
Systems Gambit

Melton's steps were deliberate and measured, each one leaving a deeper impact on the ground. The man’s screams grew louder with every step Melton took, but Melton remained unmoved. The world had labeled him a monster, and every attempt to show his better side was met with hostility, forcing him to embrace the darkness within. "I have been subjected to pain by your own kind," Melton continued, his voice steady and cold. "I have been sharpened through fire." He bent down, bringing his face close to the man's, his eyes burning with intensity. "Please... please make it stop," the man begged, blood seeping from his nose, ears, and eyes as the pressure mounted. Melton's gaze hardened. "She begged too. She just wanted to be free from the shackles this system has put us in. What did you do?" He straightened, looking down at the man with a mixture of disdain and sorrow. "You killed her," he stated, his voice filled with quiet fury. With a final, decisive act, he increased the power of Gravity Drag, leaving the man with no escape from his suffering. ****************************************************************** In the heart of a bustling urban labyrinth, Melton Ryder's life is transformed when he gets powers after the first great awakening where he got his powers. Along the line he gets hold of a system, an enigmatic digital interface that enhances his abilities and later opens his eyes to a shadowy government conspiracy. As Melton delves deeper into the sinister project, he becomes a target for ruthless government agents determined to silence him and erase all evidence of their secret endeavors. In a world where technology and power intertwine, Melton Ryder is thrust into a dangerous game of cat and mouse. Desperate and seeking refuge, Melton finds sanctuary with a group of underground rebels who are waging their own war against the oppressive regime. Among them are formidable allies: Zara, a brilliant hacker; Darius, a healer; Cass, a speedster; Lena, an empath; and Nadia, an illusionist. Together, they delve into the inner workings of the System, uncovering secrets that could change everything. As Melton integrates with the rebels, he faces a pivotal moment of betrayal. Discovering that one of his trusted allies has been a government informant all along. This shatters his confidence and trust. Disillusioned but determined, Melton must navigate this treacherous landscape, unsure of who to trust as he continues to unravel the conspiracy. The stakes are raised when Melton undertakes a perilous mission to infiltrate a high-security government facility. His goal: to gather irrefutable evidence of the conspiracy and expose the truth to the world. Along the way, he faces formidable obstacles, from advanced security measures to rival hackers employed by the government, testing his resolve and ingenuity. At a critical crossroads, Melton confronts a tempting offer from his enemies: power and influence in exchange for abandoning his fight. Torn between the allure of power and his moral compass, Melton grapples with the decision that will define his future and the fate of those around him. In a climactic showdown, Melton faces the mastermind behind the conspiracy, a powerful figure with deep ties to the highest levels of government. With the truth on the line, Melton exposes the corrupt system, bringing it to its knees. But this victory comes at a high cost, with sacrifices and losses that weigh heavily on him. In the aftermath, Melton emerges as a symbol of hope for the oppressed, vowing to continue the fight for justice and freedom. However, as he prepares to move forward, a cryptic message from an unknown source hints at even darker secrets lurking beneath the surface. Intrigued and resolute, Melton embarks on a new journey, diving deeper into the heart of the system than ever before. What does Melton Ryder face as he moves on? Read to find out more.

TheATK · perkotaan
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12 Chs

The Underground Sanctuary

Melton's consciousness drifted in and out, pain a constant undercurrent as he slumped against the cold wall of the abandoned building. His vision blurred, the System's interface flickering weakly. He heard a noise—a door creaking open, footsteps soft but deliberate.

"Who's there?" he croaked, forcing his eyes open.

A figure stepped into the dim light, a woman with sharp eyes and a confident stance. Her dark hair was pulled back, and she moved with the grace of someone accustomed to danger. She raised an eyebrow at the sight of him.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" she murmured, her tone hard to read. "A wounded bird, perhaps?"

Melton struggled to his feet, but his legs betrayed him, and he collapsed back against the wall. "I'm not... a threat," he managed, his voice hoarse.

The woman, Maya Chen, narrowed her eyes. "We'll see about that. You're coming with me."

