
The Ancient Vampire Trial

The story behind one of the greatest and most secret wars the world has ever known is about to be revealed but first you must know the story of the vampire who adopted the prince of darkness and who helped an English count in that revolt. Because Nicolet Ardelean's name will go down in history now that the underworld is coming out of the shadows.

HaiSaveucZ · Fantasy
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12 Chs

9.-Erased Memories

-Go get him- said the Countess to her youngest son and he left the room, -But could I ask you a favor- she said to the Young Master.

-Of course- said the Young Master.

-Please don't kill him- she said, -I beg you, even if he is a monster he is still my son- she said bowing to her nephew, her eldest son Alastor looked noticeably upset as his mother was begging a child.

-Mother, please don't do that- he said, lifting her up and then he stood in front of her, and now he was the one bowing down, -Don't kill my brother, I beg you, I swear I will take care of the punishment myself.-

The Young Master saw how his relatives were bending down to beg for the life of an assassin when I turned to see him, he clearly looked hurt, but he didn't show it, he still looked serene.

-Cousin, there's no need for you to bow down, I'm not an insensitive monster, I'm not going to kill my cousin- he said.

-But he...- he said, pointing to the dead man.

-If I didn't kill him, word would have spread that we're hunting them- he said as if it were the most obvious thing to do.

-Thank you- he said.

-But first, let's give him a good scare, don't you think Luke?- he said turning to look at the butler and he smiled with an accomplice smile while the Barons and his son looked remarkably confused, even I was confused.

It didn't take long for Oliver to appear with his older brother, on one side, Peter looked confused and on the other, the younger one looked scared of course because he didn't know about the Young Master and Alastor's deal so he feared for his older brother's life, the older one's sight traveled around the room analyzing us all and stopped on the deceased and immediately tried to run away, but I was so fast at the door that he only noticed that I was standing in front of the door blocking it.

-Cousin, how long- spoke the Young Master.

-Henry, I didn't know you had come, it's good to see you again- he said slowly turning around to fly to see his cousin. -Mother, why didn't you tell me my cousins had come- he said now looking at the Baroness and the Duke.

-Peter, do you know the deceased? - asked the Baroness with a serious face

-I've never seen him before- he said.

-Don't you dare lie, remember who made the guest list- said his brother now.

-It's okay if I remember now, we were doing business together, he was bringing in immigrants to check for lice and all that- he said, sure of his answer.

-I see what humanitarian work you are doing- said the Young Master in a sarcastic tone. -The son of a baroness performing such a task has nothing to do with human experiments on slaves and immigrants, does it? - The young Doctor's countenance changed from serene to frightened.

-But... how? - The Young Master beckoned to Luke and he came over to me.

-I could order you my jacket, it's usually the most expensive thing to repair- he said taking out his jacket and vest, I nodded and he handed them to me, but there was also a pair of trousers and a shirt, -You never know, right? - he said smiling and then he went to the Young Master.

-What's wrong? - asked Peter, startled as Luke slowly approached him.

-Luke please- said the Young Master and Luke transformed into a wolf unlike the one I saw when I met them this one was bigger and certainly more terrifying Peter was scared and tried to run away, but he couldn't the Baroness and her two sons stood behind me because at some point I had moved from the door it was strange because until a minute ago they were watching me with fear I even saw the cowardly Duke hiding behind his butler, -You see cousin, now do you see the body over there? If you keep doing what you are doing Luke won't even leave a body of you now tell me where the survivors of your experiments are- he said standing next to Peter.

-I...I never wanted to...he forced me...I saw it as an opportunity to learn more about anatomy- he said with a trembling voice.

-Then it is all right for you to kill innocents in the name of science? - said the Duke now stepping out of the shadow of his steward.

-No, but it was strange because I didn't even notice what I was doing one minute I was sitting in the hospital and the next minute I was somewhere dark and in one of my hands was a scalpel and in front of me an open body I swear I didn't even do it-

-Nikolet could you please check what he said- said the Young Master and I nodded I went up to him and bit him as I had done with the other boy just to check his memories and he wasn't really lying there was nothing there.

It was as if the other guy's memories didn't match Peter's, but at some point, I saw someone with a robe and a crucifix shining very brightly just before he made the first "request". When I returned I approached the Young Master.

-He's not lying, someone did something to him to make him do what he did- I said.

-Did you not see who? - asked the Duke now and I denied

-Since he doesn't remember his face, I only saw a silhouette.-

-That means that my son didn't do anything wrong, right? - asked the Baroness

-But who's going to believe it? With all due respect, they sent the young count to annihilate everything related to this for a reason, right? I'm sorry, my name is Adam Villin, I'm Young John's butler- he said extending his hand to me, I hesitated to take it but in the end, I accepted it, he turned it over and gave it a delicate shake on the back of my hand, -A pleasure Miss, but you see my point, who is going to believe that a vampire saw the memories of a person and he happens to be the son of a Baroness, his life is spared but not the messenger, as you see it, Young Peter is more guilty- he said.

-I'll say I'll kill him too,- said the Young Master, -Luke, we have to go- he said as Luke returned to his human form, and I quickly went over to hand him his clothes, "Nikolet, did you see where they were? -

-Yes Young Master- I said as I helped Luke put on his jacket.

-Well then we will go over there and you all will stay here until we come back. Aunt, please finish with the party- he said kindly and she nodded then the Young Master approached his brother, -I beg you, please don't let anyone leave, yes?- he said.

-I promise you, this time I won't run away.-