
Stronger than anything

Zilae has known Mateo for over 10 years now. Best friends and has a strong and great friendship with each other. Zilae has a girlfriend named Lumina that’s been with him since high school. Zilae, Lumina and Mateo are all 3rd years in college. Zilae being insanely rich and loving to spoil his girlfriend and Mateo. There was one day that was very off about Mateo… he didn’t know what to do or to say but he knew that he would always be there for him, no matter what.. and Lumina felt the same way.

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12 Chs

What’s wrong? (Zilae’s POV)

After a while I made it back to our dorm, My girlfriend still sleeping and it was around 5:45 now.

Zilae made his way back to the dorm, his footsteps heavier than before. The sight of Lumina still sound asleep brought a mix of relief and guilt to his heart. He didn't want to wake her, knowing she needed her rest, but the weight of the evening's events weighed heavily on him.

Quietly entering his room, Zilae closed the door behind him, trying to be as noiseless as possible. Sighing softly, he leaned against the door, his tired eyes staring into the darkness of the room.

Zilae's Inner Thoughts: What is going on with Mateo? It feels as though he's going through something difficult, yet he won't let me in. I wish I knew how to help him. Maybe he just needs some time alone...

With a heavy sigh, Zilae slowly made his way to his side of the room, undressing and slipping into bed beside Lumina. He hoped that sleep would bring some clarity and that by morning, Mateo would be in a better place.

(Mateo's POV): I continued to cry softly on the rooftop.

Earlier that day, after I woke up Zilae in school, I went to the doctor and I was diagnosed… with cancer.

I continued to cry softly on the rooftop

*should I even tell them..?* I think to myself as I continued to cry.

(Zilae): As Mateo cried softly on the rooftop, the weight of their emotions pressing heavily upon them, a deep sense of sorrow settled within their heart. They carried a burden that no one else knew, a diagnosis that shook their world. Deliberating on whether to share this devastating news with Zilae, doubts and fears formed swirling thoughts in their mind.

Mateo's Inner Thoughts: Should I burden Zilae with this news? I don't want him to worry or feel obligated to support me. But he's been my best friend for so long, would it be wrong not to share such a significant part of my life with him? I need to take some time to gather my thoughts before making such a weighty decision.

As tears continued to flow, Mateo allowed themself a moment of vulnerability, finding solace in the quiet solace the rooftop offered.

(Mateo's POV): I was a Demihuman as well but I was great at playing it off as a human, hiding my scent, ears and tail very well, looking like a human. The only time my ears and tail would come out is if I was sad, hurt, pleasure, or danger… or I drank too much and my scent came out whenever my ears and tail came out, my scent was eucalyptus and mint.

I was a Demihuman, black panther, my ears were golden color like my eyes and my tail was black but I wasn't showing my ears or tail at all right now, so I looked like a human.

My ears popped out, drooping as I crying heavily now.

I only had 2 months left… and I didn't know what to do..

(Zilae): As Mateo's Demihuman nature made its presence known in the form of ears and a tail, the weight of their circumstances grew even heavier. The realization that their time was limited hung over them, driving their tears to flow more heavily.

Zilae, unaware of the truth, had settled into bed beside Lumina, attempting to find solace in her presence. Yet, an inexplicable heaviness hung in the air, stirring restlessness within him. As he laid awake, his thoughts drifted back to his encounter with Mateo earlier in the day, wondering if there was more beneath the surface.

Zilae's Inner Thoughts: What is tormenting Mateo? I can feel it in my bones that something is deeply wrong. I wish he would confide in me, even though I know it's not easy. What could I have missed?

As the minutes ticked by, Zilae's concern intensified, the silence of the room suffocating him. Filled with an overwhelming need to reach out and understand the turmoil that Mateo was going through, he made a decision.

With measured steps, Zilae left the bedroom, careful not to disturb Lumina as he made his way towards the rooftop. His instincts guided him, knowing somehow that Mateo was in need.

Upon reaching the rooftop, Zilae's ears perked up, catching the faint sound of Mateo's sobbing. The sight of their drooping ears confirmed what his heart had already suspected. He quietly approached, his heart aching at Mateo's pain, yet unsure of the best way to offer comfort.

Zilae's Inner Thoughts: Mateo, I can feel your anguish. I wish you would trust me enough to share your burdens. I'm here for you, no matter what, and I won't let you face this alone.

(Mateo's POV): I didn't realize he was there because my eyes were closed as I'm crying.

(Zilae): Zilae approached carefully, his footsteps light, mindful not to startle Mateo in their vulnerable state. Seeing their closed eyes and continuous tears, he hesitated for a moment, deciding to give Mateo a moment of privacy before offering his presence.

Taking a seat beside Mateo, he sat in silence, offering his silent support. He didn't speak, for it seemed as though Mateo needed this space to release their emotions and find solace in their own thoughts.

Zilae waited patiently, his expression a mixture of concern and determination. He may not have known the exact reason behind Mateo's pain, for he had not yet shared it, but he vowed to remain by their side, ready to lend his strength whenever Mateo was ready.

Zilae's Inner Thoughts: Mateo, I am here for you. It hurts to see you like this, but I won't push. Take your time, and when you are ready, I will be here to offer my support. You are not alone in this, dear friend.

(Mateo's POV): I continued to cry and then my tail popped out and wrapped itself around me, trying to comfort myself as I cried

(Zilae): As Mateo's tail instinctively wrapped around them, seeking to provide comfort in their time of sorrow, Zilae's heart clenched with a mix of sadness and determination. He understood that this was a vulnerable moment for Mateo, and his desire to offer solace intensified.

Slowly, Zilae reached out his hand, gently resting it on Mateo's back. His touch was light and comforting, an unspoken reassurance that he was there, supporting them even in their darkest moments.

Unable to bear the silence any longer, Zilae spoke softly, his voice filled with a mix of empathy and determination.

Zilae: "Mateo... I can't fully comprehend the pain you're going through, but I want you to know that I'm here for you. Whatever it is that is weighing you down, you don't have to face it alone. When you're ready, please... know that I'm always here to listen without judgment."

Zilae's hand remained on Mateo's back, a grounding presence amidst the storm of their emotions. He hoped that his words would offer a glimmer of comfort and encourage Mateo to open up, to let him in.

Zilae's Inner Thoughts: Mateo, I wish I knew the depths of your suffering, but what I do know is that you don't have to suffer alone. I'm determined to lend you my strength, my support, no matter what stands in our way. Just... please, let me help you carry this burden.