
Symbiotic Cyborg

Ever since Portia was abandoned by her parents, she was an outcast, neglected by society and even the social welfare service taking care of her. In a world where everyone by the age of thirteen bonded with one mythical creature or another, she was sixteen and still had nothing, apart from the cheap birthday present given to her by her caretaker on behalf of her parents, whom she loathed by then, so sold it...

Felix_Kunjan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
64 Chs


Portia, who hadn't gone on the quest but stayed behind with Aeric, went to Ms TT, who seemed bummed out, then asked,"Ms TT, what's wrong?"

"I miss Manny."She said simply.

"Then go to him."Portia said.

"What? I can't just go, what about everyone else? I'm part of a team and besides, how would he fit in, he wouldn't miss me by the way, he probably has one of his girls making him happier right now."

"Then go and see him and if he does have a girl warming his bed, maybe he isn't the right guy for you, look into the future, call him, but just go and I will be glad to be your personal transport."Portia said.


"Without hesitation."

Ms Terratikka hugged Portia then asked,"What would I ever do without you?"

Portia asked for permission before taking Ms Terratikka back to see her boyfriend but they didn't find him in the slum, where he usually was, Ms TT had to look into the past to find out where he went then found him, at the balcony of her home.

She walked closer then he turned back and widened his eyes as his ear twitched.

"Terra?"He called, with his tail fluffing up.

She smiled then he ran and lifted her into the air with her laughing and kissed her, but then pulled back and asked,"W- what are you doing here?"

"I missed you, I couldn't be away from you for another second."She said.

"But you have some place to be."He said, his ears drooping.

"The only place I have to be is right here, with you."She said, cupping his cheek.

He smiled then said,"That is the cheesiest line I have ever heard."

"What? That was authentic!"She balled.

He chuckled then said,"I love cheese, it goes with everything."

She smiled and asked,"Even moon cakes?"

"There's no better pair."He said, bringing his lips closer.

"Umm sorry to interrupt..."Portia said,"...but we have to go."

Ms Terratikka looked heartbroken as he lifted her chin then said,"Hey, it's okay, I'll always be here, waiting for you."

She smiled then walked to Portia, who led her out of the room as he continued looking down the balcony.

Portia then asked,"Why didn't you ask him to come with us?"

"Could I?"She asked back.

"Well yeah, Aeric's with me, so as Dolly's sister."Portia said.

Ms Terratikka began to shed tears as she ran and hugged Manfred from behind, almost knocking him over.

He chuckled then kissed her forehead and asked,"Missed me?"

"I couldn't get enough of you."She said.

"Then let's stay together."He also said.

Portia smiled as the three vanished and in an instant, appeared in the mansion...

Arachnida was coming back from a hunting trip in the forests near the mansion when a snake jumped out of the bushes at her face but she caught it an inch away as it struggled and hissed, then grinned.

Forcing all the venom out of it through its fangs into a glass, she broke its fangs off and threw the serpent away then brought the glass to her lips.

"Arachnida, wouldn't you like poison Alexa?"Nisha asked.

"She's immune to it."She said and took a sip,"And of course it's low quality."

She webbed the glass away then stood up to leave and met the wielder that Carna brought before they left to Skylar's realms, and he was looking at a one sided coin in amazement.

"There's a picture on one side, but your finger passes right through like the other doesn't exist..."He said in his language,"...how does this even work?"

"The same way that enables it literally impossible to get out once you ingest it so get it away from your mouth."Arachnida said.

He closed his super sized buccal cavity, then placed it on a counter...and lost it.

Carna had been looking at Skylar, who was taking a walk through the rock garden, for a while.

Portia appeared besides her then asked,"You've been staring at him for a while now, why? Do you have a crush on him?"

Carna looked at her and said,"Having emotions of attraction to another being, especially one incapable of feeling the same way is pointlessly pathetic and I wouldn't be caught dead in his arms."

"Oh, great I thought I'd have to break the news to you so then, why are you staring at him?"Portia asked.

"I was merely observing him, there's something strange about him and there are gaps in his lore."She said.

