

"Sometimes you fall in love with the most unexpected person at the most unexpected time". Wandering here and there in the fresh air feeling like a bird freely flying in the cool breeze having no restrictions no boundaries seems like I have the whole sky for me I can go anywhere and fly higher and higher in the sky.A bird who just seeks sincere love and freedom and terrifies from being caged. Feels like a dream and suddenly you woke up and realized it was a dream. Kevin Richard the only son of the billionaire Jackson Richard.Boy with love,emotions,feelings and a soft heart.The one who never showed off his father's money always stayed simple. Oh! I forgot to tell you that he's the only son of his parent's.His parents Mr Jackson and his wife Mrs Jackson (Tina).They both always quarrels and never had a good relation since there wedding actually they were not lovers there parents forced them to get married. Kevin poor innocent boy grown up watching his parents quarrel and never got the love he deserved.Now it was his 19th birthday finally he got a dinner with both of his parents it was the first time they sat together on the dinning and........ Ohh dear! do you want me to tell you the entire thing here come on let's just start the story......... . . . . . . . i love you all❤️

A_jennie_ · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
75 Chs

Truth or Dare (tour pt-5)

All of the students were sitting in a circle around the bonfire.The weather was cold but warmness was provided to them due to the heat of fire burning Infront of them.Zen was continuously staring at her with a slight smile on his lips.

She didn't wanted anybody to notice that she was searching for him her eyes turned towards him and she found him staring at her already.She felt a rush of butterflies in her tummy just by staring at him.

"Control Jennifer",she said to herself in her mind.

"Students so now it's time to play games are you ready for it?",Kyro asked in a raised voice all of the students gave him a good response so he announced that they're going to play "TRUTH AND DARE".

"Such a dangerous game it is",Roby whispered and caught Zen's attention.

"Is it for real?",he asked innocently.

"haven't you ever played this before?",Roby questioned him.


"OHHH,I see just remember one thing,this is a tricky game and specially here,these people will try to make you confess your personal stuff by asking you truth and will make you do some weird things if you'll choose dare just be careful okay",Roby replied gently while patting his shoulder and gave him a warm smile.

"oh-okay",he replied and smiled back at him.

"So let's start it without any delay,hope so that everyone knows the rules of the game is there any need to remind it?",he asked.

"No sir we know well",all of them shouted back and responded to his question.

"well that's great, let's start"

"Mr Chang Kyro what will be the punishment for the one who will not complete his or her dare?",Rose asked while smirking.


After thinking for it he said,"the one who will not complete the given dare will drink one glass of bitter melon's juice,how is it?"


He smiled and spinned the bottle all of the students were so focused on the bottle meanwhile Ana was staring at her Mr Perfect without even blinking.She was admiring him in her thoughts.

"he looks so fine,I mean his eyes,nose jawline cheek's,his hair veiny hands mascular body and perfect lips,oh god he always drives me crazy",she was completely lost in her thoughts.

Bottle stopped at Mike,all of the other fellows started cheering for him.

"So Mike,truth or dare?"Chang Kyro questioned.

"I'll choose dare for me",he replied confidently.

Kyro announced that only one student will be able to give dare to the the other student and one time one dare only.

"Mike break up with with your girlfriend",a boy from the back seat dared him and all of the other one were staring at him with wow face expressions.

"WTF are you saying, ofcourse I wouldn't do that",he replied annoyingly.

"okay so punishment, complete your punishment",he said and handed him the bitter melon's juice.He took a sip of it and started vomiting.

After this they continued the game.Many of them played well and because of this game they came to know much about eachother. Kyro again spinned the bottle this time it stopped on Roby.


a roar of hooting on his name.

"Truth or dare?"

"Truth",he replied effortlessly.

Mia came near him and bended on her knees came near his ear and whispered something.Meanwhile Ana went through a mini heart break seeing her this close to him.

He passed a mini smile and she took a step back to get his answer.

