
Supergirl in MHA

A girl is reincarnated into My Hero Academia with the powers of a kryptonian

BlooBlooBloo · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Calvary Battle 2

"You're pretty confident, huh?" Shinso taunted, attempting to provoke Todoroki. However, instead of a verbal response, Todoroki unleashed a surge of ice in their direction, catching Shinso off guard.

Swiftly maneuvering, Himari balanced on one leg while still using her hands to support Shinso. As the incoming ice closed in, she executed a rapid sideways kick, intercepting the ice, preventing it from reaching them.

"We'll take their headband!" The golden-haired girl exclaimed as they strategically shifted towards their opponents' left side, positioning themselves so that Todoroki refrained from using his ice quirk, as it risked affecting his teammate, Iida, positioned as the front horse. 

"Got it!" echoed both her teammates in unison. Pleased with their response, she swiftly directed her team. "I'll restrict their movement, Shinso, go for their headband," she commanded, receiving a puzzled nod from Shinso, although she couldn't see it. 

Inhaling deeply, Himari exhaled a rapid burst of freezing air directed at Todoroki's team's feet. Caught off guard and unaware of her intentions, Todoroki's team found themselves suddenly immobilized, unable to react in time to her unexpected move.

"Let's go! Shinso," she called out as they advanced toward their frozen opponents. "On it—" Shinso began to reply but was abruptly cut off as two additional teams swiftly closed in on their positions, altering their intended course of action.

"AND WE'RE DOWN TO THE FINAL MINUTES, FOLKS!" Present Mic's voice echoed through the arena. "CHARLOTTE UNLEASHES A CHILLING NEW MOVE TO HALT TEAM TODOROKI IN THEIR TRACKS. BUT HOLD ON!" he continued with fervor, "TEAM BAKUGO AND TEAM MIDORIYA ARE SWIFTLY CLOSING IN ON THE TEN MILLION POINTS!" The intensity of the competition escalated as multiple teams vied for the highly coveted prize.

"Jeez, a little crowded," Himari remarked with a smile as she observed the two approaching teams. "We'll dip for now, Hatsume," she directed, initiating her ascent. Glancing over at Todoroki, she caught sight of his bewildered and surprised expression. "It was fun," she added before they made their departure.

"Tokoyami, now!" exclaimed the green boy, prompting an action from his teammate.

"Not again, Goldy Locks!" shouted the blonde boy, blasting off, as Himari focused on the impending situation her team found themselves in.

"Not good!" Hatsume exclaimed, a sentiment shared internally among her teammates.

"You won't freeze me again, zombie!" Bakugo's enraged scream resounded from her right, while Tokoyami's looming dark shadow rapidly approached them from her left.

"Alright guys, buckle up, you might experience some turbulence," she warned her two teammates. As she took the weight of the entire team, she propelled them higher into the air, causing Dark Shadow and Bakugo to comically collide with each other in their attempted pursuit.

High above the stadium, Team Shinso observed the chaos below. "That was close. Let's lay low and wait it out; it's almost time," Shinso suggested, to which Hatsume enthusiastically replied, "I'm with you! Can't wait to showcase my babies in the next round!"

Glancing down at the bustling students scrambling for points, he turned his attention to the golden-haired girl. "Well?" he inquired.

Gazing past the frenzy of students, she redirected her gaze toward the stands. "Fine," she replied tersely.

"IT'S ALMOST TIME! LET'S BEGIN THE COUNTDOWN! EVERYBODY, SAY HEEEYYY!" Present Mic's booming voice echoed across the stadium as he initiated the countdown. "10, 9, 8..."

"Seems like we're moving on!" Hatsume remarked. "Thanks a bunch, person in first place!"

Grinning at the comment, Himari replied, "Absolutely, it was a team effort. We did well." As Present Mic yelled, "TIME'S UP!" the anticipation for the results surged through the stadium.

"NOW, SHALL WE REVEAL OUR TOP 4 PLACING TEAMS?!" Present Mic's voice reverberated through the stadium. "IN 1ST PLACE, TEAM SHINSO—NO SURPRISE THERE!" The crowd erupted in cheers. "IN 2ND PLACE, TEAM BAKUGO!" Present Mic's voice boomed as the audience acknowledged the team's achievement. "IN 3RD PLACE, TEAM TODOROKI!" The spectators responded with applause and excitement. "AND CLAIMING 4th PLACE, TEAM MIDORIYA!" The crowd erupted once more, acknowledging the teams moving forward. "THE FIRST 4 TEAMS PROCEED TO THE FINAL EVENT—STEP FORWARD!" Present Mic concluded, the anticipation rising for the upcoming climax.

As the victorious teams began their celebrations, Team Shinso had already landed back on the ground. Turning to Himari, Shinso spoke with a tone of resolve. "We were teammates in this round, but in the upcoming tournament, I'm aiming for the top," he declared, his determination unwavering.

