
Stronger than anything

Zilae has known Mateo for over 10 years now. Best friends and has a strong and great friendship with each other. Zilae has a girlfriend named Lumina that’s been with him since high school. Zilae, Lumina and Mateo are all 3rd years in college. Zilae being insanely rich and loving to spoil his girlfriend and Mateo. There was one day that was very off about Mateo… he didn’t know what to do or to say but he knew that he would always be there for him, no matter what.. and Lumina felt the same way.

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12 Chs

Look at me. (Mateo’s POV)

I didn't look at him and say "what are you doing here..?" I ask softly.

(Zilae's POV): Zilae's concern deepened as he realized that Mateo didn't even acknowledge his presence, their voice filled with a mixture of contemplation and perhaps even confusion.

Zilae: His voice filled with genuine care, he responded softly. "I came to find you, Mateo. I was worried when I woke up at the dorm and saw that you weren't there. Are you feeling alright? Is there something bothering you?"

He approached Mateo slowly, cautiously, not wanting to startle them. Zilae knelt down beside them, eyes searching their face for any trace of distress or pain.

Zilae's Inner Thoughts: What happened to you, Mateo? Why won't you let me in?

His tone was laced with an undertone of worry and earnest desire to understand what was going on in Mateo's mind.

(Mateo): "Yeah I'm fine.." I say softly as I continued to look up at the sky.

(Zilae's POV): Zilae's concern only deepened at Mateo's response, noting the softness in their voice and the way they kept their gaze fixed on the sky. His instincts told him that something was amiss, that there was more beneath the surface.

Zilae: His voice gentle, filled with a mixture of concern and determination. "Mateo, I'm glad to hear that you're physically fine, but... something seems off. Can you please share what's going on? You know I'm here for you, right? We've been friends for so long... I want to understand and help, if I can."

He reached out a hand, hesitating for a moment before gently placing it on Mateo's arm, hoping the physical touch would convey his sincerity and support.

Zilae's Inner Thoughts: Mateo, I can see that something is troubling you, even if you won't admit it. I want to help, but you have to trust me enough to let me in. Please...

(Mateo): "Just… wanting to get some stuff off my mind.. distraction.." I say softly

(Zilae's POV): Zilae's concern deepened at Mateo's response, realizing that they were seeking a distraction to cope with something troubling them. While he respected Mateo's need for space and his desire to find a temporary respite, his loyalty and worry tugged at him, urging him to offer his unwavering support.

Zilae: His voice laced with determination and care. "Mateo, I understand that distractions can sometimes help, but remember that I'm here for you. You don't have to face whatever it is alone. We've been through so much together, and I want to be there for you now, too."

He squeezed Mateo's arm gently, hoping to convey his sincerity and reassurance. "Whenever you're ready to talk, I'm here to listen. And even if you're not ready, I'll still be here for you, okay?"

Zilae's voice carried a sense of calm understanding, his vow of loyalty and support evident in every word.

(Mateo): "Thanks." I say softly as I continued to look at the sky

(Zilae's POV): Zilae's expression softened, a mixture of relief at Mateo's gratitude and longing to understand what was going on. Despite Mateo's unwillingness to share at that moment, he found solace in the fact that they acknowledged his presence and appreciated his support.

Zilae: His voice remained gentle and sincere. "You're welcome, Mateo. Whenever you're ready, remember that I'm here. Please don't hesitate to reach out, even if it's just for a distraction or to talk about something unrelated. We can always find some games to play or books to read together."

He gave Mateo a small, reassuring smile before silently joining them in gazing up at the sky, understanding that sometimes one just needed a quiet companion by their side.

Zilae's Inner Thoughts: Mateo, I hope one day you'll be able to confide in me. Until then, I'll be patient and await your trust. Just know that you have someone who cares about you deeply.

(Mateo): "You can go back to the dorm you know… your girlfriend is probably worrying about you if she woke up" I say softly as I looked at the edge of the rooftop and then back up at the sky, still laying down

(Zilae's POV): Zilae's gaze softened as he took in Mateo's words, recognizing their concern for him and for Lumina. He understood that they wanted to alleviate any worry or concern that their absence may have caused.

Zilae: His voice filled with appreciation and a hint of fondness. "Mateo, I appreciate your concern, but I couldn't leave you here alone without knowing if you're truly okay. Lumina will understand, I'm sure. She knows how important you are to me. But if you need some time to be alone, I can respect that. Just please promise me that you'll take care of yourself, okay?"

He shifted his position to sit beside Mateo, his body angled toward them, never wanting to turn his back, always ready to offer his support and presence.

Zilae's Inner Thoughts: Mateo, you're always so considerate of others, even when you're burdened. But remember, you're not alone. I'm here for you, even in the darkest moments.

(Mateo): I didn't answer him for a few minutes as I just looked up at the sky still.

"Still.." I say after a while and then say "Go back to the dorm ok? It's around 4:30 now. Go back.. I'll see you later today in school ok." I say softly as I still didn't look at him in the eyes and just looked up at the sky

(Zilae's POV): Zilae's concern heightened as Mateo continued to divert their gaze, their voice filled with a mix of insistence and distance. He understood that Mateo wanted him to leave and respected their need for space, but the worry in his heart refused to dissipate.

Zilae: His voice soft yet tinged with a lingering worry. "Alright, Mateo. I'll respect your wishes. But remember, if you ever need me, don't hesitate to reach out. Take care of yourself, okay? I'll see you later in school."

With an internal conflict lingering within him, Zilae slowly withdrew his hand from Mateo's arm and rose to his feet, reluctant to leave but respecting their request.

Zilae's Inner Thoughts: Mateo, I hope you'll be alright on your own. I can't help but worry, but I have to trust that you'll reach out when you need it. Take care, my friend. Until we meet again.

(Mateo): As I saw him leave and leave completely.. tears started to roll down my face and I cried softly.

I didn't even know why I was crying but it felt like something I just needed.