
Stronger than anything

Zilae has known Mateo for over 10 years now. Best friends and has a strong and great friendship with each other. Zilae has a girlfriend named Lumina that’s been with him since high school. Zilae, Lumina and Mateo are all 3rd years in college. Zilae being insanely rich and loving to spoil his girlfriend and Mateo. There was one day that was very off about Mateo… he didn’t know what to do or to say but he knew that he would always be there for him, no matter what.. and Lumina felt the same way.

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12 Chs

Find you. (Mateo’s POV)

I lay down on the concrete on the roof… everything looked so beautiful… it was captivating.. tempting even… but tempting for what? Why is the night so… beautiful.

I looked at the edge of the roof and sighed slightly and then looked back up at the sky.

*what am I going to do now…* I think to myself