any of the other king was just being allies with the enemy.

However, they all knew they had to come together against the unknown invader that would come in the future.