
System of a Game

A guy suddenly had a system in his head. Lived in a world mixed of magic, martial arts, cultivation, and others. The system will either help him with good news or bad news. With little understanding of the system, he explore the uses and learn how to benefit from the system. Impending war makes him busy to be stronger while love is making him go crazy. Joined Vasco in a world of adventures, war, a little bit of romance and insanity.

Vasco812 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
17 Chs

Chapter 7 - Rewards

It was late at night but Vasco and Peter are awake while eating their delivery noodles. Somehow both of them were asleep during the evening till midnight.

"Hey I wonder between you and me, who will win if we fight in the hand to hand combat class tomorrow?" Peter asked Vasco while slurping his noodles.

"You might win because I'm not that good at hand to hand combat." Vasco replied.

"Really? Because I had a feeling that I get into a serious fight with you. I might die." Peter stared at Vasco.

"Nah you won't hahaha." Vasco laugh.

Later when both of them finished their late night snack, they went to bed and sleep. Peter was snoring loudly as if he wanted to show he was tired and asleep. Vasco then look up to the ceiling and muttered "Stats".

(User Stats - Vasco)

Gender : Male

Age : 16

Level : 11 (Semi Human Magician)

Strength : 11

Constitution : 11

Dexterity : 11

Intelligence : 11

Wisdom : 11

Charisma : 11


Aura Level 1

Magic Level 1


Humprey's Martial Arts - Max Level

Basic Magic Circle Level 1

Chakra Channels Level 1

(1 attribute point and 1 skill point unallocated)

Vasco thought to himself "It seems like my attributes increased with my level and I will get some free point from level up to allocate to my skills or my attributes." He then decided to increase his strength and level up his aura. "I know that to be a jack of all trades is hard and stupid but with this system it might helps me in becoming one." He then looks at his new stats.

(User Stats - Vasco)

Gender : Male

Age : 16

Level : 11 (Semi Human Magician)

Strength : 12

Constitution : 11

Dexterity : 11

Intelligence : 11

Wisdom : 11

Charisma : 11


Aura Level 2

Magic Level 1


Humprey's Martial Arts - Max Level

Basic Magic Circle Level 1

Chakra Channels Level 1

"I curious to test my aura and strength in tomorrow class." He then sit up continue to opens his inventory and take out the Katana. It was a long sword with a curved, single-edged blade with a squared guard. "Father said that the easterners used this kind of sword. I wonder if I can use it too?" He stand up and started to swing the blade. "Smooth and it is sharp. Might be useful in the future." As he sat back down a notification pops out.

(Katana can be equip in Equipment)


"Hmmm yes?" then the Katana in his hand disappeared and then the system notify him.

(Katana can be instantly equip)

He then thought of the word equip when suddenly the katana appeared at his hand. "So this is the function of equipment." He stored the katana back and lie down. Thinking of this system and the way it is functioning made him tired as his eyes became blurry and then he asleep.


Next morning as they were in the Hand to Hand Combat class arena.

"Kids! I heard from Miss Kylie that you guys did terribly in her class. Well that was expected as you kids are beginners in magic and still learning about it. Now in this class I will show you the army martial arts. It is our country martial arts that has been reformed over time and now it is a complete version. Behind me is the books of the martial arts and each one of you will get it so now take the book first." He then assigned some of the students to pass the books to the others.

Then he continued. "I expect you to learn from the books at your free time. So for now you guys will see me do every techniques in the book." Sir Karl started to take his stance and showed to the students. Vasco look at the way Sir Karl executed his martial arts and muttered "This is way easier then our family martial arts." He then open the book but suddenly the system pops out.

(Would user like to learn the 'Military Martial Arts'?)

Vasco then look around and then said "Yes".

(Learning process started)

(Absorbing knowledge)

(Knowledge absorbed)

(25% progress in synchronizing the knowledge)

(1 hour left to 100% synchronized)

While Vasco was busy checking the system, Sir Karl had finished. "Now that all of you had seen the techniques with your eyes. I expect you to be able to execute some of the techniques next week but for now I wanted to let you guys search for your partners and fight between each other. This is so that I can evaluate you abilities in thinking while fighting and to search for your weaknesses. You can only use aura and not magic. Fight with hands or you may choose you weapons at the weapon rack. Now then I will call your names and you will start the battle." Sir Karl then called the names.

As the battle went on and on with some of them injured, some had bruises, some was chasing while the other one running, some were practically bullied their partners by hitting them non stop. Sir Karl watched all the battles and felt like the students are just playing and they did not realize that hand to hand combat is serious as it can helps in a grave situations. He also thought that the students have not face some life and death situations that this makes them think hand to hand combat is not important. Some of them can't even activate their aura while fighting. As he was getting annoyed by each of the battles, the last battle happened to be Vasco and Peter. They walked to the middle of the stage and face each other.

"Why do we always need to be the last ones?" Peter asked.

"Maybe it is a coincidence or luck I guess?" Vasco shrugged.

"Well let's fight then!" Peter yelled and ran towards Vasco.

Vasco stayed at the same spot and waited for Peter to deliver his first attack. Peter ran and as he reach in front of Vasco, he throw a punch directly towards Vasco face. Vasco evade the punch by side step a little but throw a kick at Peter stomach. Peter saw that and activated his aura while kicking Vasco leg with his leg and tried to punch Vasco abdomen. Vasco step back and tried to catch Peter hand while activating his aura. They then kept fight hand to hand non stop until both of them step back. They stared at each other and then walked towards the weapon rack. Peter pick a short sword while Vasco take two short daggers. Then, they ran towards each other and swings their weapons.

Vasco tried to attack Peter at his abdomen and his face simultaneously with his dagger. Peter block the attack at his abdomen while duck to dodge the attack aimed at his face. Then, Peter swing his blade towards Vasco leg. Vasco jumped back to evade the attack and jump back at him. This fight went on for a whole 10 minutes before both of them suddenly stops. Everyone was shocked to see their fellow peers fight with their hands and weapons as intensely as that. They saw that blood was dripping from the hands of both of them. On their hands and bodies are some scratches while some of them are light wounds and some of them are deep wounds.

"Why do I keep thinking that you are holding back?"" Peter looked at Vasco.

"No I did not. Our skills are the same. Btw nice martial arts there that it got me wounded." Vasco smiled.

"You too. I felt like most of the time when we were fighting that some of your moves can almost kill me but you hold back." Peter said curiously.

"Well enough said I'm tired." Vasco sat down and panting.

"Yeah you are right." Peter sat down besides him and take a deep breath.

Sir Karl watched all of this happened and think to himself "No wonder Kylie praised this two kids too much and her evaluation of them are high. They fit the criteria and they might even pass the highest criteria from the years before. This two might become our future leaders." Then he shouted "Class dismissed as the battle has been concluded! Medic please tend to this two kids!".


(Knowledge synchronized)

(Do you wish to integrated the 'Military Martial Arts' to 'Humprey Martial Arts'?)