
Chapter - 45

Continued From The Last Part...

Vihaa: (With a serious face) I want to tell you something.

Me: (Getting alert, in serious voice) Yeah say

Vihaa: I decided to do my marriage shopping from Jaipur, as the marriage will be in Indian style so, I am planning to purchase a lehenga for me. And if everyone agrees then the wedding will be in Indo-Punjabi style.

Hearing, this inside my head I am like...

what the hell is this? I mean like seriously bro she made such a serious face and started speaking as if something is really wrong with her or happening around her but what she actually said is such a normal thing. I got really scared and worried. I think one thing that can't change is her this behaviour joking around and teasing me whenever she got chance. 

Me: (Start hitting her playfully while smiling brightly) You....!!! can't you keep it normal. Your serious face sacred and worried me.

Vihaa: (Laughing out loud and trying to protect herself from my playful beating) Well, there will be no fun in that plus look the brighter side, you are smiling and enjoying beating me.

Me: Idiot.

And we both started laughing out loud with this, while laughing I look at her a thought pop up inside my head...

she is a true blessing in my life, I mean look at it in this way... after breakup in friendship plus whole graduation fiasco lead me towards the complete darkness where all I felt is sadness, crying, hopeless and even I tried to do self harm but now I am laughing, smiling, every night I sleep with a hope of better tomorrow. Above all this I can see lightness.

Soon we start getting sobering up, we wipe our tears and once we got calmed down I start speaking...

Me: (Genuinely feeling happy about it and bit dreamily) Well, I must say your wedding planning ideas exactly looking like a dream wedding, I mean Indian wedding really looks good in videos, movies and shows. And that too especially Punjabi culture is such a beauty and their food is also mouth watering. I really love it. 

Vihaa: (Nodding her head in approval with a bright smile on her face) Yeah I know that's why I am choosing it because I am thinking we got married only once with our will so, why not do it properly.

Me: Yeah you are right.

Vihaa: Come now on lets take a walk, our coffee's are finished too.

Me: Yeah.

We got up from the bench then start taking rounds, with crushed disposable cup in our hands which we throw in the dustbin the moment it comes on our way. As usual we take twelve rounds of the park then after bidding our good byes to each other we back inside our homes. As I reach inside the home, I start untying my shoes and once done I directly walk inside my room. I closed plus lock the door beside me then I first drink the remaining water of my bottle and after that I walk inside the washroom and start getting fresh.

After taking a cold shower, I come out of the washroom then I wear my night dress. Once I finish getting ready for the night I unlock the door and move outside the room but not before plugging my phone to charger plus picking up my empty water bottle with me. I walk straight to the kitchen, walking inside there I found mother reheating the food for dinner, I pour a glass of water for me and start drinking it. 

Seeing me there mother start speaking...

Mother: Hey wassup? How was your walk?

Me: (After gulping full glass of water and then excitedly start speaking) All good mother, you know what mother Vihaa is thinking to have a Indo-Punjabi style wedding and she is also thinking to wear a lehenga on her wedding

Mother: (Smiling) That's great and you are seems to be more excited then her.

Me: (Rubbing my nape) Umm yeah because she is happy and I am happy for it plus I will get the chance to see some Punjabi culture.

Mother: Yeah right and that's good. Now come on help with the dishes to take them out.

Me: Okay.

Together we put dishes on the dining table, the moment we finish settling dishes there father and brother to joined us on the dining table. Seeing, both of the ladies not present here for the dinner, I just assume that they might had their dinner early. Ignoring this thought of mine I serve food in my plate then start eating it silently, other's too follow the suit. However, this moment of silence break when suddenly father initiated the conversion and its directed to brother...

Father: Why your eyes are red? And I can see you are looking bit lost.

Brother: Nothing I just got tired because all of the work at office.

Father: O really? 

Brother: Yes.

Hearing this, father keep looking at him for twenty to forty seconds with a frown on his face as if he is sure that he has done something which is not right may be smoking or drinking. Well, ignoring all this brother keep eating his food and here I keep observing what they are doing while eating my food calmly. 

Soon brother come first, I mean he finish the dinner first then taking his plates with him, he walk inside the kitchen. After a minute or so, I also walk inside the kitchen with my plate and at that time I find him to walking outside of the kitchen. At this time I choose to look into his eyes to know whether father is right or no and I directly look into his eyes for ten to fifteen seconds. Just by looking into his eyes that father was right his eyes are red.

Well, soon he move out of the kitchen with filled water bottle in his hand and I here take his place, I start cleaning my plate and once its done I filled my water bottle then move out of the kitchen, with water bottle in my hand I walk towards my room. While doing so a thought play in my head like a loop...

such red eyes can never alone because of office stress, I think something else is there due to which eyes are like this. But don't know what, I will search on google to clear my thoughts.

With these thought in my mind I don't know when I enter inside my room, closed the door behind me. I walk towards my study table, keep my bottle there then I walk towards my bedside table unplugged the charger and take phone with me back then I sit on beside chair. I open my laptop, open the google tab then but before I could type anything on the search bar, I receive a message on my phone by Asher...

Asher: Done with the assignment?

And reading this message it clicked in my mind that I forgot to finish it.

Me: O shit, sorry I forgot just a little bit left.

Asher: Chill, you can complete in between the lectures because the lecturer is on the leave today. 

Me: Ohh okay thank you for informing me.

Asher: Anytime by the way, me and Carissa had a conversation over the call, according to it we will be going for house hunt after lectures for an hour for few days.

Me: Ohhh okay all the best of luck for it.

Though, inside my head I am like please do take care of you and don't get hurt. 

Asher: Yeah, well see you tomorrow bye.

Me: Okay bye

As this conversation got over, I keep phone aside and type something on the google search bar...

'Reasons for having red eyes... and result start coming...

infection, allergies, injuries, due to medication, drugs, crying etc.'

just like this things come in result and don't know why but my mind telling me to go with drugs option and I don't want to believe it but because of some reason I desperately tried to ignore it.

After fifteen minutes of research I close the laptop getting irritated because the research I did provided me with lots options but somehow I am ending at drugs only. To refresh my mood and mind, I plug earphones in and then start listening to music plus start completing my pending assignments. Just like this two hours passed by and till now drug thought stay aside. 

At eleven my phone alarm ringed alerting me about the time and telling me that I have to move inside granny's room for my night duty. I pause the music, close the notebook plus the cap of my pen and walk outside of my door with water bottle in my hand, phone in my pocket and earphones plugged in but the thing is the thought of brother started playing again inside my head on a loop.

And just like this night goes by, no matter how much I tried to divert this thought by watching movies or shows or read stories but thought keep disturbing me. Though the thing is I don't know whether I am worried for brother or not but it just I am not feeling good about it. Around three in the morning finally, getting exhausted I call it a night.