
The Bored Last Boss

Join Vin on his desire to get stronger as he climbs up from nothing to become the most powerful of them all

Carl_Joe · Seni bela diri
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs

Chapter 6

"Good, I can see some good seeds among you. From now on you will survive from here and get back to our base at the 35th level. Maybe you can become like me and stand beside our boss or even better - give you a name. Don't die too quickly." Barak's gaze passed over us, lingering over me a bit longer before finally walking away, disappearing from our sights. "Oh yeah, be careful of the humans" His annoying voice echoed out from who knows where.

'Humans, what kind of monsters are those?' Shrugging I put that at the back of my mind. Simply another thing to plan for.

Confirming that Barak had finally left I began to formulate a few plans. I needed to confirm quite a lot of things. Just before I could look at my status, I saw a goblin walk towards my direction. The way he carried himself was very different from the rest of the goblins. I noticed as well that he was among the extremely few that received a large chunk of the energies from the wolf.

He fought fiercely against the black wolf not letting up one bit. The three slash marks on his face are testament to that. Even after receiving those slashes he stood back up and fought with even more enthuse.

I don't like him, his type. The dumb ones that charge in without a plan. Hm…seems I have a type now. How strange.

He held a double axe with a chip on one side of it. "Hello brother, I saw how you fought earlier. Join us, especially with both of us together it will be easier to get stronger."

He did make sense. With our numbers it would be easier go get more of that energies. However, with the way everyone fought without any plan would get them killed and eventually drag me down with them. That's just stupidity

As if reading my mind, he pointed back at the rest of the group and said "We would need to polish their fighting a bit but I'm sure they'll get better as we grow stronger"

'Why are you excluding yourself, you fought the stupidest way of them all.'

Seeing me continuing to be quiet he added "Besides if we are strong enough, we can challenge the big guy that left, imagine how much energies he'd be storing in him, and then eventually, that fat shit. I'm sure he's just filled with it…"

A foolish dream.

"…So, what do you say?" He finished his long speech looking at me expectantly. Truth be told, it was not a bad idea. I still had too much I needed to confirm, however I needed strength to be able to do that and the numbers would definitely help getting stronger quickly. At least till I'm strong enough to leave on my own.

Going through my make shift plans quickly I nod to him "Ok, that sounds good to me."

The slash-faced goblin nodded as was just about to issue a command when my voice rang out from behind him "For now we need to carry the beast corpse and find a place we can use as our base."

I know I had no plans of joining them at first but since I am then I sure as hell am not going to suffer for it, and these scared cats don't seem to have the basic thinking down, or do they? I don't know and I don't really care.

The moment my voice ended, two goblins came forward and picked up the beast. They then looked at me as if to ask where we need to go. I turned to slash-face just in time to catch him turning away quickly. Was this bastard just glaring at me? That made me frown a bit. Seems I need to be careful around them.

"So how do you want to proceed?" I asked slash face. Yeah, since we don't really have names, I am definitely calling jealous here slash face. That's right, we don't have names. I don't have a name.

Just when I was beginning to contemplate, I heard a whisper. "Vin." I had spoken out loud without thinking.

"What was that?" Slash face turned to ask. Why is he scowling. Is he trying to hide his discontent? Such a shitty job.

"My name is Vin." I pronounce, as the others begin to whisper my name, almost as if to etch the name into their brains. I don't know why but my new name just felt right to me, almost as if it has been mine all along.

"We're moving out" He ordered everyone causing the whispers to die down as everyone began to walk ahead.

Another chapter. Sorry for the delays. Please let me know what you think in the comments. Enjoy and stay safe

Carl_Joecreators' thoughts