
Systems Gambit

Melton's steps were deliberate and measured, each one leaving a deeper impact on the ground. The man’s screams grew louder with every step Melton took, but Melton remained unmoved. The world had labeled him a monster, and every attempt to show his better side was met with hostility, forcing him to embrace the darkness within. "I have been subjected to pain by your own kind," Melton continued, his voice steady and cold. "I have been sharpened through fire." He bent down, bringing his face close to the man's, his eyes burning with intensity. "Please... please make it stop," the man begged, blood seeping from his nose, ears, and eyes as the pressure mounted. Melton's gaze hardened. "She begged too. She just wanted to be free from the shackles this system has put us in. What did you do?" He straightened, looking down at the man with a mixture of disdain and sorrow. "You killed her," he stated, his voice filled with quiet fury. With a final, decisive act, he increased the power of Gravity Drag, leaving the man with no escape from his suffering. ****************************************************************** In the heart of a bustling urban labyrinth, Melton Ryder's life is transformed when he gets powers after the first great awakening where he got his powers. Along the line he gets hold of a system, an enigmatic digital interface that enhances his abilities and later opens his eyes to a shadowy government conspiracy. As Melton delves deeper into the sinister project, he becomes a target for ruthless government agents determined to silence him and erase all evidence of their secret endeavors. In a world where technology and power intertwine, Melton Ryder is thrust into a dangerous game of cat and mouse. Desperate and seeking refuge, Melton finds sanctuary with a group of underground rebels who are waging their own war against the oppressive regime. Among them are formidable allies: Zara, a brilliant hacker; Darius, a healer; Cass, a speedster; Lena, an empath; and Nadia, an illusionist. Together, they delve into the inner workings of the System, uncovering secrets that could change everything. As Melton integrates with the rebels, he faces a pivotal moment of betrayal. Discovering that one of his trusted allies has been a government informant all along. This shatters his confidence and trust. Disillusioned but determined, Melton must navigate this treacherous landscape, unsure of who to trust as he continues to unravel the conspiracy. The stakes are raised when Melton undertakes a perilous mission to infiltrate a high-security government facility. His goal: to gather irrefutable evidence of the conspiracy and expose the truth to the world. Along the way, he faces formidable obstacles, from advanced security measures to rival hackers employed by the government, testing his resolve and ingenuity. At a critical crossroads, Melton confronts a tempting offer from his enemies: power and influence in exchange for abandoning his fight. Torn between the allure of power and his moral compass, Melton grapples with the decision that will define his future and the fate of those around him. In a climactic showdown, Melton faces the mastermind behind the conspiracy, a powerful figure with deep ties to the highest levels of government. With the truth on the line, Melton exposes the corrupt system, bringing it to its knees. But this victory comes at a high cost, with sacrifices and losses that weigh heavily on him. In the aftermath, Melton emerges as a symbol of hope for the oppressed, vowing to continue the fight for justice and freedom. However, as he prepares to move forward, a cryptic message from an unknown source hints at even darker secrets lurking beneath the surface. Intrigued and resolute, Melton embarks on a new journey, diving deeper into the heart of the system than ever before. What does Melton Ryder face as he moves on? Read to find out more.

TheATK · Urban
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12 Chs

The Hunt

Melton Ryder paced the length of his one-bedroom apartment, his thoughts a tangled web of paranoia and strategy. The city outside was a bustling urban labyrinth, a perfect camouflage for the undercurrents of power and conspiracy that flowed beneath its surface. The System, an enigmatic digital interface that had inexplicably appeared in Melton's life years ago, had transformed his life. He could see it now, hovering just at the edge of his consciousness, displaying his stats and abilities.

Strength: 45

Agility: 37

Intellect: 52

Each number represented a facet of his enhanced self, a testament to the System's influence. But it was also a beacon, drawing unwanted attention from shadowy figures who understood all too well the threat he posed coupled with the information in his possession now.

He glanced at his phone, an innocuous device now laced with layers of encryption and counter-surveillance software, courtesy of his newfound intellect boost. The message from an unknown number flashed on the screen: "They know where you are. Get out now."

"What…..how can they? I've never been discovered before" he said as he increased the rate at which he paced around the room.

A knock on the door jolted him from his thoughts. Too soon. He wasn't ready. He moved silently to the side, pressing his ear against the cold wood. The sounds outside were muted, professional. Whoever they were, they weren't amateurs. Government agents, likely. The very people he'd been trying to avoid since he stumbled upon the conspiracy that had thrust him into this new world of power and danger.

Melton took a deep breath, his mind racing. The System's tactical overlay highlighted his options: escape routes, potential weapons, obstacles. His eyes flicked to the fire escape plan pinned to the back of his door. He couldn't risk the main exit. They'd expect that.

He retreated to the small window in his bathroom, sliding it open as quietly as he could. The fire escape was narrow, rusted in places, but it was his best bet. He slipped through the window, the cool night air a stark contrast to the tension knotting his muscles.

Below, the alley was dark, illuminated only by a flickering streetlight. Melton began his descent, each step a test of his agility. The System's enhancements made him faster, quieter. He was almost to the ground when he heard the door to his apartment crash open, the agents moving with practiced efficiency.

Melton dropped the last few feet, landing in a crouch. He didn't wait to see if they'd noticed his absence. He sprinted towards the mouth of the alley, his mind already calculating his next move. The city was vast, but the network of agents would be relentless.

He ducked into a side street, his senses heightened by the System. He could hear the agents fanning out, their radio chatter faint but discernible. They were closing in, but Melton had one advantage: unpredictability.

