
The Angry Alpha

The angry alpha with a known reputation for being ruthless and a cut throat temper for being uncontrollable being the most powerful member in the pack, and being the most powerful pack called the Midnight pack was one to be reckoned will the alpha finally meet his match with a young human that could possibly be his Luna? Will she be able to tame the Angry alpha? Or will it all end in bloodshed and tears?

Smith0015 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 8

Why is this handsome man sniffing me like an air freshener? like I'm some new limited edition scent?.

Jay stands there with gawk on his face and doesn't interrupt basically saying your screwed and there's nothing he can do.

I stand there entrapped in Cains muscular arms that close I can feel every ridge of muscle underneath his shirt, the heat burning off of him and he continues to deeply inhale, his large hands placed on the small of my back,

"God you smell so good" I could feel his hot breath fan against my neck and the feeling of desire pulsated through me, him being this close fogged my thinking, the familiar sent of Rose musk and cinnamon flooded my nostrils I was high on his smell, trying to cross my legs as I felt my arousal pool, I could feel Cain smirk against my neck as his husky voice spoke into my ear sending another shiver down my spine "don't try to hide from me little one" and with that I was crimson red! Beetroot red! You could use me as a fire engine I was that bright! Cain pulls away from me and I sit in on of the leather chairs.

"Jay we need to ensure we're running extra patrols through the area, I'm not having fucking roagues come near the pack house, they shouldn't have even stepped in our borderlines, Find the weakness and find it NOW" Cain slams his hand on the table as it echos round the room his voice dropped with power and authority.

"Already done it C-Man, there's a third shift of patrols going out soon and another set of patrols going out tonight so we should hopefully find them and see where there getting in"

Im sorry C-man? he's just called Cain C-Man and Cain didn't bat an eyelash

"Good I won't take any chances safety is to important especially with my Mate here" as his beautiful hazel nut eyes made contact with mine my heart rate picked up and he smirked as I looked down and averted his gaze.

"Right you can cut the sexual tension with a knife in here, so either you gunner kiss her or do you want me to Cain? We will never get any work done" Jay playfully teases as he began to walk over to me a Loud ominous growl ripples through the office the wall vibrated the photo frames shuck under the power being pushed out, the atmosphere in the room became suffocating, In a flash Cain gripped Jay by his throat his eyes where disastrous black, his grip tightened around his throat "go anywhere near her, beta or not I will rip your throat out" He said with promise his voice was deadly and cold he toward above Jay, Every bit the alpha he is, his muscles ripping and growling as Jay stood dangling on the wall.

"Cain stop it! Release Jay now"

I'm sorry who is this speaking now? i know it's not my voice surly? where the hell did I get the confidence? Me going head to head with the devil him self? let me just sign my funeral papers now"

Mentally I'm facepalming Cains attention snaps to me and his eyes remain black but he releases Jay as his body clambers to the floor, Cain begins to walk back over to me his obsidian eyes concentrating on me

Shit I've definitely poked the bear ... well dragon I've poked the dragon

He try's to grab me but I dodge him and run under his arms "don't play cat and mouse with a wolf you will always loose" he playfully teases until he turns round and sees me helping Jay off the ground he growls again "will you stop that your going to need a cough sweet all that growling your doing" Cain cocks his head and looks at me, his Eyes still remain black as he watches me near Jay "Liv don't sweat it, we grew up together, i know how to handle the big bad alpha, this is nothing " Jay chuckles as he wipes down his trousers "I shouldn't have possibly said it, Mates are a sensitive subject to anybody, let alone an Alpha as powerful as Cain, but I can't help it, he's just so easy to mess with" he chuckles and looks over to Cain who's still death glaring at both of us his hands clenched in two fists his knuckles white "speaking of which you need to go calm him down before he rips this place apart, off you go poppet" Jay shoves me in Cains direction and Jay starts to head to the door, Cain stalks Jay walking around his office his eyes never leaving him watching him like a hawk, "easy big man I'll leave you alone, let me know when you've calmed down Onyx" Jay raises his brows and leaves.

That Bastard! He's left me! thats the last time I help him! Next time Cain can eat him!

Cain begins to stalk his way over to me, wait is Cain or Onyx? Im so confused right now

I wanted to run but it was like my feet where glued to the ground as he closed the gap between us until he was standing in front of me his eyes like two black caves

His hands hold onto my hips Like and iron grip

"Who's Onyx?"

"I am Onyx kitten Cains wolf "

"Oh Hi, erm is that why your Eyes are black?"

"Mmhum" he agrees as he deeply inhales my hair

I don't know what mad thought entered my mind at that point but I Carefully lifted my hand up and placed it on his cheek and with that his eyes started to flicker and returned back to his beautiful hazel nut eyes getting lost in them I realised I was staring, that unfortunately twinge started to pull in my stomach, Cains hand swept a across my face brushing the loose hairs back and his large thumb dragged across my lower lip, he dipped his head in to the crook of my neck and inhaled deeply, tingles spread through my body as his large hands touched my skin near my back, his warm breath fanning on my neck again as he started to gently kiss and nibble down my neck at a slow and torturous pace, sending shivers through my body trying to control the desire burning through my veins!

what was this man doing to me?

He moved his lips to a certain area on my neck and nibbled, it was like a bolt of electricity shot through my body and couldn't help but a small moan escape my mouth, a small approval growl came from Cain as I pushed my self into him Cain growled again as he withdrew his lips from my neck and looked me in my eyes I felt warm and flustered

"We must stop little one" he gritted out

What stop? did he not find me attractive? Oh great I've turned into a needy insecure mess and I've known him what two days! What is my life?!