"Like what?"

"How does he have two opposing gems at once when you can only make such an achievement by taking the life and gems of not one, but two opposing crystal wielders or two opposing wielders combining their personas and crystals permanently."

"I don't get it, he said he killed the prince of demons."

Carna stared at her in shock then asked,"What did you just say?"

"The guy wanted to punish him for eternity for him doing nothing wrong and he wanted to get back at me so, he killed him."

"That's why Darlok isn't attacking us anymore..."She said.


"I have to engage myself in something important, please summon everyone with the motive of my public conversation with them, I will meet you shortly."

Before Portia could say another word, she had cast a teleportation spell and was gone, Portia was confused, but went to do, at least, what she thought Carna wanted.


Felix was still looking out the window and at Skylar, as he wrote into a journal and he suddenly said,"When I look at people, I expect no one to look at me back."

"Have you got eyes at the back of your head or something?"Aeric asked.

"Something like that, anyway, Aeric, I was looking at your brother because...I just feel like something's wrong."

"What are you talking about and why did you spontaneously just say that?"

"Because that's what you were wondering, isn't it?"

"...you control water, don't you?"

"It's complicated how I do this."

"But what do you mean something feels wrong about my brother?"

"No offense but, look at him, he's the only one of us who holds a gem that holds literally two opposing elements and is easily much more powerful than the rest of us combined, but my question is, if he killed the ruler of the Nether realm and there happened to be no gem wielder of the angelic gem at that moment, which gave him both, what does that mean for me and the others?"

"What are you talking about?"

"My sister and most of us here are of the first generation, what we ordinarily call gem wielders, he is what my sister calls a collector, if he ended the life of one of us, it means the circle is broken and we're incomplete, it's possible that he could fill in for the both of them but, if so, then why hasn't Darlok attacked us? What I'm saying is that, maybe, we're free now and could go home."



"Right, of all the little experience I've had with Darlok's agents, I know he's no one to mess with and maybe this is all his plan, to make you feel this way and let down your guard, we...you just have to be watchful."

Felix looked away then back at him, then said,"Thanks."

He then squinted his eyes and said,"Something is wrong."

"What are you talking about?"

"Remember that I told you I have something similar to having eyes at the back of my head? Well it's more like I can feel exactly where there's water or something with a water content around me."

"That's very useful."He said sarcastically.

"Yes, it is and I feel something very wrong."

"Like what?"

"Like, that."

Aeric looked back and widened his eyes as lightning streaked everywhere from a particular point, ionizing everything around it then Aeric got a grave expression on his face...


After separating Kofi and the Electro skiffer again, Aeric wondered how the two got together again and Felix just wondered what happened.

"I'm so sorry, I thought Kofi wasn't nearby and brought it out because Collins told me to, I'm so stupid!"Portia said.

"No Portia, you're a genius!"Carna said.

Everyone looked at her as if she wasn't the one with the most prominent intellectual capacity amongst us all as she continued,"That's the reason! The two of them were supposed to unite to become a new generation of wielders, that's why they seemed to be in battle, to choose which of them was superior and best to have dominion, we have to let them finish."

"What?!"Collins yelled,"I'm not losing my trial beast to be merged with that dude for God knows how long!"

"Forever, actually."She said.

This time, Kofi also seemed shocked.

"No."He said.

"It isn't a question."Carna said.

"Well neither was mine optional, I'm not gambling my life, independence and emotional stability by joining this thing."

"Excuse me?!"Collins yelled.

They were about to begin arguing when a bright light shone which almost burned their eyes out of their sockets.

When Skylar had finally got their attention, he pulled back his wings then said,"You'd both be independent after this and have both abilities, just like Griffin and me, though different characteristics maybe prominent on different versions of you, but it's still very dangerous, not because of the collateral damage going to be caused, but due to the fact that you'd be targets of Darlok again, and I have a feeling this time, he wouldn't go so easy on us."

The group was quiet as Felix said,"We really have to find the final wielder, the wielder of the Omni crystal, Portia's opposite..."