"Ana",he replied in a raise voice making it sure that all of them can hear his word, then took a glance at her she was already staring at him.

"whatever",Mia rolled her eyes and told everyone that what was her question.

"AMONG ALL OF THE GIRLS WHOM ARE PRESENT HERE YOU'D LIKE TO KISS?",this was my question everyone she said while rolling her hair with her fingers and sat back to her seat.

When Ana came to know about the question her face turned red Jennifer looked at her in shock and Zen took a glance at Roby who was staring at her.All of the girls were staring at her like as she was a unique painting in a museum.

Her condition was unexplainable she started sweating her heart beat fastened and her stomach was having a rush of butterflies she was trying to control herself meanwhile Jennifer was staring at her and was trying to make her feel relax.

"Bro you proposed her and didn't even told me?"Zen asked innocently Roby blushed at his statement and replied,"nah, I've not proposed her boy it was just a random question so I found her perfect that's why I just took her name nothing else".

Kyro knew the situation so he just clapped and again spinned the bottle this time it stopped on Jennifer.

"Truth or dare"

"I'd like to choose dare",she replied with a cold face and straight expressions in a confident tone.

Ashley smirked and stood up her actions were too fast she didn't let anybody to get the chance to give dare to Jennifer.

"Kiss the person who's sitting next to you"

"Bitchhhhhh....wtf",Ana mumbled

She took a glance at the person who was sitting right beside her he was Onie.The heartthrob and he had a crush on Jennifer from a long time but never confessed due to his flirty reputation.

Just after hearing the statement of Ashley Zen first gave her a death stare and then stared at Jennifer she was looking down and didn't knew that what to do.

"I can't drink this juice because I'm allergic to bitter melon",she was in her thoughts.

"I know that she'll never gonna kiss him",Him in his mind.

Ana knew it that she had a swear kind of allergy from bitter melon's she was so tensed about Jennifer.

"Jenniah just quit the this game right now you can't do both she is just trying to trap you"

"I know but I have to do at least one thing",she replied in low tone.

Onie was excited and Zen was sweating hard his condition was more critical then Jennifer.

"I can't do it",she said helplessly.

"You have to do it other then that complete the punishment"

"But I-I'm_",she was about to complete her words but Ashley stopped her and said,"rules are rules now you've to obey".

"Please say no Jennifer you can't do this",Zen in his mind with cold face expressions.

Onie was coming closer inch by inch to her meanwhile Zen's BP was increasing second by second.Onie whispered near Jennifer's ear,"DON'T WORRY BABY GIRL I WOULDN'T MIND IF YOU WILL NOT TAKE THE FIRST STEP LET ME DO IT FOR YOU",o his words she closed her eye's tightly she was scared of it,he moved his face closer towards her,he closed his eyes and was about to attach his lips to her a palm blocked his way.

The palm was of none other then the saviour.Zen pressed his palm on his lips and gave a jerk.

He took the glass of Bitter melon's juice and drank it in a sip while glancing at her.Her eye's were watery and his eyes were also red.

"DONE!! NOW DON'T BOTHER HER AGAIN",he said in his deep Husky voice and went back to his seat leaving everyone speechless on his action.

"Why this man always come in between me and her damn it he saved her again",Ashley in her thoughts while rolling her eyes.

"You saved me again",a relief inside her appeared.

The game ended Zen didn't even took a glance at her he was trying to ignore her after this game.His mood was already spilled.due the shitty dare of Ashley.

"it's too late everyone go back to your tents as per schedule we have to leave tomorrow early in the morning",Mr Oreo said while yawning and all of the students followed what he said.

Jennifer walked towards Zen to thank him but he ignored her and went to his tent.

She knew that it will happen because of that stupid dare. With her Sight down heavy and light red coloured eyes due to tears she went to her tent and threw herself on the ground as there was no soul left in her.

Hey cutiesss! Missed me ?

A_jennie_creators' thoughts