
The Angry Alpha

The angry alpha with a known reputation for being ruthless and a cut throat temper for being uncontrollable being the most powerful member in the pack, and being the most powerful pack called the Midnight pack was one to be reckoned will the alpha finally meet his match with a young human that could possibly be his Luna? Will she be able to tame the Angry alpha? Or will it all end in bloodshed and tears?

Smith0015 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
15 Chs

Chapter 9

"Well we'll well look who's out here all alone? Did your boyfriend leave you? Don't worry petal I've got a way we can warm up"

I felt my breathing start to quicken, and I must have looked like a deer in head lights as out from behind one of the parked cars comes, it was deathly quite and there was nobody else about, Mr creepy came into my view and began to walk in my direction taking a step closer towards me, as I stepped back until my back hit hard against the hard cobbled wall, a devilish smirk came across his face

"What you gunner do now run? i love a good game of chase?, but I'll always come out on top!"

I wanted to run but it felt like my feet was glued to the floor, I wanted to shout for anybody who was still in side, I wanted to run away far from here, I wanted Alex  to not have left my side but most of all I wanted him

He pinned me with his hips to the wall and grabbed my wrists forcefully to my sides as he leaned in,

the smell of stale beer lingered on him and the overwhelming smell of his body Oder made me want to vomit, his crooked teeth shone through his devilish smile and his dirty clothes looked like they've never been washed.

"Wearing an outfit like that you was always asking for it darling" I tried to push him off but he didn't move it was as if bricks where placed in front of me, he let out a loud cackle as it was amused with my attempts to throw him off,  he deeply inhaled in my hair "you smell so good, you smell like a virgin" and a wicked glint creeped into his psychotic eyes, he began to leave slobbery wet kisses down my neck his rough beard rubbing against my soft delicate skin his heavy breath went to my ear "I've thought of. Nothing but you, since you left my table this evening, I can't wait  to put my cock in your tight pussy" as he forcefully pushed his excitement into my crotch, my skin crawled as a tear escaped my eyes "don't cry darling you'll enjoy this" as he began to fumble with his belt buckle...

Closing my eyes wishing it was all over waiting for my impending doom, but it never came, nosies escaped me all I could hear was the harsh intake of my breathing, I opened my eyes to find Cain holding Mr creep up by his neck dangling in mid air his claws puncturing the side of his neck as blood began to pour, Cain looked at least another foot taller his muscles began to double in size as his shirt started to split, his eyes where completely black showing his wolf was in control, the power emitting of off Cain was terrifying his bulging veins began to pop out from his neck and arms,

the weak muffled coughs of the man Cain held in his powerful grip as the oxygen slowly escaped his body Cain squeezed the life from the creep as he watched him try to fight against him struggling for oxygen struggling for his pathetic life, but Cain didn't let up he drew him closer as he watched his soul leave his body, and disregarded his lifeless body to the floor.

I huddled my self into a ball and wrapped my arms around my legs, Cain came to side and picked me up bridle style and put me on his lap, i nuzzled into his chest as his large hand ran his hands through my hair

"Shhh it's okay I've got you"

He continued to repeat "I won't let nothing happen to you" the burning heat he gave off whilst he held me close comforted me but I could still feel his rage underneath bubbling, but for now I never wanted to be out of his arms for now I was safe.

It all happened so fast? did Cain really kill Mr Creep?

Cain stood up with me still in his arms as he walked over to his car and took me from his lap and put me inside "p..please don't leave me" Cain let out a sigh and rubbed his large thumb over my cheek as he wiped the tears from my skin "my love I will never leave you" and he continued "I just need to talk to Alex" Cains demeanour changes as he said that through gritted teeth, he tried to shake his hands out stretching his fingers as I could hear the rumbling of a growl in his chest starting to rise again, I slipped my hand in his and he looked down instantly which seemed to stop his increased anger episode and he gave it a squeeze "please don't be mad at Alex he thought he heard something in the bush"

"Olivia I don't care what he heard in a bush it could have been a fucking wood mouse he was to stay by you and only you, deal with what ever comes out the bush when it comes out the bush" his voice came out harsher than he intended and he realised his eyes soften as he looked into mine, rustling started to come up from behind the bushes and Cain turned to see Alex  dragging a rather scruffy man out of the bushes, Alex looked like he caught a few scratches hear or there but overall he appeared fine Alex's gaze Exchanged between Cains and Mine

"Liv what happened?"