With surprising strength, she hauled him to his feet, practically carrying him through a series of winding passages. Melton's vision dimmed again, but he caught glimpses of graffiti-marked walls, makeshift barricades, and other signs of an underground hideout.

They finally emerged into a large, cavernous room, dimly lit but filled with people and equipment. Melton's heart pounded. He had found the rebels—or they had found him.

Maya gently lowered him onto a makeshift bed. "Stay here. I'll get someone to look at you."

Before he could respond, she disappeared into the shadows. Moments later, another figure approached, a tall, imposing man with deep brown skin and a calm, authoritative presence with a baritone voice.

"Name's Darius," he said, his voice a soothing rumble. "I'm gonna help you. Just stay still."

Darius's hands glowed with a soft, green light as he placed them over Melton's injuries. Melton felt a warmth spread through his body, the pain fading away.

"You're... a healer," Melton muttered, feeling the energy seep into his bones.

"Yeah, it's my gift," Darius replied with a small smile. "We all have our talents or powers as you like to call them here. Just relax."

As the healing light worked its magic, Melton's strength returned. He sat up, looking around the room. A group of people had gathered, their expressions curious and wary. Maya stood at the front, her arms crossed.

"Introductions are in order," she said. "But first, who are you and why were you running from government agents?"

Melton took a deep breath. "My name is Melton Ryder. I have something called the System, and it gives me... abilities, my ability or gift might be useless in battle but I'm a hacker. With this, I stumbled onto a government conspiracy, and now they're trying to silence me."

"And you expect us to just believe that?" Maya said

"What if you're an agent among them who was sent to spy on us?"

"Relax Maya, his injuries were too deep and his heart says something different" said a lady emerging from the dark corner of the room with her eyes giving a light blue glow.

Maya's eyes narrowed, but she nodded. "Fair enough. Let's get you acquainted with the team."

She gestured to a woman with flowing locs and a fierce demeanor. "This is Zara. She's our tech genius. Anything digital, she can hack it, just like you."

Zara nodded, her locs swaying. "Nice to meet you, Melton. Welcome to the resistance."

Next was a petite woman with piercing blue eyes and an aura of calm. "This is Lena. She's our empath. Can sense emotions and sometimes influence them."

Lena offered a gentle smile. "Don't worry, you're safe here."

A tall, athletic woman with short, platinum-blonde hair stepped forward. "I'm Cass. Speedster. I can move faster than you can blink."

Cass grinned, her energy infectious. "Good to have another enhanced on our side."

Darius, the healer, gave a small wave. "You already know me. Healing's my thing."

Finally, a striking woman with red hair and an air of mystery introduced herself. "I'm Nadia. Illusions. I can make you see and feel what isn't there."

Melton took it all in, feeling a mix of relief and caution. "Thanks for helping me. I didn't expect... any of this."

Maya stepped forward, her gaze still guarded. "We help those who fight against the government. But trust is earned, Melton. We need to be sure you're not a spy."

Melton nodded. "I understand. I'm just trying to survive, and maybe find some answers."

Maya's expression softened slightly. "We'll see about that. For now, rest. We'll figure out our next move in the morning."

As the group dispersed, Melton lay back, feeling the weight of exhaustion and relief. He was in a safe place, at least for now. But he could sense Maya's lingering doubts, and he knew he had to prove himself. The fight against the government was far from over, and he needed all the allies he could get.

Melton woke up to the muted hum of activity around him. The makeshift bed, though uncomfortable, had allowed him a few hours of much-needed rest. He blinked, adjusting to the dim lighting of the underground sanctuary. Conversations in hushed tones filled the space, along with the occasional clink of tools and the soft whir of computers.

He sat up, his body still sore but significantly better thanks to Darius's healing. He noticed Zara, the tech genius with flowing locs, seated at a cluttered table nearby, surrounded by an array of screens and gadgets. Curiosity piqued, he made his way over to her.

"Hey," he greeted softly.

Zara looked up, her eyes sharp but friendly. "Morning, Melton. Feeling better?"

"Yeah, much better. Thanks to Darius," Melton replied, taking a seat opposite her. "I wanted to thank you all for helping me. I owe you one."

