
Supergirl in MHA

A girl is reincarnated into My Hero Academia with the powers of a kryptonian

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12 Chs

Cavalry Battle

"TEN MILLION!!!" Midnight's exclamation reverberated through the crowd, instantly capturing every student's attention, their collective gaze fixated on the golden-haired girl. However, rather than displaying any sign of nervousness, she stood firmly in place, radiating an unwavering sense of confidence that spoke volumes amidst the heightened atmosphere 

"If I were you, I'd set your sights on dethroning the one who claimed the top spot!" Midnight's voice carried across the arena, the attention of everyone still fixed on Himari. "This is your final opportunity for the underdogs to triumph over the champions! Welcome to our survival game!" With a final flourish, she concluded her announcement, setting the stage for an intense and competitive challenge ahead.

Todoroki strategized, 'What I have to do,' Bakugo's determination blazed, 'is snatch her headband,' Izuku's resolve echoed, 'For one million points.' Simultaneously, they all thought, 'That's how I'll win!' Each competitor focused intensely on the shared goal, setting the stage for an electrifying and fiercely competitive showdown.

As Midnight continued with her detailed explanation of the event, Himari found her thoughts drifting away. 'This event's kinda dull,' she mused, glancing around the bustling arena. Suddenly, an idea sparked in her mind, injecting a spark of excitement. 'That could be fun!' Her face lit up with a spontaneous smile as she entertained the newfound and thrilling prospect.

"Alright, you have 15 minutes starting now! Begin your negotiations for team-ups!" Midnight's voice boomed from the podium, initiating the team formation phase. As the students dispersed to find their partners, the golden-haired girl found herself completely isolated; there was a notable absence of anyone willing to approach her, leaving her standing alone in the midst of the bustling crowd.

Scanning the area with a determined smile, she spotted her target and made a beeline toward them. Approaching from behind, she exclaimed, "Me and you!" Her sudden arrival prompted a swift turn and a look of surprise from the person she approached. As he peered at her, narrowing his eyes, he couldn't help but voice his surprise. "You want to team up with me?" he inquired, a hint of skepticism lacing his words.

"I saw you during the race, you have mind control powers, right?" she initiated, but before he could respond, she pressed on, outlining her proposal. "I want to form a two man team with you: I'll handle all the movement while you focus on getting headbands. Sounds good, right?" she concluded, watching him carefully as he appeared to contemplate her proposition.

"...Alright," he conceded after a brief moment of contemplation. "But let's not focus on snatching headbands—just protect ours, considering we've got the ten million points," he suggested, a realization dawning on him as he locked eyes with her. "Oh, by the way, my name's Hitoshi Shinso," he introduced himself, extending his hand.

"Aw, but that's no fun," she replied with a playful pout while firmly clasping his hand for a shake. "Himari Charlotte," she introduced herself with a smile. As they shook hands, Shinso swiftly withdrew his hand with a sudden jolt. "Jeez, nice grip," she chuckled, observing him shake his hand in amusement. Her laughter, however, unexpectedly merged with someone else's nearby, blending into a harmonious echo through the bustling arena.

"Team up with me, person in first place!" someone yelled, get up in Himari's face. Without moving, the golden-haired girl responded calmly, "We already have a team. Wait, who are you?" She took a closer look at the newcomer: a reasonably short girl with salmon pink hair styled in thick dreadlocks, cascading to her right. Her wide eyes with green-yellow irises and a cross in the center resembled scope lenses, giving her a distinctive appearance.

"I'm Mei Hatsume from the Support Department! I don't know you, but I'm interested in using your position," she declared, fixing her gaze on Himari. Meanwhile, Shinso, standing forgotten on the sidelines, muttered under his breath, "You're point-blank."

"If I join up with you, the attention I'd garner would be unparalleled, wouldn't it?" she asserted, closing the distance between herself and the golden-haired girl even more. "And that's the prime opportunity to showcase my super cute babies! I'm aiming to catch the eye of a major company, or rather, I want my babies to," she elaborated passionately, her eyes gleaming with ambition and fervor.

Mei continued passionately, showcasing her myriad of inventions to the frontrunner. "So, what do you say!" she exclaimed, eagerly awaiting a response. Himari paused briefly, considering her options. 'This wasn't my initial plan, meh, it'll work out fine,' she mused. "Sure, you can join. Let's quickly get you in on the strategy," Himari agreed, prompting the three of them to huddle together and devise their plan of action.

"Ten minutes have flown by, we'll be starting any moment now!" Midnight's voice echoed from the stage, prompting the imminent commencement. "Wake up, Eraser! Their 15 minutes are almost up!" Present Mic chimed in, nudging Aizawa from his slumber.

"And behold, thirteen formidable warhorses have lined up on the field!" Present Mic exclaimed dramatically. Aizawa, rubbing the sleep from his eyes, remarked with a hint of intrigue, "Seems like there are some unexpected lineups." He said, eyes on Himari's team. 

