
The Ancient Vampire Trial

The story behind one of the greatest and most secret wars the world has ever known is about to be revealed but first you must know the story of the vampire who adopted the prince of darkness and who helped an English count in that revolt. Because Nicolet Ardelean's name will go down in history now that the underworld is coming out of the shadows.

HaiSaveucZ · Fantasy
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12 Chs

11.- The Prince

Before I knew it, there was no one left alive around me, so I continued with the mission, the priority was to save the chained people who unfortunately saw my previous show, so as soon as they saw me approaching them, they were trembling not from fear but from terror.

-Calm down, I'm not going to do anything to them," I said while I broke the metal collar of the first one in the line.

-We came to rescue you," as I continued to break all the chains that followed him as fast as I could.

-You're one of those night beasts from the old legends- said one of the older men, -We never thought we'd see one with a noble heart- said one of the older men.

-I don't think I would have if I have one I don't think I would have done what I did, don't you think? - I said coming back to the front

-Of course, you do, you are here to help us, we know what they do to them here, you sacrificed some dark lives for our children's lives, we can never stop thanking you- said the man bowing followed by the rest of them.

-You have nothing to thank now listen to me, stay here if anyone comes near you shout Nikolet ok? - I said for them to nod then I hurried into the building that smelled more and more like blood every time I walked.

The place itself was depressing, but adding the screams I could hear in the distance made it terrifying so I rushed to find the Young Master I went through a myriad of corridors and rooms that had tools that I don't know and the strong smell of blood meant that someone died there it did not take too long to find them were in a huge room that had many cages and there were people inside them. The cages were stacked on top of each other until they almost reached the ceiling and the first row of cages that were on the floor were filled to the brim with corpses. While the next ones were almost full of people.

The Young Master and Luke were totally paralyzed I understood it was not something a child should see so I moved as fast as I could and opened all the locks helping everyone I could to get down I counted at the end 60 people that I guided as fast as possible with the others that were outside waiting, I left them there with them and went back to the Young Master to see how he found them.

-Young Master, we have to move- I told him with gentle and soft touch because somehow I understood that this was too much.

-Nikolet is right Young Master, we are an easy target- he said taking him by the arm to start moving.

-You are right, it's just that...- he said.

-You don't need to justify yourself, we understand- I said to him.

--Thank you both, but if it's true what he said this is bigger than we think- he said as he regained his composure. I have no idea how, but somehow I heard how they loaded a gun so I pulled the Young Master and Luke behind me, and the detonation with a loud sound that made a kind of echo resounded through the place and the bullet ended up in my stomach obviously seeing that it did not fall he fired all the bullets he could, but the result was the same the sound had already stunned me so I threw myself on him and snatched the gun and then squeezed it and destroyed it -Nikolet are you okay? -

-Yes, I'm totally unharmed- I said while I lifted the guy up with one arm to prevent him from running away.

-It doesn't look like it- said Luke pointing at me and I realized that I was full of holes caused by the bullets.

-Oh wow- I said looking at the state of my dress, -What can you do about it- I said as the bullets went out where they came in and fell on the floor.

-You are a demon- shouted the terrified man.

-Today I have been called a demon many times, it's starting to bother me- I said throwing him against the wall.

-I'm starting to feel sleepy so we'd better hurry up, hadn't we? - said the Young Master, -I'm going to ask you nicely not to use that word, okay? Now tell me who is the one giving the orders and where can I find him?-

-I'd rather die than betray him- he said spitting blood coming out of his mouth to the Young Master Luke was upset and threw himself on him.

-It can be fixed- he said grabbing him by the neck throwing him back at me when I had him in my hands I started to extend my fangs to bring them closer to him.

-Okay, please wait- she said already starting to cry -He's upstairs is a... member of the... royalty- she said in a low, faltering voice.

-Young Master's family? - I asked, but when I saw their astonished faces I got scared not knowing the answer.

-No Nikolet, it's higher than that, there are only a couple of members of the royal family- said the Young Master.

-For formality the Counts, Dukes and all of them are called nobility, the term "royalty" is for the direct family of the king and queen- he spoke explaining to me a little bit the subject Luke.

-So a prince did all this? - I asked to which Luke nodded

-Nikolet, look for all those who are left and bring them before they escape- he said to which I just nodded and I left as fast as I could and inspected all the rooms and corridors finding only a couple of people, the truth is that I liked my speed a lot.

It didn't take long until I found a man sitting in a chair drinking tea from an elegant cup looking at the window, this guy was wearing a suit that looked like every thread and button was made of gold and diamonds, he was projecting elegance so I decided to play along.

-Your Majesty," I said bowing, he turned to me and looked very surprised, "Count Henry Edevane to see you," I said, he looked surprised and at the same time a little intrigued by who was walking in front of me looking at the men he had captured and stopped dead in his tracks, "Please continue," I said.

He continued walking, no longer with the aura of security and elegance that he carried before, now he was walking with trembling steps full of fear, the road for me at least was very long, but in the end I managed to get there.

-Count requested to see me," he said with a thick voice.

-That's right your highness, you will have to come with me," said Luke covered his face with a sack and hit him in the neck knocking him out.

-Where are we going? - I asked

-To the royal castle to see her majesty the queen and her mother.