

"Sometimes you fall in love with the most unexpected person at the most unexpected time". Wandering here and there in the fresh air feeling like a bird freely flying in the cool breeze having no restrictions no boundaries seems like I have the whole sky for me I can go anywhere and fly higher and higher in the sky.A bird who just seeks sincere love and freedom and terrifies from being caged. Feels like a dream and suddenly you woke up and realized it was a dream. Kevin Richard the only son of the billionaire Jackson Richard.Boy with love,emotions,feelings and a soft heart.The one who never showed off his father's money always stayed simple. Oh! I forgot to tell you that he's the only son of his parent's.His parents Mr Jackson and his wife Mrs Jackson (Tina).They both always quarrels and never had a good relation since there wedding actually they were not lovers there parents forced them to get married. Kevin poor innocent boy grown up watching his parents quarrel and never got the love he deserved.Now it was his 19th birthday finally he got a dinner with both of his parents it was the first time they sat together on the dinning and........ Ohh dear! do you want me to tell you the entire thing here come on let's just start the story......... . . . . . . . i love you all❤️

A_jennie_ · Fantasy
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75 Chs

Hundred years of togetherness. (Tour pt-4)

"you two go and bring some spices from the village it is safe but come back as soon as it is possible and don't fight with eachother or anyone else",Mr Oreo commanded and started his struggle with the wood bricks.

Zen took a glance at Jennifer and moved his sight towards the way of village.They started walking on the side of the lake it was calming and relaxing.The clouds shattered and sun was a little visible the breathtaking view of sunset was unexplainable.

The sun was melting in the lake the rays of the sun were dissolving in the clear crystal water making it shiny and pretty more than before.A perfect view with a perfect person.

They were walking and admiring the beauty of the nature and the inner thoughts were,

"What a pretty view, I'm here with her, it's a pleasure to my soul"

"He's with me which is increasing the beauty of everything"

They went to the village some ladies were working there outside their huts.They stood at a place a little far from them.An old lady was holding a water pot she was walking confidently all of a sudden her foot touched the stone and her steps trembled and the water pot slipped from her hand and she was about to fall Zen catched the pot while Jennifer supported that old lady to stand back.

"uh-um thank you kids",she said in her low tone after standing straight again.

"No need miss",Jennifer said and bowed.

She took a glance at both of them.Her one sight covered them from head to toe she passed a smile and held the pot again.

"You've a long journey to pass,filled with many pleasures and adventures just hold hands strongly and never leave eachother alone",she said and started moving in the direction of her hut.


"hundred years of togetherness",she replied without turning back and entered into the hut and closed the door.

Both of them were confused as hell that what she said.Leaving all the things aside they went near a lady and asked her for help.

She helped them and gave them spices which they wanted when they were about to go back she insisted them to stop.

"Can you please wait here for a moment?",the lady said

"yeah sure",Zen replied with a confused face.

She went somewhere and after 5 minutes appeared again Infront of them she had two bracelets in her hand she gave one to Zen and other one to Jennifer.

"it's a blessing for both of you.May you live a happy and long life with eachother,there is something in your eyes the sparkle and the beauty which I've never seen before,this bracelet will keep you both connected by your hearts",she blessed them and walked away leaving them dumbfounded.

They were staring at her without even blinking thoughts were confused and brain wasn't braining at that time.

"le-let's go we're getting late",Zen said with a straight face and started moving.

"hu-hm",she responded.

There was an awkward silence in the whole journey in between them.After coming back they handed the spices to Mr Oreo.

"What is happening to me?",the only question which was roaming in both of their minds.

The weather changed completely.It was chilly and brisk.The bright day turned into a dark night.The air was crisp and refreshing and the stars were bright in the sky.Girls were trembling due to cold.

Chang Kyro and Mr Oreo suggested the students to arrange there tents first.Jennifer and Ana were trying to fix it.Ana felt tired.

"Aish,this is so stupid I can't do this,my hands already dead now I can't", Ana said.(fake cry)

"So Dumbo who will do it for us your Mr Perfect?",she asked in a teasing tone.

"shut up call your Mr Cold he'll fix it and will fix you as well",Ana replied and smirked.

"shut up"


Zen and Roby fixed the tent for themselves they saw Jennifer struggling with the tent alone.Zen took a glance at Roby and they both went to them and fixed the tent without uttering a single word from their mouths.

"thank you",Ana said while playing with her fingers.

"no need",Roby replied.

Jennifer noticed a wound on Zen's hand.

"what happened to you?",she asked with stressed face expressions

"nothing why?"

"don't lie you've a wound on your hand"

"oh this is nothing I jus-",he was about complete his words she cut him off and said,

"how careless,let me treat it I brought a first aid kit with me"

"there is no ne-",Zen was again trying to say something but she stopped him in the mid of his sentence and commanded,

"have I asked you?keep quiet and follow me".

"Yes ma'am",he whispered and smiled slightly then followed her meanwhile Ana and Roby were staring at them.

"they look cute together",Roby in his thoughts

"my baby girl grown up but please God bless her with a sweet tone",Ana in her mind.

Jennifer was insisting him to sit on bench but he was just being stubborn.she threw the first aid kit on the bench then pushed him which made him sit on the bench surface and then sat on his lap leaving him speechless.

"Je-jennifer,what are you doing?",he asked nervously.

"can't you see",she replied while cleaning his wound with cotton.

"yo-you're sitting on my-uhh_",he was trying to say something meanwhile his condition was becoming critical and he started sweating.Her scent was enough to make him go crazy but she was sitting on his lap in an uncomfortable position for him.

"Can't hold myself what the hell is she trying to do?",him in his thoughts.

She was doing his treatment without noticing his condition which was becoming wild second by second he was trying to control himself.

"Enough is enough",he whispered near her ear which made her shock,his eyes were half opened he licked his lower lip with his tounge.

He slides his hand around her waist and held her waist strongly then lifted her up for a while and then made her sit on his lap again but now he was feeling comfortable with it.Her back was attached with his strong mascular chest.She got shivers down her spine when he touched her she felt a rush of butterflies in her tummy.

She continued the treatment without reacting on it.He closed his eyes and was just trying to feel her closeness.Her scent was making him crazy for her.He was enjoying every single second with her.

"it's done",she said and was about to stand he held her waist with both of his hand and whispered near her ear in his husky tone,


when he said the last word his lips touched her ear lobule she felt cold shivers in her body. First of all his voice and then the touch of his lips.

He released her from his grip but she wasn't in her senses anymore her heartbeat fastened and he smiled on her condition.


he again whispered which made her realise she came back into her senses and stood up immediately.

The food was being prepared it took almost 2 hours.They all had a tasty BBQ party After having a good BBQ meal they went to the bonfire site and started sitting in a circle around the fire.

Zen and Roby were sitting in exact front of Jennifer and Ana.Chang Kyro suggested to play games and students agreed with him.

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