Cain went from calm and relaxed to dam right crazy shouting in the car park of barneys the earth began to shake under his powerful roar I'm surprising nobody else heard all the bellowing, good luck to anybody else who opens that door

All of a sudden a grey wolf came out of the bush and I knew instantly it was Jay

He ran to behind the truck and the familiar sound of cracking of bones and soon enough human Jay came back round wearing a pair of shorts

"Anyone care to fill me in on the blanks? All I can feel is anger from Mr Big wolf hear?" As he motioned over to Cain

"This is not the time for jokes Jason" Cain scolded him like a Child

"What happened to liv?" Jay probed

Cain began to walk in paces wearing the soil out beneath him "MR ALEX OVER HERE DECIDED TO LEAVE MY MATE! UNATTENDED WHILST PLAYING ANIMAL SAFARI IN A BASTEREDS BUSH AND SHE WAS NEARLY RAPED IF I HADN'T HAVE GOT HERE!" Cain had gone over the edge his eyes pitch black and his shirt began to rip more, now he looked like a badly dressed Halloween costume he ran his fingers through his hair vigorously as he turned he let out abit of his aura which made them flinch

Jay walked over to where I was sat "Liv are you okay did they hurt you" i shook my head but Cain began to rant again

"No but they could have! What if I was a few more moments late what if I?" He hits the back end of the other truck in frustration and leaves a huge dent to the side

"Cain will you calm down she's okay! No need to remodel the place"

"Jay do not tell me to control my self with the safety of my mate"

Alex stood there deathly pale and quite with the scruffy man still unconscious at his feet he looked troubled and broken "L.. Liv I'm sorry if I would have knew I would have stayed" "Alex I'm okay it's fine, I knew you would have stayed if you hadn't thought there was another threat"

"It is not fine" Cain grunted

I stepped out of the car and walked over to him and placed my hand in his, he slowly started to breathe slower and and he placed his large hand against my chin "I don't no what I'd of done if I something happened to you" i leaned into his hand and he wrapped me in his embrace "I no"

I'd knew this man for a few days and I couldn't help but feel this uncontrollably pull toward him, I had to be near him, what's wrong with me?

Jay pretended to stifle some tears from behind us "Naww mum and dad are happy now can I get a new brother?" and began fake crying again but this time of laughter "heres me thinking I was gunner have to look for a new delta" Cain laughed "me too" Alex remained silent as both the boys laughed

How could he go from wanting to rip his head off to laughing about him now? The man was Bi-polar but he saved me so that's gotta count for something?

"So the midnight alpha has got his whore mate? Now that is something " The atmosphere changed as all three men looked down to see the disgusting filthy man begin to wake up

"My she is a pretty one, would hate if we happened to get our teeth into her" he smirked at Cain and Alex hit him on the back of his head but he just laughed he looked filthy and unkept he had yellow rotten teeth and his skin was full of dirt, he had shakels bounding his hands and feet

"Shut your lying tongue Rogue" Jay shouted to him

"Boy you don't tell me to shut up, I've been in battles older than you I will rip you to shreds"

"Just try me Rogue I will personally enjoy torturing you, your insides will become your outsides" Jay was inches away from his face

The rogue seemed to shut up as Jay stepped away from him, Liam grabbed him by his neck and dragged him up but the rogue wasn't finished yet

"So the Angry Alpha grew a heart, best be keeping her safe Cain, would hate to see if anything happened to her"

Cain stood in his tracks and turned round cautiously "is that a threat?"

"Oh no Cain,  it's a promise, but don't worry we will pass her round for a good time before we slit her throat , to know you have failed your mate as she screams for you, as you feel her pain as we take her over and over again she will die because of you"

He poked the bear..

Cain saw red and was over by the man in a few seconds Alex and Jay came to either side of Cain and tried to hold him back pushing him away from the rogue as he laughed "stop it Cain he's goading you" Jay shouted "Cain come on we need him for information" Cain, Jay and Alex struggled against each other as they fought hard to keep Cain from the rogue his pupils dilated and he wasn't listening Alex and Jay where loosing the battle as they tried to hold him as he inched further

I looked down to my hand and I fiddled between my fingers an idea popped into my head

I didn't no if it would work but hell I thought I'd give it a shot

"Liv what are you doing are you crazy?" Jay asked

I walked in front of the rogue and Cain so Cain could hopefully engage his brain, after a few seconds Cain deep black eyes stared into mine and he instantly relaxed and his Hazel eyes returned to normal, Alex and Jay removed there hands from Cains arms and stepped back

"Let's go home my love the night has been long" as he reached for me and held me in his embrace and gave me a kiss on top of my forehead the sparks spread across my head and the warm feeling in my stomach spread the pull returned as we both went back to his car to end this horrid night

But Not before one last jibe from the rogue

"The Blood moons coming Cain, The Prophecy is coming"