
That Time I got Reincarnated as a Spirit Beast

When a kind-hearted pervert grandpa reincarnated as a spirit beast...this happened! Ah Yin: " Father, I love Tang Hao." Joseph: " LOVE? Love my foot! Tell him to become a Titled Douluo then I will think if I should betroth you!" Tang Hao: " Esteemed Father, please allow me to marry Ah Yin." Joseph: " MARRY? To hell with it! Did I not tell you to become a titled douluo? GET LOST." Xiao Wu: " Grandpa, I love Tang San." Joseph: " I don't care! He needs to be at least able to put a scratch on me to take you from here!" Tang San: " Esteemed Grandpa, please allow me to take Xiao Wu with me." Joseph: " Go get an inheritance from a god and then come back. I will think if I should give you Xiao Wu then. For now? GET LOST!" ... Snow Empress: " Daddy, I always want to be with you." Joseph: " Finally! Finally, I have a daughter who thinks about her father." Huo Yuhao: " Esteemed Great Grandfather, I was wondering if I could make Snow Empress my spirit soul." Joseph: "AHH! MOTHERF*CKER LEAVE BEFORE I EAT YOU ALONG WITH YOUR SOUL!" Watch the journey of the daddy of some of the strongest soul beasts. Blue Silver Emperor? Soft Boned Rabbit? Snow Empress? All of them are my daughters. What? You don't believe it? WELL, I DON'T CARE! ... Gu Yuena: " Papa, I am in love with Tang Wulin." Joseph: " AHH! NOT AGAIN!" ... I don't own the characters except for the one I created myself.

whitedawn · Derivasi dari karya
Peringkat tidak cukup
45 Chs

Chapter 2

Star Dou Forest.

" Ahre?" Joseph opened his eyes to find himself in an area he didn't expect himself to be in.

A cave?

' Why am I in a cave?'

Then the memories of his past life hit him.

' I remember...I died...I never thought they would send Bucky after even me! I made sure to keep a low profile...those damn Hydra dogs! If I meet them again I will annihilate them at any cost!'

' But where is this?'

He tried to look around, it was murky and he couldn't see anything. He could vaguely figure out that it was a cave.

' Why do I feel so weird?'

He didn't know why but for some reason he was feeling extremely strange. He moved around.


Feeling his legs in eight places, Joseph was caught off guard and jumped like a scared cat.


He hit the ceiling of the cave.


He fell to the ground and cursed " Damn! What is wrong with my body?"

He found himself on his back on the ground. He tried to roll over but he found out he couldn't.

" What the f*ck?"

Joseph cursed and put more energy into rolling over. His body swung left to right and right to left but he just couldn't shift his vulnerable position.

" God! Why is my life so hard? I just want to live a quiet life man..." He grumbled.

He took a deep breath and held it in as he tried to shift his body forward.


He ended up farting.

" That was a bit embarrassing."

Joseph let go of trying to get back to a normal position.

He bobbed his head put while his whole body shook.

" I am having trouble watching my stomach..."

Finally, he was able to lift his head enough to see his body.

"...This...I became a spider?"

" God! No!"

" Of all things I had a chance to be reincarnated as...I became A FREAKING spider!"

If someone asked Joseph what was the one thing he hated the most then the answer they would get would be...


" God hates me..."

After some time he calmed down. He then took a deep breath and put all his strength into roll once again.

" Finally!"

He succeeded in rolling and was now on his eight legs.

He turned around to try to look at his surroundings once again.

" Ahh!"

The light hit his face and made him very uncomfortable. Moving to the side, he gazed at the hole he had made when he hit the ceiling of the cave. The light entered through that hole.

" A hole? I became a spider...I should be weak...Did I end up making a hole in a cave instead? What is wrong with me?"

From this, he was able to conclude that whatever he had become, he was not something normal or this place he thought was a cave was not a cave at all.

Deciding to venture to the outside world, Joseph slowly crawled to the hole he had made.

" I can even stick on walls..."

It was a new experience, he never thought he would be crawling on the wall of some cave as a spider.

" I guess this is life?"

Joseph stopped just before the hole and tried to look at it to see if something was wrong with it.

He tried to look through the hole but couldn't due to the light.

He moved forward and stuck one of his legs out to see if there would be some reaction. His body was shaking very much.

" I just hope some kind of predator does not catch me..."

He waited for some time and suddenly removed his leg from the hole.

" Hah! God! I thought I was going to die there for a moment!"

He had never been scared of facing the light this much in his life.

" Okay! I got this!"

He walked around the hole as he motivated himself to get through it and see the world beyond.

" Maximum Effort!"

He screamed and bobbed his head through the hole. He had closed his eyes to prevent himself from getting blinded by the light.

" Hah! Phase one is complete! Beginning phase two!"

After saying that to himself he gradually opened his eyes. He felt himself getting accustomed to the light.

" What in the ass is this!?"

The cave was surrounded by tall...grass?

He looked down and thought ' This thing is not a cave at all!"

He moved two of his legs through the hole as he prepared himself to get out of the hole.

Suddenly the rest of his legs slipped.

" No no no no no!"

His six legs thrashed against each other as he put all his strength into getting out of the hole.

" Aaaahhhh!"

He screamed trying to bring out the Saiyan in him.

" Hah!"

It worked!

He managed to get out of the hole.

Joseph smiled at his achievement and breathed a sigh of relief.

" I hope I don't have to get through more stress..."

Just as he said so, his legs slipped again.


In desperation, he made some embarrassing sound as he fell. As he did he was able to see that the thing he called a cave was actually a very big egg.

" Ah!"

He hit a flower and continued falling.

" Ow!"

He bounced off a rock.

" Aiyoo!"

Out of know where some flying insect smacked him. It sent him flying to a tall grass.

" Ahh!"

Fortunately, he stopped when he hit the grass but he continued to slide down from it to the ground.

" God...I hate my life..."