
Symbiotic Cyborg

Ever since Portia was abandoned by her parents, she was an outcast, neglected by society and even the social welfare service taking care of her. In a world where everyone by the age of thirteen bonded with one mythical creature or another, she was sixteen and still had nothing, apart from the cheap birthday present given to her by her caretaker on behalf of her parents, whom she loathed by then, so sold it...

Felix_Kunjan · Fantasy
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64 Chs


Alexa looked at Skylar as he spoke,"I could never repay you for all you've done for me, but I would still try, just tell me whatever you wish and I will literally move heaven and hell to accomplish it without a second thought."

She looked at all of us, who were giving her encouraging glances, then she looked back at him and said,"There's only one favour I need and that is for one dead friend to come back, and that's Alex."

"Your older brother?"He asked.

She nodded right before her brother pulled her to the side then asked,"What are you doing?"

"I'm choosing."She said.

"But why Alex? You never even knew him, why not someone like..."

"Trevor?"She asked,"Felix, I have had enough excitement in my life, and you have seen a lot of people lose their lives before your eyes, I just want you to have your best friend back."

"But Alexa, you are my best friend, and your brother and ..."

"Felix, it's okay, it's my choice."She said.

He sighed then said,"You are the best little sister in the world."

"Back at you big bro."She said, hugging him.

"See what I said?!"Yokkan yelled.

"Will you just shut up?!"Dolores yelled.

Alexa then went to Skylar then said,"I've made my choice."

He smiled and said,"A selfless choice, one I know you wouldn't regret."

He removed a strand from one of his feathers and it got engulfed in white flames as it changed into a young man, who looked around as if he had just dropped from Pluto.

"Where am I?"He asked.

"You're alive."Felix said.

"Felix, is that you?"

"In the fl...ooosh!"

He yelled as his mirror twin brother knocked him down with a hug and Portia smiled as Aeric laughed, at least they were reunited.

Alex was quite talkative, everyone got to know, but Felix never seemed bothered, he rather seemed to love it, including when he asked if Felix could set him up with his ex girlfriend who had definitely outgrown and outlived him, so he asked him to try using a dating app of some sort, but no one had ever seen Felix as happy as when he was with Alex, they just wondered what happened when he died.


After Indigo, Alex and Felix left for some family problems, everyone else just tried to blend in, without the host or any of the two newbies.

Giopha on the other hand was looking for the unnamed phoenix crystal wielder when she saw a black rectangular thingy with some soft projections on its surface.

Curious, she pushed the only one that stood out, the red one, and then screamed when the large black box before her suddenly lit up with several creatures trapped within, trying to escape.

She was horrified and tried to free them by blasting infrared radiation at it, but it only changed to different people, what happened to the previous people, it was a torture chamber!

But why would they have a torture chamber in this place!

She continued screaming till Skylar walked into the room and asked the problem and all she could do was point.

He looked at it and actually at that moment wished he had emotions, so he could laugh his head off.

He sighed then said,"That's just a television, it's for entertainment."

"You trap people in pocket dimensions for entertainment?!"She yelled.

"What? No! How on Earth have you been living here longer than me and never seen a television in use before?"

"Will you stop giving me excu...aaaeee!!!"

The tv screen exploded when the light emitted concentrated and burned through the polarizing filter like a laser and melted the plasma screens, and Skylar, with his eyes half closed, said,"And there goes the only thing keeping me from leaving this planet and multiverse...adios."

Kofi himself was having an experience with a tv set.

An electric arc jumped between his close knit fingers an the channel changed, it happened again then someone came to sit by him.

He looked at the beautiful, blue haired, humanoid creature then said,"Rydona, I thought you hated televisions."

"I do find staring at screens a detrimental activity which drains one's life and soul in a similar manner to what you call schools, but I cannot deny the fact that it is somewhat... entertaining."She said.

"Oh well..."He said,"...suit yourself, so, what trope do you like? Comedy?"

"Human kind's feigned stories and falsified life experiences meant to capture the heart of a depressed crowd looking for a purpose in life do not make me laugh, besides, I prefer romantic comedy."

"I'm guessing no, telenovelas?"

She glared at him, then he looked behind her to see Yokkan doing the same, then said,"Okay, what about cartoons?"

"How old do you think I am?"She asked.


"Well I am fourteen in human years for your information, sizeist."

Kofi just pursed his lips and felt very uncomfortable now, so he made a web like channel of electric charges between his fingers which made a fractional display of all the channels on the entire tv set in systematic order then said,"Point at whichever show you want, I'm going to get some snacks."

"I thought you didn't need to eat anymore."She said,"After your metamorphosis into a collector."

"The fact that I don't need to eat or sleep anymore doesn't prevent me from enjoying the privileges I used to."

He then vanished in a bolt of lightning.

She was watching the television for a second when she began to hear creaking and cracking sounds from it as it slowly grew in size.

She walked closer to it right before it drastically grew by several feet then exploded.

Kofi switched on the light in the kitchen but it kept flickering till he frowned, kicked the wall and said,"Floura, wake up!"

He then went to the sink and told Frank to get him some chips and sodas and the fridge barged open, shooting everything needed onto the plate on Kofi's outstretched arm.

He then sensed an anomaly as the tv set began moaning in pain and soon, it exploded.

He dropped the plate and the vacuum robot caught it and followed him as he saw Rydona flying backwards, then jumped off the wall in a burst of charges and caught her with a plasma window protecting the two as he landed with her.

Her two black eyes fluttered open as she weakly asked,"You talk to electrical appliances now?"

He didn't answer her question but wanted to take her somewhere safer then saw Yokkan in his way, who snatched her from his grasp.

He didn't care about his rude behavior or the fact that he pushed past him and stepped on his foot even when both his and Rydona's rooms were the other way, Kofi just began cleaning up the mess, wondering what had happened.