Zara waved off his gratitude. "Don't mention it. We're all in this fight together. Besides, anyone who manages to piss off the government is a friend in my book."

Melton chuckled. "So, what are you working on?"

Zara sighed, her expression turning serious. "I've been trying to hack into the government's systems for years. They've got layers upon layers of security, and every time I get close, they shut me out. It's frustrating."

Melton leaned forward, intrigued. "I managed to get in, but it wasn't easy. I barely made it out before they traced me. What exactly are you trying to find?"

Zara's eyes sparkled with a mixture of frustration and admiration. "Anything that can give us an edge. Details about their enhanced agents, the origin of their powers, and the specifics of the sinister project they're working on. But so far, I've hit wall after wall."

Melton nodded, feeling a spark of camaraderie. "The System helped me, but it was still a close call. I didn't get much before I had to bail, just enough to know they were experimenting with something big and dangerous."

Zara leaned back, studying him. "You must be one hell of a hacker to have gotten that far. We've got some of the best tech here, and even I couldn't break through their defenses."

Melton felt a swell of pride. "The System gives me an edge, but it's not infallible. I got lucky."

Zara smirked. "Luck or skill, you did what I couldn't. Maybe together, we can crack this thing wide open."

Maya and Lena approached, Maya's expression as unreadable as ever. "I see you're making friends, Melton."

Melton nodded. "Just trying to find my place here. Zara was telling me about her attempts to hack the government."

Lena's gaze fixated on Melton.

Maya's eyes flicked to Zara, then back to Melton. "Zara's the best at what she does. If you can help her, it might be worth the risk of keeping you around."

Melton caught the hint of distrust beneath her words but chose to ignore it for now. "I'll do whatever I can. We need to know what we're up against."

Maya glanced at Zara, a silent conversation passing between them. "Alright. Zara, show him what you've got. Melton, see if you can use your System to help."

As Zara began to explain her setup, Melton's mind raced with possibilities. He examined the layers of encryption and firewalls she'd been working to breach, recognizing some of the tactics he'd encountered during his own hack.

"These look familiar," he mused. "They've got multiple redundancies, but there are patterns. If we can exploit those..."

Zara grinned. "That's what I was hoping to hear. Let's get to work."

For hours, they spoke over code and data streams, their combined skills probing deeper into the government's defenses. The rest of the group occasionally drifted in and out, offering words of encouragement or discussing their own roles in the rebellion.

Cass, the speedster, zipped by, dropping off coffee with a quick smile. "Keep at it, guys. You're doing great."

Lena, the empath, brought a calming presence, her soft voice reassuring Melton when he grew frustrated. "You're close, I can feel it. Don't give up."

Nadia, the illusionist, watched from a distance, her enigmatic smile suggesting she saw more than she let on. "Reality is malleable. Bend it to your will."

Darius, ever the supportive healer, checked in periodically. "Need any breaks? Remember to take care of yourselves."

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Melton and Zara made a breakthrough. The screen flashed with new data, files they'd never accessed before.

"We did it," Zara breathed, her eyes wide with excitement.

Melton scanned the files, his heart pounding. "This is it. Details on their enhanced agents, the origin of their powers, and... the project. They call it 'Erebus.'"

Maya stepped forward, her expression intense. "Erebus? What is it?"

Melton's eyes flicked over the screen, absorbing the information. "It's... an initiative to create superhumans. They're using the same technology that gave us our powers, but on a larger scale. They want an army of enhanced soldiers."

The room fell silent as the gravity of the situation sank in.

Zara broke the silence. "We need to expose this. The world has to know."

Maya nodded, her distrust momentarily overshadowed by determination. "You're right. We need to act fast. But Melton, we're trusting you with this information. Don't make us regret it."

Melton met her gaze, understanding the weight of her words. "I won't. We're in this together now."

For the first time since he arrived, Melton felt a sense of belonging. The fight against the oppressive system had taken on new urgency, and he had found allies in this underground sanctuary. Together, they would uncover the truth and, with any luck, bring down the forces that sought to control them.