His mind raced through the urban map he'd memorized. There was an old subway tunnel nearby, disused and forgotten by most. He turned sharply, his legs pumping harder as he put distance between himself and his pursuers.

The entrance was hidden behind a decaying billboard, obscured by graffiti and overgrown weeds. Melton slid behind it, prying open the rusted gate. The darkness inside was almost palpable, but his eyes adjusted quickly, the System enhancing his night vision.

He moved deeper into the tunnel, the air thick with the scent of mildew and decay. His footsteps echoed softly, the sound swallowed by the oppressive darkness. He had to keep moving, stay ahead of them.

As he navigated the labyrinthine passages, Melton's thoughts returned to the conspiracy that had upended his life. Powerful figures in the government, secret projects involving the System...he'd only scratched the surface, but it was enough to make him a target.

A sudden noise brought him to a halt. Voices, close and getting closer. Melton pressed himself against the damp wall, his breath shallow. The System's tactical overlay flickered, warning him of multiple threats.

He needed a distraction. His eyes scanned the tunnel, catching sight of an old maintenance panel. He pried it open, finding a tangle of wires and circuits. His enhanced intellect made quick work of the mess, and within moments, he had rigged a crude trap.

The agents' footsteps grew louder, their flashlight beams slicing through the darkness. Melton retreated further into the tunnel, his trap ready to spring. He just needed to lead them closer.

A shadow moved at the edge of his vision. Too close. Melton's heart pounded, but he forced himself to remain calm. He stepped into the open, drawing the agents' attention.

"There he is!" one of them shouted.

Melton bolted, the trap springing to life behind him. Sparks flew, and a loud crack echoed through the tunnel as the makeshift device overloaded the circuit, plunging the area into darkness. Confusion erupted among the agents, giving Melton the precious seconds he needed.

He ran, his mind already calculating the next step. He couldn't keep running forever. He needed allies, information, a way to turn the tables. The System was powerful, but it was also a target painted on his back.

Emerging from the tunnel into the night air, Melton knew one thing for certain: the hunt had begun, but he wasn't the prey they thought he was. He would uncover the truth, expose the conspiracy, and if necessary, take the fight to them.

Melton Ryder's chest heaved as he emerged from the disused subway tunnel. The cold air hit his face, a harsh reminder of the reality he couldn't escape. His mind raced, formulating plans, escape routes, contingencies. But he knew that plans had a way of falling apart, especially when the enemy had their own tricks up their sleeves.

He darted down a narrow alley, his steps quick and quiet. The city was a maze, and Melton's knowledge of its underbelly gave him a slim advantage. His phone buzzed again, a warning flashing one last time before the screen went dark, a sign his adversaries were closing in, likely using their own technological prowess to track him.

A sudden rush of wind behind him was the only warning he had. Melton ducked instinctively as a blast of energy seared past his head, slamming into the brick wall ahead of him. He spun around to see three government agents closing in, their expressions cold and determined.

"End of the line, Ryder," the leader growled, a woman with steely eyes and a scar that ran from her temple to her jaw. Her hand crackled with the residual energy of her attack.

Melton's mind raced. The System's tactical overlay highlighted the agents' stances, predicting their next moves. He had to rely on every bit of his enhanced agility and intellect to survive this.

"You're not taking me in," Melton retorted, eyes darting for an escape route.

The woman smirked. "You think you can outsmart us? We have our own enhancements, courtesy of the same project that gave you yours."

With that, she lunged, her speed augmented beyond human limits. Melton barely dodged, the air where he'd stood humming with the energy of her missed strike. Another agent, a burly man with arms like tree trunks, swung at him. The System calculated his trajectory, but even with the warning, Melton couldn't fully evade the blow. The punch connected with his shoulder, sending him sprawling to the ground.

Pain flared through him, but Melton forced himself to roll with the impact, coming up on his feet. He lashed out with a kick, connecting with the burly agent's knee. The man grunted, staggering back but not falling.

The third agent, a lean man with eyes that glowed a sinister red, raised his hand. A wall of flame erupted between Melton and his escape route. The heat was intense, burning Melton's clothes and forcing him to backpedal.

Desperation clawed at his mind, but the System kept feeding him data, strategies. He needed a distraction, something to turn the tide. His eyes flicked to a pile of old crates stacked nearby. He darted towards them, using his enhanced strength to hurl them at his attackers.

The crates exploded in a shower of splinters, but the agents were unfazed. The leader surged forward again, her energy crackling in a lethal arc. Melton twisted, the bolt grazing his side but missing his vital organs. The pain was searing, but he bit down on it, focusing on the next move.

He needed a moment, just one moment to hack into the local power grid. His fingers danced over his phone, the interface barely visible through the pain. The System's enhancements to his intellect made the complex coding seem almost instinctive. As the agents closed in, his hack went live, plunging the entire block into darkness.

The sudden blackout bought him the precious seconds he needed. He bolted, ignoring the pain, relying on the System's augmented senses to navigate the darkened alleyways. He could hear the agents cursing, their footsteps faltering as they struggled to adapt.

Melton stumbled into another alley, his breaths ragged. His shoulder throbbed, his side burned, but he couldn't stop. The agents' powers made them formidable, but he had his own edge. He pushed deeper into the maze of the city, each step a fight against the agony in his body.

He finally slipped into an abandoned building, collapsing against the wall. The System's interface flickered, his health stats alarming but stable. He had narrowly escaped, but the toll was heavy.

Melton knew he couldn't keep this up forever. The agents were relentless, their powers a constant threat. But he also knew he had to keep moving, keep fighting. The conspiracy he had uncovered was too dangerous to ignore, and as long as the System was active, he had a chance to expose the truth.