I nodded but couldn't help but let out a little sigh of disappointment and pouted Cain still staring at me

"Continue pulling that face little one and I'll bend you over my table, screaming my name so everyone knows who you belong to" he smirked and turned and removed he removed his heat  from me but it didn't matter as I was burning my own along my face I am now called the sun

Why does he do this to me?

Walking through the pack house not a hotel as I so badly put it with Cain he shown me that each level is different, the top floor is the Alphas & Lunas wing along with Cains office but there were three more floors for other people, Jay, Nick and Alex all stayed on the second floor as they where below Cain and then the other to where filled with others, who wanted to pass through guests for pasty's and so forth, each floor had there own kitchen and bathrooms and showers very much like a.... Hotel

Cain drove me back to my cottage and said he will pick me up from Barneys once my shift finished at 2am, he insisted Alex accompanied me and stay near by until he got there due to there rogue problem, but they didn't tell me that much about them just that they where breaking through the border some how.

Cain insisted Alex stayed out side until I left but I felt awful leaving him out there on his own so I invited him in and we drank tea

"So how long have you been Cains Delta?"

"Since we where pups, me Jay, Nick and Cain all grew up together" as he took a bite of his sandwich

"So if Jay and You are the Beta and Delta? Why didn't Nick want to be either one?"

"You have to go through more of. Physical challenge it's not just a draw from a hat Liv, my self and Jay went up against him but we both won, Really cut Nick up to, bless him he's stronger than normal wolves, and has Alpha Blood in him but he was born prematurely so took a bit of a knock on effect"

"Why was he born prematurely?"

Nicks eyes go wide as if he's said to much and try's to change the subject

"Nick just tell me already, Cain will most likely tell me anyways I won't say anything I promise"

He runs his hands through his brown curly hair and lets out a deep sigh

"I suppose if your to be the Luna you ought to know, Nick was born prematurely as rogues Attacked our old Luna, Nick and Cains mother she died before getting to 7 months, they had to cut Nick from her stomach or he would have died along with the Luna he was in the hospital for weeks the Dr was amazed he pulled through"

"Ohh.. what happened to there Father?"

"Liv you are a nosey little Human" he chuckled " the Alpha died" Alex's mouth came to a hard line no emotion about the previous Alpha he spoke about the Lune with such passion but the Alpha it was unemotional

"That's it he Died?"

"Yes Liv that's it!"

I let out a sigh as it started to become slightly tense in here



"What's Cain like really?"

"That young Liv even I cannot answer you, yes I've grown up with Cain but there's a difference there Cain and then there's Alpha Cain, I tend to see more of Alpha Cain, but don't worry poppet I'm sure you'll bring it back out of him"

Fucking Jay I'm gunner kill that bastered

"Fine can you tell me what Alpha Cains like then?"

"He's very angry and Possessive"

No shit Sherlock I could have found that out on my own

He laughs "good luck with that one"

After story time was over Alex took me to Barney's where I began my shift, it was over done with punters tonight and we where rushed off our feet it was me and Jamie working behind the bar

"so where's your smarmy boyfriend" he spat out with a hint of disgust "I'm sorry? What was that?" "Oh come on Liv I saw him with his smarmy paws all over you the other night, Sara I expect but not you" "and what business of yours is it if I allowed hi smarmy paws all over me? So keep your head out Jamie" Jamie quickly grabbed my wrist "Liv I'm just trying to look out for you that's all" "well don't" i removed my wrist and went back to my tables I was seething who the hell does he think he is, I hope someone spills a drink down him.

I went over to one of the booths I was serving and began taking there orders when one of the punters put his hand and the inside of my leg and began to caress it, i felt cold as I turn to face him he had ginger beard and greasy dark blonde hair poked out the side of his trucker hate and pale skin, his touch made me feel like I wanted to vomit he stunk of beer and body Oder, "can I get a side of you on my dinner" he winked at me as I wiggled out of his grasp "sir I must remind you of the rules; you are not to touch the waitresses or waiters for that matter" "oh come on darling you don't wear something like that to not get a man's attention, come sit down on my lap I'll make you forget about those rules" as he rubbed his hand over his trouser pocket, I stood there staring at the creep in front of me before I could say anything Alex came over "Oi sugar tits leave her alone or me and you can go outside and have a word about this in private" Alex was brooding I could hear a small growl trying to let loose "is this your boyfriend? come on baby you need to be with a man not some boy" the creep spat back "he's not my boyfriend and I can handle this Alex your making a scene in my work place, I can't loose this job the bar had already gone quite and people are beginning to stair" stupidity was really taking over my brain just lately

"Liv he's being a total ass I gave you a few moments to speak to him but you stood still, I'm not having no filth speak to my Luna like that I'm here to protect you" he gritted out

"Honestly Alex I'll be fine go back to your table and if he starts again you can take him out side okay?" he nodded

The stain turned back round to his other creepy friends and began to laugh "I could have took him lads I've had older breakfasts than him" the group of stains cheered and clunked there beers together " so where was we darling" before I began to speak Barney came over and took there orders telling me to grab my break knowing all to well these punters where pushing it abit to far.

Other than Mr creep my night when by pretty quick it was 2am and me and Alex started to walk out of barneys "The Alpha will be here in a few Moments Liv" I don't no what it was but soon as he said that my insides turned to mush and the butterfly's began in my stomach.

Standing outside near one of the edges to the forests, branches began to snap the sound of the crunching of the leaves Alex spun round immediately scanning the area for danger "stay here Liv Alpha is a minute out don't move" as Alex began to walk towards the forest and submerged himself in the dark greenery

This minute was beginning to feel like microwave minute

"Well we'll well look who's out here all alone? Did your boyfriend leave you? Don't worry petal I've got a way we can warm up"
