
The Ancient Vampire Trial

The story behind one of the greatest and most secret wars the world has ever known is about to be revealed but first you must know the story of the vampire who adopted the prince of darkness and who helped an English count in that revolt. Because Nicolet Ardelean's name will go down in history now that the underworld is coming out of the shadows.

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12 Chs

10.- The Docks

-But we won't get there in time, maybe even now they are still experimenting- said the Young Master.

-A carriage isn't fast enough, not even the horses alone would make it in time- said Luke and everyone present stopped to think a little, maybe I had the answer, but I didn't know how it would turn out, but we had nothing to lose.

-I can take you there- I said and they all turned to look at me.

-But it's at least two hours to the docks from here- said Peter the doctor.

-I arrived from Transylvania in an hour, which by carriage would be almost a day and a half's journey- saw many surprised, but the Young Master smiled.

-Could you take us both?- asked the Young Master

-I really don't know, but it's better than being late, maybe it will take 10 or 20 minutes- I said.

-Well then, let's do it- said Luke excitedly.

-Come with me- said the Baroness starting to walk to one of the windows that, as she opened it, was a door to the backyard where there was a small balcony and a couple of chairs with a table, it was a very nice place. -From here you can move forward without anyone seeing you- she said while she took my arm and smiled at me, I returned the gesture and we advanced a little bit to the center of the place.

-Have you ever done that before? - said, Luke

-No- I said smiling nervously -But I've never been a Maid before either, and I'm good at it, right? -

-Yes, you are doing well- said the Young Master smiling then a pair of bats came out of my shadow fluttering all over the place, -Are they yours? -

-Something like that- then they started to come out more and more at the same time that my dress changed again so I understood that every time I made use of my vampire "powers" my dress changed because of the one my dad gave me, it was good to know, I extended my hands and each one took one when they least noticed it they were already wrapped with a cloud of bats and their feet were not touching the ground, of course, they got nervous and tried to get loose.

-Young Master, don't move, you'll fall- I said trying to calm him down.

-But... the floor is gone- he said nervously and trembling.

-We just got up from the floor, don't worry I'm not going to let anything happen to you- I said then I moved faster and when the Young Master opened his eyes again we were already flying over London, -Open your eyes, Young Master- he trusted me and opened his eyes while Luke still had them closed and squeezed them tightly shut, -I'm not going to let anything happen to you- I said then I moved faster and when the Young Master opened his eyes again we were already flying over London.

-Luke, look at this- said the Young Master, smiling, Henry's face said a thousand things and now he really looked as old as he was, he looked happy. On the other hand, Luke fearfully opened his eyes, and just like the Young Master, his eyes were shining as if he was a child because from above the city was shining very slightly, but it gave you some kind of peace of mind.

-Nikolet this is amazing you always see this? - Luke said impressed, I just smiled in response as it wouldn't be long before we arrived, but I would let them enjoy the view for a moment longer as it wasn't common to see them so happy so we just took a few more minutes flying over there until I got them down and again the dress changed, I was starting to get tired of it.

-Thank you for that- said the Young Master, I just nodded in response -Now get to work Nikolet you'll take care of all the assholes with guns ok?- I nodded -Luke you come with me- he nodded and so we separated I went to the dockside to see the back door and to my luck it was open but the bad side was that new slaves were arriving so I came up with a plan to feign innocence so they wouldn't be on the defensive and so I moved forward.

As I went along I counted how many people were chained and at the end, there were 57 people of which 29 were children.

-Miss, you're lost- said one of the armed men.

-Yes, I'm sorry, I'm new at my job and the youngest son of the family I serve came here.-

-I see... and you only came for that? - I understood the sarcasm since it was obvious that he was talking about my race- I had a hard time refraining from hitting him- Anybody would say that you want to join them, now tell me where do you come from? -

-I'm from Romania, I'm what you call crossbreed from the people there and Romanian gypsies-

I just looked at them, for now, there was not one but six different men of enormous size and I remembered something that Aaro taught me and that is that we modify our bodies in sections so our nails could grow so long that we could hurt and even kill someone like Doru had done to me so I waited, -You really are not common and maybe it is true that you work for a wealthy family for no gypsy or slave would be so clean. Hold her- he said so that behind me a man put his arm around my neck but he only lasted a few minutes trying to choke me when he let go and walked away horrified.

-She has no pulse- he said, his voice trembling, -And she wasn't breathing, either.-

-Don't be so stupid as you won't have a pulse- said the man who hadn't stopped talking for a while as he approached me putting two fingers on my neck to try to feel my pulse, but when he didn't find it he moved a few steps away from me with a terrified look, -You're a demon- he shouted scared.

-I am the devil? Then what are you? - I asked sarcastically, -Well when you get to hell, ask What am I?- he said.