"That means I'll be beating you," he concluded as Himari shifted her focus from the stands to the purple-haired boy.

"I see," she began, contemplating her next words carefully, "But you're too weak," she stated bluntly. His expression flickered with a mix of confusion and anger, but she continued. "I know how your quirk works, and you don't have much muscle," she remarked as she grabbed his arm and pinched his abdomen.

"Q-quit it, will ya?!" he protested, stepping back from her. "I'll make it into the hero course, even if I have to beat you," he declared, his expression shifting back to a determined yet neutral demeanor.

"Listen, I'm not doggin on you. I'm just saying, you're weak right now," she began, aiming for a supportive tone. "You've got plenty of potential," she continued, trying to encourage him. "So, I believe you'll make it into the hero course," she said with a confident smile before turning to walk away. "Good luck," she called out, waving over her shoulder as she left.

Watching her walk away, he pinched his stomach where she had pinched him and muttered, "Geez, crazy girl." With a shake of his head, he started moving, contemplating the events and challenges that lay ahead 

"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, AFTER AN HOUR-LONG LUNCH BREAK, THE NEXT EVENT WILL COMMENCE!" Present Mic's voice resonated across the stadium, announcing the schedule for the day's competition.


As the golden-haired girl navigated through the bustling stadium toward the cafeteria, she spotted Bakugo veering off and opted to tail him discreetly. Hovering to ensure her footsteps remained unheard, she followed behind him as he traversed a corridor. Upon reaching a corner, Bakugo halted and leaned against the wall, catching sight of the golden-haired girl gliding toward him.

'Aw man, caught already. Note to self, work on stealth', she braced herself, expecting him to erupt into fit yelling and barking. To her surprise, Bakugo wore a stern expression with a finger pressed to his lips, indicating silence.

Floating closer to him, she discerned the sounds of two others breathing from the opposite side of the corner. As she approached, Bakugo locked eyes with her, and with a sense of mischief, Himari began to move her mouth as if to speak. Before she could make a sound, Bakugo swiftly covered her mouth with his hand and cautiously peeked around the corner to ensure they didn't get caught.

As she removed his hand, they both tensed as they heard a voice.

"You wanted to tell me something... What is it?" Izuku spoke, breaking the silence

There was a brief silence until Todoroki finally spoke up. "You blindsided me so much that I broke my promise," he stated. The memory of the final moments, witnessing the clash between the freed team Todoroki and team Midoriya, flashed through Himari's mind.

"Neither Iida, Kaminari, Yaoyorozu, Tokoyami, nor Uraraka ever felt it. Only I did," he continued, memories of Himari at the USJ and All Might using his power to reach them quickly flooding his mind. "That moment..."

"....so...what ..what is it you want to say?" Izuku questioned apprehensivly. 

"I'm saying what I felt from you was the same. Something too similar," he explained, his gaze drifting down to his left hand. "You..." Todoroki started, lifting his gaze to meet Izuku's with a hardened stare. "Are you and Charlotte secret love children of All Might, or what?"

Immediately, Himari sucked in both of her lips and bit down while placing a hand over her mouth, suppressing her laughter. Sensing her struggle and breaking from his concentration, Bakugo turned to his golden-haired classmate. 

Initially, Bakugo entertained the idea that Todoroki's words held some truth, especially concerning Himari. Yet, observing her closer, he realized she was barely containing her laughter. With both hands pressed against her mouth now, she hunched over, seemingly on the verge of releasing a war cry of laughter. Frustration washed over Bakugo as he placed both hands on her shoulders and shook her, urging her to look up at him.

"You know about 'Quirk Marriages,' right?" Todoroki's voice cut through, instantly calming Himari and redirecting Bakugo's focus. 'Didn't hear what Deku said, damn!' Bakugo thought, glancing at his classmate, now composed but breathing slightly heavier.

"After quirks emerged, it became common practice during the second and third generations," Todoroki continued solemnly. "Choosing partners solely to amplify one's own quirk, intending to pass it down the line... and even enforcing marriages for that purpose," he explained, a hint of disdain in his voice. "It's a regressive concept devoid of any logic. As a man of means and merit, he seamlessly integrated himself into my mother's family."

"All he wanted was to fulfill his own ambitions, to forge a hero greater than All Might," Todoroki seethed with anger. "Fuck him...! I'll never be that piece of shit's tool!" He paused, steadying himself with memories. "In my memories, my mom is always crying..." His voice devoid of emotion. Grabbing the right side of his face, he continued. "She said my left side was unbearable. Before she poured boiling water on my face." His words struck a chord, evoking reactions from all three listeners.

"The reason I'm aiming for the top is a personal victory," Todoroki asserted firmly. "I refuse to rely on my old man's quirk... or better yet..." His gaze grew resolute. "I'll claim the number one spot without its power. This is my complete rejection of him." With a final glance at Izuku, he turned and walked away.

Exams killing me

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