
System of a Game

A guy suddenly had a system in his head. Lived in a world mixed of magic, martial arts, cultivation, and others. The system will either help him with good news or bad news. With little understanding of the system, he explore the uses and learn how to benefit from the system. Impending war makes him busy to be stronger while love is making him go crazy. Joined Vasco in a world of adventures, war, a little bit of romance and insanity.

Vasco812 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Chapter 8 - Qi Gathering

The next day, class started early as they have the last class for the week. Many of them wondered the difference between magic, aura or qi. While all of them are energy but they have different feels between each others. Thus making them excited to learn about the use of qi.

"Hi class. My name is Huang Lee but you may call me as mister Lee." said the teacher in front of the classroom.

"Now then, many of you may not know much about qi. Which to be expected because it was an energy that was recently discovered by our world 100 years ago." He pauses to look at the students and continue "Qi is a part of energy that sits inside you. It requires you to focus on your inner self as it derives from your meridians to use it. While it almost has the same use as magic and aura but it is different because it can be used like this."

Mister Lee showed them how a book flew around the classroom and controlled a pen to write in the book. He also showed them how he controlled the curtains and doors.

"While qi might not be seen as powerful as magic an aura but it has the same potential as them. Dangers followed to those who fight the qi users. Imagine if someday you are eating outside then suddenly your head got turned around or a flying knife stab you without you realized it." he smiled.

"Other scholars thought that qi is too powerful because those who had enough qi energy can fly around the sky infinitely. While those powerful ones can scour our brains to collect information by force. There are also some who wields a thousand flying swords or manipulating the elements of the earth for themselves. Thou magic elements were created using mana, the qi elements use the elements that already exists around you for example that tree outside the window." the teacher show them as he manipulate the tree bending and grew out another new trunk from the tree.

Mister Lee then say "While magic use your brain to create the magic circle and the aura use your abdomen to store your chakra. Qi uses your conscience to gather them at your heart."

"Now then, as you already see the uses of the mighty qi. Take this book and learn how to gather them from your meridians although I know that some of you hailed from a qi family users and already learn about this." mister lee smiled.

(Does user want to learn Qi Gathering?)


(Absorbing knowledge)

(Learning knowledge)

(Synchronizing knowledge)

(12 hours left to 100% synchronize)


The class ended as Vasco headed towards his room. He rejected Peter's offer and excitedly thinks about the new knowledge he had learned.

As he arrived at his room, sat down on his bed and called "Stats"

(User Stats - Vasco)

Gender : Male

Age : 16

Level : 11 (Semi Human Magician)

Strength : 12

Constitution : 11

Dexterity : 11

Intelligence : 11

Wisdom : 11

Charisma : 11


Aura Level 2

Magic Level 1


Humprey's Martial Arts - Max Level

Basic Magic Circle Level 1

Chakra Channels Level 1

Vasco look to his stats and thought to himself "The knowledge that I just obtained won't show up until it has achieved 100%. I wonder if the synchronize can be achieve faster if I tried to learn it manually myself.

He then continue to read the book slowly from page to page to understand the how to gather qi. He put the book aside after reaching the final page and calm himself. He take a breath and close his eyes as he emptied his mind and focus on reaching towards his conscience. After that, he tried to feel the qi and gather them towards his heart which then a sound pop.

(100% synchronized)

(Qi Gathering learned)

He opens his eyes and smiled. "To think that I can accelerate the synchronize process by learning it. myself manually. This might be easier than I thought."

(Requirement match)

(User achieved energy trifecta - collector of all energy)

(Does user want to absorb and combine the energy?)

Vasco was shocked as words popped out in front of him. He didn't think that the different energy can be combined by the system. He became scared as he thought that something might go wrong if he decide to combine it.

He then calm himself down and think "Well as far as I can tell, the system doesn't give me any type of shit for now so why not"

"Yes combine it"

(User permission acquired)

(Absorbing energy)

(Combining energy)

(Initiating update)

Vasco felt sleepy as he heard the notifications sound then he blacked out. While his sleeping, his body was floating as they were undergoing transformation. His body muscles and abs were more defined than before as his body continue to excrete black liquids. A mark appear on his heart and mind as they had a symbol of a triangle with magic, chakra and qi circle inside of it.

(Requirement reached)

(Passives activated)

(Pure Energy achieved)

(Combining completed)

(Balancing stats, skills and passives)

(System updated)


He slept soundly till 7 p.m when he woke up from his sleep. He hold his head as he felt dizzy then he remember what happen. "Stats"

(User Stats - Vasco)

Gender : Male

Age : 16

Level : 15 (Energy Collector)

Aura body attribute - 15 (strength and constitution)

Magic mind attribute - 15 (intelligence and wisdom)

Qi soul attribute - 15 (charm and dexterity)


Aura - Level 2

Magic - Level 2

Qi - Level 2

Pure Energy - Level 1


Humprey's Martial Arts - Max Level (mixed)

Beginner Magic Circle - Level 2/10

Beginner Chakra Channels - Level 2/10

Beginner Qi Pathways - Level 2/10

Pure Energy Orb - Level 1

Self-Absorb Energy Circle - Level 1

(4 attribute points and 4 passive points unallocated)

"To think that my attribute would changed when the system updates it. But what is pure energy? I wonder what it would do." Vasco said to himself.

Then, he smelled something stinks and realized that he was covered in grimes and sweats. He proceed to go to bath while ordered food delivery. After he washed himself, he then eats the food while allocating his points. He put all the attribute point towards aura body while putting all the skill point on beginner chakra channels.

"That should do it." he thought.