
Symbiotic Cyborg

Ever since Portia was abandoned by her parents, she was an outcast, neglected by society and even the social welfare service taking care of her. In a world where everyone by the age of thirteen bonded with one mythical creature or another, she was sixteen and still had nothing, apart from the cheap birthday present given to her by her caretaker on behalf of her parents, whom she loathed by then, so sold it...

Felix_Kunjan · Fantasi
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64 Chs


Felix was sitting down on a bench and sipping from a whiskey glass when he sensed two creatures standing behind him, wielding weapons.

He gulped down the rest of the water then placed the glass on a side table and turned to face them, looking down, he said,"Let's see what you've got..."


One of them swiped his coal black sword at Felix's abdomen but he jumped backwards then used his lower arm to hold back one of their forearms, so they couldn't attack, then hit him in the belly three times, before throwing him above his head to fall at his back.

The other one shot a kunai, made of glass like ice at Felix's neck but he caught it and yanked it out of his grip then axe kicked the other one who had made a bed of snow to cushion his fall.

He spun the chain as the first one blasted flames at him but he dodged as a thin wall of water protected him from the heat, then he threw the kunai back but it shattered into a thousand pieces which reassembled as Felix spun his arm and threw a punch, making the ice crystals melt and shoot in a highly pressurized beam in a way the melting ice was covering the flowing water behind.

The person made the water freeze but wasn't at all prepared for the second blast as it hit him in the chest and threw him into the air and he was propelled by the very water droplets that made him wet into crashing into the other person, then they froze, sticking them together.

Felix then said,"Dollovan, Randall, is that seriously the best you've got? After all this time I've been training you?"

Ice began to creep on the floor and walls then Felix grinned as a dagger like stalactite of ice grew and shot at his neck but he jumped back and dodged it then out of it appeared Dollovan who swiped an axe made of ice at Felix's torso, but he went back downwards enough to dodge it then did a back handspring to dodge the block of ice that grew from the ceiling in order to crush him.

Randall blasted lightning at Felix, which he dodged and manually manipulated Randall's arms to send the blast off course and catch it on his fingertips, before swiping it to zap the both of them.

Randall fell to his knees after being zapped, unprepared, but Dollovan, covered in mist, darted his arm forward and a massive weight was induced in the room, with the cold air's weight crushing everything around, including Felix, but he swiped his arm and a current of wind swiped Dollovan off his feet, making him land hard on the ground, before carrying him into the air and spinning him all across the room.

Felix then threw a knee at Randall's head but he caught it and ice began to form on it as he threw Felix towards a wall but he ended up doing a b aerial and landing safely, while Dollovan made a shield of ice spikes to hinder the air flow and drop him.

The two then looked at each other, then Dollovan began running on the side of one wall while Randall ran straight at Felix.

Felix blasted water at Randall but he vanished and they both appeared at either side of his face, throwing a kick, which he caught, till Dollovan bathed his foot like appendage in lightning and Randall, in fire, then Felix yelled as his hands were burned and they both kicked him, monumentally.

Dollovan made the floor covered in ice as Randall violently pushed Felix face first into a wall then placed his hand on his chest as Felix began to cough, then vapour started leaving his hand as Felix's inside were being frozen.

With teeth stained with blood, Felix said,"Good job, I yield."

Randall stood up and by Dollovan, then they helped him to his feet as he spat out some of the red liquid in his mouth, then said,"You're getting better, but have to learn to fight on your own, you wouldn't always have each other."

They looked at each other as Randall said,"But we'll always have you."

Then he rammed Felix into the ground and began tickling him as he laughed loudly, Dollovan wasn't going to do that, but he could watch.

After the two had left, Felix's gem had a conversation with him, saying,"You didn't have to let yourself get this hurt to teach them that lesson."

"No pain no gain."He thought.

Felix began healing himself then swiped his arm as his room began getting repaired, then he looked over the balcony again, the glass appeared in his hand, filled with water, then he continued drinking.

As a Cryolite, Randall was already familiar with the concept of ice.

He never had the ability to control it, no Cryolite except a few dozen could, and whenever one was born, they were placed into the highest ruling position and had to battle against the present ruler for the throne.

Living on a planet covered in ice IV, Randal never had such an opportunity or ability, he was born normal, but all that changed when he led the war against some strange and barbaric creatures that had entered their civilized society.

Many of his warriors died as the creatures were, not only bigger and stronger than them, but some even had special abilities they had never before seen.

Randall was ready to go down fighting and almost did until one of the creatures with an ability spared his life, removed its necklace and gave it to him.

He thought it was a reward from the queens for such courage, but whichever way, it enabled him to control ice, much more powerfully than any before him.

He wasn't elected into a high position though, rather, he was chased away from their community because of how he got his power, for fear he might lead those creatures against his people.

He was ready to do it when a creature he had never seen before appeared in his small, snow hut and showed him that she also had a gemstone.

He probed through her thoughts, as a normal skill all or at least, most Cryolites possessed, and learned to speak her language, and then she took him to meet the others, who were already in a pickle of their own, but it was solved soon after that and he decided to stay.

Describing his appearance wouldn't do much as he was a black sentient fluid which had the ability to flow through the tiniest of orifices to fill in a deceased body and inhabit it, somehow like a hermit crab.

Being able to change their form of DNA to synthesise new proteins and enzymes just to suit the body they inhabited, they digested virtually everything on the inside and acted like a hydrostatic skeleton for it.