
Stronger than anything

Zilae has known Mateo for over 10 years now. Best friends and has a strong and great friendship with each other. Zilae has a girlfriend named Lumina that’s been with him since high school. Zilae, Lumina and Mateo are all 3rd years in college. Zilae being insanely rich and loving to spoil his girlfriend and Mateo. There was one day that was very off about Mateo… he didn’t know what to do or to say but he knew that he would always be there for him, no matter what.. and Lumina felt the same way.

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12 Chs

A Call of worry (Zilae POV)

Zilae's Inner Thoughts: Ah, Lumina. She always knows how to surprise me. It's nice to have her here, even if it's unexpected.

Lumina: She smiled sweetly, her eyes lighting up as she looked at Zilae. "I wanted to surprise you, Lei. I missed you, and I thought it would be nice to spend some time together."

Zilae: His smile widened, his expression softening as he took Lumina's hand in his, his touch gentle and comforting. "I missed you too, Lumina. I'm glad you're here."

Lumina glanced around the room, her brows furrowing slightly. "But where's Mateo? Isn't he usually here with you?"

Zilae: He shook his head, a hint of disappointment coloring his voice. "I'm not sure where he is. Maybe he got stuck or forgot about the curfew. He'll show up soon, I'm sure."

Lumina squeezed Zilae's hand reassuringly. "Well, for now, we have each other. Let's make the most of our time together."

Zilae nodded, a subtle warmth spreading through him as he stood there with Lumina, appreciating the fact that she sought him out to be by his side. "Of course, Lumina. Let's enjoy our time together."`

Hours later, Mateo still haven't showed up at the dorm.

Zilae had been waiting for Mateo to arrive at the dorm for hours now, growing increasingly concerned about their whereabouts. He tried to keep his worries at bay, reminding himself that Mateo was capable of taking care of themselves, but a nagging feeling of unease settled in the pit of his stomach.

Zilae's Inner Thoughts: Where is Mateo? They should have been here by now. Did something happen? I hope they're alright...

Lumina, sensing Zilae's quiet turmoil, reached out and placed a comforting hand on his arm. "Lei, I'm sure Mateo is fine. Maybe they just got held up somewhere."

Zilae looked at Lumina, his worried gaze softening at her words. He nodded, though his concern still lingered. "You're right. I just hope they're safe. I guess I'll give them a call."

He took out his phone and dialed Mateo's number, waiting anxiously as the phone rang, hoping that Mateo would answer and give him some reassurance.

(Mateo): I look at my phone beside me, I was on the rooftop, just, sitting there and feeling peaceful and the wind in my hair.

I pick up my phone and answer the call *Hey man.. what's up?* I ask over the phone

(Zilae): Zilae's Inner Thoughts: Thank goodness, they're safe.

Zilae's relief was palpable as he heard Mateo's voice on the other end of the line. He couldn't help but feel a mix of concern and slight annoyance for disappearing for so long, but he pushed those feelings aside in favor of focusing on the fact that Mateo was okay.

Zilae: Taking a deep breath to steady his voice, he responded with a mix of worry and relief. "There you are, Mateo. I've been worried. Where are you? Are you alright?"

He glanced at Lumina, his eyes silently conveying his relief that Mateo had finally answered.

(Mateo): *yeah..I'm fine..* I say softly over the phone but I didn't tell him where I was *Sorry I didn't say anything* I say

(Zilae): Zilae's brow furrowed slightly, a mix of relief and uncertainty washing over him at Mateo's soft response. He appreciated that Mateo was safe, but the lack of information about their whereabouts only fueled his worry.

Zilae: His voice was laced with genuine concern. "Mateo, where are you? Is everything really okay? We were worried about you. Lumina and I have been waiting for you at the dorm."

There was an underlying tone of longing in his voice, Zilae's worry tinged with a touch of hurt at Mateo's sudden disappearance without a word. He couldn't help but wonder why they hadn't reached out or let him know beforehand.

(Mateo): *yeah I'm fine..I just won't be at the dorm for tonight.* I say softly, still not saying where I was.

*Sorry for worrying you guys… I'm fine though.* I say

(Zilae): Zilae's worry grew deeper as Mateo continued to keep their location a secret and offer limited information. Despite their reassurances that they were fine, he couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that settled within him.

Zilae: His voice remained calm, but there was a lacing of frustration hidden beneath. "Mateo, I can understand needing some time alone, but please, at least tell me where you are. It's not fair to keep us in the dark and worry about you. We're your friends. Let us know if you need anything or if something is wrong."

He exchanged a concerned look with Lumina, silently sharing his uncertainties and hoping that Mateo would reveal more.

(Mateo): *I'm at the school still..* I say softly as I look up at the sky and see the stars

(Zilae): Zilae's concern deepened as Mateo finally revealed that they were still at the school. The sense of relief quickly faded as a new wave of worry washed over him.

Zilae: His voice softened, tinged with a mixture of concern and understanding. "Mateo, why are you still at the school? It's getting late. Is something wrong? Are you sure you're okay?"

He glanced at Lumina, their mutual worry silently shared between them. Zilae couldn't help but wish he was there with Mateo, wanting to offer comfort and support.

Lumina: Realizing the gravity of the situation, Lumina gently placed a hand on Zilae's back, conveying her silent support and understanding. "Lei, let's go find Mateo. We'll make sure they're okay."

(Mateo): *no.. no guys I'm fine.. I swear so.. no need to find me ok? You guys wouldn't be able to get into the school anyways… it's locked up* I say softly over the phone

(Zilae): Zilae's worry only deepened at Mateo's reassurances, even though he could sense the tension and unease in their voice. Despite their insistence that everything was fine, he couldn't let go of the nagging feeling that something was off.

Zilae: His tone was gentle but persistent, his concern evident. "Mateo, I understand that you want to be alone, but please, let us be there for you. We care about your well-being. We won't pry or push if you're not ready to talk, but we can at least stay with you, offer support. We don't want you to feel alone in this."

Lumina nodded in agreement, her eyes filled with genuine care and empathy for Mateo. "Mateo, we'll respect your need for space, but please remember that we're your friends, and we're here for you. Don't hesitate to reach out if you need anything."

Zilae's concern and desire to be there for Mateo was evident in his unwavering determination, hopefulness glimmering in his eyes.

(Mateo): *im fine.. so don't. Please* I say as I hang up the phone and then put my phone down beside me.