"ALL RIGHT, HAVE YOU ALL FORMED UP YOUR LITTLE TEAMS!!!? WELL, YOU BETTER HAVE!" Present Mic's voice reverberated across the arena, brimming with infectious energy. "LET'S DO IT!! LET'S START THE COUNTDOWN TO THIS VICIOUS CLASH!!" His announcement ignited an air of anticipation and excitement among the assembled students, signaling the imminent start of the thrilling competition.

As Present Mic commenced his countdown, the focus of the entire arena converged on Himari and her team. "3!!!, 2!!!, 1!!! START!!!" His booming voice set the chaotic scramble into motion as everyone sprinted toward the coveted ten million points.

"Haha! Himari, here I comeeee!" Hagakure's spirited shout echoed as her team surged forward. "Essentially, this competition boils down to those ten million points!" Tetsutetsu's resounding voice rang out as his team closed in, joining the frenetic dash towards the ultimate prize. The intensity of the race for the highest point value electrified the atmosphere within the arena.

"AND MOST OF THE TEAMS RUSH TOWARDS TEAM CHARLOTTE!" Present Mic boomed with excitement. "Ah, hold on! Unexpectedly, Hitoshi Shinso from General Studies is the rider! So that means it's Team Shinso!" he swiftly corrected himself, the chaos and sudden turn of events adding to the suspense of the competition.

"You ready, Hatsume?" Himari inquired, her gaze fixed on the ground, which softened beneath her. "Let's do this!" came the enthusiastic response from the pink haired girl. "Okay!" Himari affirmed as she ascended, lifting Shinso and Hatsume aloft with the aid of Hatsume's rocket backpack and boots, their ascent into the air marking the beginning of their strategic maneuver.

"LOOKS LIKE TEAM SHINSO IS TAKING IT TO THE SKIES!" Present Mic's voice echoed across the arena as the trio now hovered above the competition, plotting their next strategic move. "Alright, Shinso," Himari addressed, peering down below. "Who should we target?" His eyes scanned the ground before he made a decision. "Let's go for the team that softened the ground." They began their descent, but soon, a chorus of approaching shouts caught their attention. 

"Riding real high and mighty, ain't'cha, Goldy Locks!!" Bakugo's voice pierced the air with a feral grin as he ascended, leaving his teammates below. "You're loud. Shut your mouth," Shinso retorted, his words cutting through Bakugo's tirade. "WHA-" Bakugo began, but before he could finish, he froze in mid-air, plummeting downwards. Himari's eyes widened, only to witness Sero swiftly rescuing Bakugo and safely returning him to his squad, effectively waking him up from his brief daze.

"Nice work, Shinso. Let's descend now," Himari directed as they moved toward Team Tetsutetsu. Landing on the ground, Himari turned her head and inquired, "How are your babies, Hatsume?"

"Doing great," Hatsume replied confidently, their trio now facing their targeted opponents, ready for the next phase of their plan.

"Oh, so you came to us!" Tetsutetsu exclaimed with enthusiasm. "Saves us the trouble!" he declared as his lead horse attempted to soften the ground once more. Observing this, Shinso recalled the earlier conversation he had with his team.

"When we land near our target, your job is to freeze the front horse with your quirk," Himari explained, casting a glance at the purple-haired insomniac. "If their front horse is frozen, the whole team won't be able to move. Understand, Shinso?" she clarified.

"Yeah, I got it. Front horse," Shinso responded, nodding in acknowledgment.

"Mhm, once their team is immobilized, you can leave the rest to me," Himari affirmed, meeting Shinso's gaze with a confident smile. Caught off guard by her unwavering confidence, Shinso couldn't resist asking, "Aren't you afraid I might use my quirk on you?" His gaze shifted briefly to Hatsume before returning to Himari. "You saw me use my quirk in the race, yet you still approached me. Why?" he inquired, intrigued by her decision despite knowing his ability.

"Why?" She mouthed the word. "I don't know," she responded with a shrug, causing Shinso's expression to momentarily blank. "You think too much," she added.

"Yeah, you don't seem like the type," Hatsume chimed in, eliciting a chuckle from the golden-haired girl.

"I... see," he muttered, a hint of a smile gracing his lips as he watched the two girls converse and share a laugh.

"So, you can soften the ground, huh? Must be nice," Shinso remarked aloud, provoking the necessary response from the front horse. "W-" he began, but his words faltered as Shinso swiftly froze him, halting the entire team. Before any further action could unfold, Himari shouted, "Back up!" Hatsume promptly complied, swiftly avoiding the frozen ground that ensnared Team Tetsutetsu. 

Amidst the chaos, the figure of Todoroki emerged within Team Tetsutetsu's vicinity. "We'll be claiming those points now," Todoroki stated coldly, his voice piercing through the commotion with an air of determination.

If you have a suggestion on how she could break out of shinso's brainwashing i'd like to know. I cant think of anything.

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