
The Bored Last Boss

Join Vin on his desire to get stronger as he climbs up from nothing to become the most powerful of them all

Carl_Joe · Action
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13 Chs

Chapter 7

For now, we found a place. A decent enough location with a water source. The place was originally occupied by a white snake. Using my appraisal skill, it showed it was a poisonous level 2 white snake with one skill, [STRIKE]. Our battle although still messy was much better than before, with slash face barking orders even while standing at the vanguard and I have to admit, he is getting better with his axe.

Finally, with one large slash he beheaded the white snake. Just like before, white energies left the snake's body however and just like before it split itself amongst us as it entered our bodies and just like previously a larger chunk of the white flew upwards. I did notice though that just a little seem to disappear completely. I was not sure before but now this proved it.

Although I received a big chunk, it was not as large as last time but still, compared to the others mine was massive. What caught my attention though was slash face's share. It was comparable to the amount I received from the black wolf.

'With this I can confirm a few things. The one that gives the killing blow receives the biggest amount of energies. A large chunk of the energies flows upwards, almost as if the energies that is supposed to go to them are going to someone else and I am willing to bet it is that fat blob. If so, then how come I or slash face don't have ours taken from us, unless…' Thinking to this point I walk up to slash face who seemed to be relishing in his kill with a ridiculous grin on his face.


"King!" slash face interrupted me before I could get anymore out.

"Huh?" My confusion visible on my face…I think, but I really am confused.

"My name is King! Here, I am King!" Slash face screams his new name in proclamation as the others begin to chant his name while lifting up the 2-meter beheaded snake.

Ah shit! I want to laugh. I turn to face another direction to try and stifle my laugh but it's not really working. My whole body is shaking. I think he can see me. This is bad. I can feel his glare. Please stop glaring at me or you'll definitely bore a hole at the back of my head.

Breathing in to calm myself I turn to him with a serious face once more. "Hey king, did you agree in any way when that blob up there made that order?"

"What order? I don't take orders from anyone!" Although still quite angry he replies

"That explains it then. Although I am not 100% sure I am definitely 80% sure." Seeing slash face's angry yet confused look I explained "If I'm not wrong the skill [LINK] that he used back then requires someone to acknowledge for it to work. I saw the rest of them and most nodded when he asked about working for him. I think that's what is happening with them. The energies they are supposed to receive are going to the ugly blob instead."

Slash face had his head down as he thought for a while, I hope he doesn't hurt his head too bad. "So, basically we kill the ugly fuck and they get their energies back. Same plan as always. We kill the ugly one and restore your energies!!" The last part of his statement he proclaimed to the other goblins as they began chanting 'king' in whole hearted acceptance.

Vin seeing this, rolled his eyes hard at the situation. He felt it was much different and much more complicated than it seemed but since he did not have all the information, all he can do is leave it alone.

What he did not know was that the skill [LINK] achieved a much higher effect when fear of the caster was higher. In other words, the skill still affected him and the energies still leave his body however because there was no or very little fear towards the boss at the time, [LINK] did not affect him as much. The energies still leave his body however it is almost negligible.

"The main problem now is slash face will definitely want to be taking the last kills. No matter how dumb he may seem I'm sure he has noticed already. Change of plans then. Seems I need to leave earlier than I thought.". Looking at slash face enjoying the worshiping eyes of the other goblins Vin felt he needed to make new plans and make them fast.

"Pff, king." Thinking about it made me laugh again as I walked away.

Here's another chapter for today. As always enjoy. Please let me know how you feel in the comments. Seriously, comment and let me know.

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